Antioxidants, Balance, and MMS

It’s a wonderful thing when readers post thoughtful, intelligent questions. The one below was submitted by R.P., on MMS.

Q: For a long time holistic medicine has stressed ANTIoxidants as one way to ensure good health. Now MMS comes along as a helpful oxidizer. I understand the benefits and basic chemistry of MMS, since I’ve read a lot about it. But I’m confused regarding the opposite nature of the traditional ANTIoxidant advice and the advice to use MMS – an oxidizer. It would seem like an antioxidant would neutralize the effect of an oxidant.

It’s also great when another reader answers the question, as R.C. did below.

A: I am new to all this but could not help noticing Stephen Schiller’s comment about antioxidants and Miracle Mineral doing the opposite so it must be bad for you. I think it is worthwhile remembering that the oxygen we breath is an oxidizing agent as is ozone which is also used for sterilization purposes amongst many other uses. The key as always is balance. In current modern society, it is impossible to escape from toxins. Over time therefore the body’s mechanisms for detoxification get overwhelmed, the immune system gets overstretched and we start to get sick according to our inherited genetic weaknesses. Anything therefore that helps the body rid itself of toxins is always welcome. You will notice in the Miracle Mineral protocol that you go up to a maximum, hold it for just a week then drop down to a much lower maintenance dose that is not too oxidizing but at the same time continues to aid the immune system. So in fairness to Miracle Mineral, I think a balance is being struck. Do not forget that at the end of the day, it is your internal wisdom that should be leading you so learn to listen to it.

In my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble, Dr. John Humiston addressed this same issue. He pointed out that we breath only 21% oxygen from the atmosphere; that we don’t want, or actually aren’t designed to handle 100% oxygen. So our body naturally produces antioxidants.

R.C. makes another very important point regarding genetic weaknesses. We tend to think of genetic predispositions as being controlling factors in how our health history unfolds, when in fact, they appear only to be factors if or when we’re out of balance, and therefore, out of health. It’s easy to rationalize that as we age, genetic markers “kick in” and “switches” are turned on. But another equally compelling way to look at it is that, as we get out of balance — through toxicity of thinking, as well as chemical toxicity — so much so that we are not maintaining the highest levels of coherency in body, mind, and spirit, genetic factors can hold sway.

The other point to make here, however, is that at any time we can choose to return to balance, and when we make that choice and begin that journey, the body and mind will follow the lead of the human spirit. They will heal according to our decision to once again be healthy and restore balance.

Anyone who is not healthy is out of balance. I’m not referring only to physical health. Mental and spiritual states of being also make up the human health matrix. Dis-ease on these unseen levels will impact our experience, eventually manifesting as physical illness, but before that, as perceptual illness or incoherency, which manifests in our attitudes about life, and eventually, our behavior toward self, and others.

Great contributions from both readers.

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6 Thoughts to “Antioxidants, Balance, and MMS”

  1. A reader with a passion to understand and help


    first thanks again for all your very helpful MMS information work.

    In his “Why anti oxidants are not necessary” at Jim Humble points out, that chlorine dioxide does not oxidize healthy cells or kills good bacteria (due to the low oxidation strength of ClO2).

    However, some health practitioners (expecially in Germany these days, also in Australia) seem to claim, that usage of MMS brings down the Glutathione leves (which might be something different than what Jim commented to above).

    Glutathione (GSH) being an antioxidant, “helps protect cells from reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides” (compare and thus is claimed supposedly important.

    I’m all to new this, thus just can only report my question. Do you know if Jim has ever commented on Glutathione (GSH) being affected by MMS?

    (Again, I understand that would be something different than the – non existent – oxidatitve damage to healthy cells? More like affecting the natural antioxidants? How would/could that be different?)

    Thanks (to whoever can contribute to this) for any hints in advance!

    1. Jim has not commented to me about Glutathione specifically in our conversations. Yet, it is perhaps worthwhile to assess two things… (1) what’s happening in the body already, that has brought the individual to considering MMS, and (2) what are the outcomes. An overwhelming preponderance of people who use MMS are realizing improvements in their well-being; improvements that in many cases, had not shown themselves after using other methods. I’m not saying that it happens ALL the time, but it’s happening with enough regularity to suggest that there may be something to simply clearing out the pollution that one might be carrying.

      In Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, Mark Sircus writes extensively about Glutathione status, relative to a magnesium deficiency. If there is a magnesium deficiency, there is an energy deficiency. There is certainly an imbalance in minerals and microorganisms. Chlorine dioxide brings oxygen, which is energy that addresses on aspect of the imbalanced state. Apparently, it allows or facilitates other forms of natural normalization to occur.

      Just my take.



      1. A reader with a passion to understand and help

        Hello Adam –

        thanks for your quick reply and your thoughts on this. I will read up on Glutathione (thanks for the link, too) as it seems this is an area which could use some further research (at least for me).

        As mentioned earlier I came across rather (I shoud say extremely) negative comments by that German health practitioner who basically claimed – however presenting numbers – that MMS severley damaged the immune system of three HIV patients that he treated and who used MMS on their own.

        (It sounds rather alarming and he lists numbers from tests but I can’t judge those as said und don’t tend to agree that MMS was the cause. The [German] link is ).

        Further, I have now located the much more balanced article which I remembered when I read those negative comments – turns out it appeared in Nexus Magazine 16/4 (June/July 2009) and is freely available at the website auf the (Australian) author Walter Last at

        He writes: “Some individuals, especially with advanced degenerative diseases, may become very weak on prolonged MMS therapy seemingly unrelated to die-back reactions. Also the eyesight may rapidly deteriorate. I believe that this is mainly due to antioxidant deficiency, and especially to lack of glutathione and superoxide dismutase.”

        Further down Walter Last writes: “My view is supported by Dr Thomas Lee Hesselink (footnote given, 17). In an exhaustive literature search he shows that chlorine dioxide kills the malaria parasite by oxidizing its vital antioxidants, including glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, and coenzyme A.

        He [Hesselink] writes: ‘… no amount of intraplasmodial glutathione (GSH) could ever resist exposure to a sufficient dose of chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Note that each molecule of ClO2 can disable 5 molecules of glutathione.’

        If parasites are being killed by disabling their glutathione and other essential antioxidants then the glutathione and antioxidant systems in our body will be just as vulnerable.”

        That’s what caused my interest (concern) into the question if MMS indeed would affect the (natural) antixodants in the body. I’ll try to find out more about that (if I can, of course anyone knowledgeable could also comment here). In case I come across something to report I’ll post my insights here.

        (I’m not expecting you, Adam, to necessarly elaborate on this – in a way you already did in your article and also earlier comment. However I would of course be very interested in case would want to follow up! Especially if you might have contacts to someone who would have something reassuring to say. Note: my private concern here is around a friend of mine going to try use MMS for fibromyalgia – unless her doctor strongly advises against it.)

        Please note that this is not meant to critizise the use of chlorine dioxide (in the MMS protocol) – just to encourage further research so that the process can be optimized and and potential downsides of the use of MMS (if there are any) are mitigated.

        Thanks for your attention.

  2. robin

    is it ok to be taking MMS and ACAI juice within the same 12 hour time period?

  3. I have to agree with some of the statements and when it comes to antioxidants you have to make sure you get the right one. I have discovered one that helps you at the cellular level. If you interested you can hear all about the benefits of many people i know.

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