Self-Understanding for a Change

Planning for the long-awaited first Genome Healing Workshop in the United States moves into a new phase, when Carol Roberts and one of her staff members arrive in Phoenix from Brisbane this afternoon. We’ll get acquainted over the weekend and prepare the new venue, shown above, for Monday morning for seven days of collective instruction and individual revelation.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 people will come together, from Saskatchewan, Canada, from California, Boston, and parts of Arizona. We are even expecting one from Argentina! Pretty amazing, to say the least.

There are, and will be those who insist that it’s impossible to heal yourself without taking extreme, approved, technological measures. And they certainly aren’t convinced that one can do it one’s self. What they are not including in that sentence is “within my belief system.” In that context, the statement becomes true.

One cannot heal self while operating, whether partially or full time, within a belief system where unfamiliar, unconventional, un-investigated, non-technological methods are summarily judged to be invalid or questionable. However, the disabling component of the belief system is (1) the invalidation of the human being, and (2) the human being’s agreement, whether actively or passively, with the invalidation, by embracing the belief.

How many people would agree to kidney and heart transplants if they believed, if they knew that a diseased kidney or heart could heal? How many would have joints replaced if they believed or knew that the power and ability to repair joints and restore cartilage is within us? How many people would take chemotherapy if they knew that doing so exacerbates the damage to their inner systems while taking some doses of inner truth would set them free?

Even if they are credentialed up the wazoo, a mass of people telling you self-healing is not possible will not make it so if you don’t share the belief. On the other hand, if you say it is so, then it is so. The next step is learning how. We are now learning that the process involves a willingness to re-embrace the wholeness of, and the harmony and balance within ourselves.

It’s about time.

By our true nature, we are exo-physical beings, meaning the real “you” and “me” exist and experience life in a form that is independent of the physical form. That exo-physical body, which includes a pattern or energy matrix that influences how the atomic elements are organized, as well as their function or dysfunction, is highly malleable. Said malleability is subject to change (or not) according to the beliefs that we hold to be “true,” not only about reality, but about ourselves, relationships, and what is “real.”

We are so accustomed to exercising a preference for that which is unnatural and unreal, and unimpressed by the natural and real, we have become unnatural and unreal ourselves. Falsehood has become our truth, and limitation, our insecurity blanket.

Now for a change.

I am finishing Ultimate Journey, the third of Robert A. Monroe’s trilogy, and it, like the Grabovoi and Petrov material, provides valuable perspective in the emergence of self understanding.

Self-understanding has, in its own quiet way, become an undocumented taboo (“ask your doctor if ____ is right for you”). We are encouraged to trust our five senses, the ones that we rely on most to operate and interact within the physical world.

Our obsession with patentable chemistry, which allows a certain period of exclusivity and financial advantage, has come at a very high, but unacknowledged cost; limiting the mobility of consciousness, and its range of awareness.

Our mass media outlets “busy” our minds with non-essential, nonsensical, and outright false information, to keep us stoked in fear, and unwilling to explore beyond where someone else has told us is “safe” to explore. We fear the darkness, not knowing that we are already in what we fear, and remaining in fear keeps us there.

Monroe’s books are wonderful and valuable because they are experiential. His voice resonates a Knowing truth that quells fear, and encourages each reader to seek and find his or her own answers, to re-integrate with the One.

In its own way, Genome Healing does the same thing.

Now for a change.

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