The Moment as Essence of Synchronicity
Every moment is synchronous, although it may not seem that way. That’s because accepting the synchronicity of each moment would require that we reassess and release judgment, precious judgement; judgment that we have used to define us, judgment on what is “right” and what is “wrong,” who is “right” and who is “wrong,” who is “more,” and who is less than we are.
Every moment is synchronous because each one evolved and emerged from the same place; the realm of thought, as fueled by choice. Choices we made from an experiential canvas of our creation, with the conscious involvement of everyone who would eventually touch our lives.
What does it mean when we declare that each moment is “synchronous?” It means that every instance of life that we experience is perfectly appropriate. Life does not unfold by happenstance, is not the product of “luck,” or fate, or “good,” or misfortune.
Each moment that we experience is the unfolding of a progressive creative process. It is the process of life and living, of choosing and being, acting and reacting. It is the journey that we take with vision veiled, from dissonant to harmonious, from imbalanced to balanced, from unawareness to awareness, from believing to knowing, and from fear, to love.
While all moments are synchronous, all are not harmonious. Sometimes, they are anything but. War is synchronous in its unfolding, right down to each of its participants, but it both operates in, and yields a field of low harmonics, with low hopes and expectations. Peace, which is the purported intention or goal of most wars, yields high harmonics, hopes and expectations, only when those who once acted out of fear or hatred, choose instead to truly embrace and embody the Golden Intent of Love. The appearance of such embodiment won’t do, for true intent will be revealed.
The small matter of intent looms very large with respect to the harmonics of the moment. Each moment is formed by and through the Intent of our Higher Aspect, Self, God, Spirit. However, upon emergence into this world, our consciousness is cleared of most, if not all recall, by design. When we emerge into this reality, take a breath for the first time and open our eyes, blindfolds to our expanded awareness — our Sixth Sense and beyond — are activated. All that is not familiar in, or relevant to this world, become unfamiliar, alien, and in many cases, unavailable to our perception. “The Veil” is more “porous” for some than for others, but this is how it works.
In this blindness, we form our own intent based on our experiences, as filtered through the judgments that we embrace about life, and others we interact with. Looking out, we don’t see the interconnectedness that forms, supports, and defines our true oneness. Looking out, we also don’t understand the power that lies within us, a power shared by all, but often not used until it is acknowledged and embraced.
The intention of all intent is to serve our highest needs. However, only one flavor of intent actually achieves that goal; that is the aforementioned Intent of the Higher Aspect, which is Golden. The question that arises is, how do you know which is which, and align one’s self with the Golden Intent? The answer comes in four “easy” steps:
- Be aware — by simply accepting as fact — that there is a Higher Aspect of YOU that has indeed set an Intent for a quality of life for you to experience on earth. In so accepting, please understand that Higher Self’s intent is not to bring you harm, but to stimulate your conscious awakening.
- Care about what the first Intent is, even if, at the moment — asynchronous though it may appear — you don’t know what it is.
- Release your anxiety and judgment about what is happening NOW, or who is interacting with you — negative though you think it may be — knowing that the situation will pass into memory.
- Go to your heart of hearts, and earnestly ask YOUR SELF what YOU wish to do with your life, with a willingness to set aside your own fear of judgment, and give it energy. For a clue, if you knew that your life was set to end tomorrow, what regret would you feel about what you left, not undone, but unattempted.
If you give yourself a clear answer at Step Four, then you have received the direction that you need. Having released judgment, resentment, or hostility toward your erstwhile oppressor(s), you can now turn to him or her in forgiveness and gratitude for helping you get the answer that you needed so that you can go forth and live your life, not only as your Highest Aspect envisioned, but knowing that this vision was also your vision, all along.
The words of the “song” TIME is awesom. To listsen to the words and music; it makes me feel
small and so much to learn to understand LIFE.
Very good site with a lot of useful
Good design, who make it?
You are welcome Adam
Carol, thank you for this! We’re on the same page. Beautiful, lucid thoughts. ~A
You might like this song Adam:…but when listening to it for the first time you simply MUST wear headphones….
Stand before me on the sign of infinity,
all you of the earth.
With the granting of the law of provination
comes the application of change.
I will give you the key.
And with this knowledge, please realise,
comes the responsibility of sharing it.
I will show you the way.
It’s very simple. Throughout the universe
there is order.
In the movement of the planets, in nature
and in the functioning of the human mind.
A mind that is in its natural state of order,
is in harmony with the universe
and such a mind is timeless.
Your life is an expression of your mind.
You are the creator of your own Universe –
For as a human being, you are free to will whatever
state of being you desire through the use of your
thoughts and words.
There is great power there.
It can be a blessing or a curse –
It’s entirely up to you.
For the quality of your life is brought about
by the quality of your thinking –
think about that.
Thoughts produce actions –
look at what you’re thinking.
See the pettiness and the envy and the greed and the
fear and all the other attitudes that cause
you pain and discomfort.
Realize that the one thing you have absolute
control over is your attitude.
See the effect that it has on those around you.
For each life is linked to all life
and your words carry with them chain reactions
like a stone that is thrown into a pond.
If your thinking is in order,
your words will flow directly from the heart
creating ripples of love.
If you truly want to change your world, my friends,
you must change your thinking.
Reason is your greatest tool,
it creates an atmosphere of understanding,
which leads to caring which is love.
Choose your words with care.
Go forth … with love.
Hi Carol, small world indeed! It felt like we had crossed paths before, but who could have known it was this way? Love your art too!
PS Hi again Adam…I realised when I looked into your bio that a mutual friend forwarded me a copy of “I am my body- not!” several years ago…
Master. Orange…San Diego……small world!…..and getting smaller with every click of the mouse and tap of the key.
LOVe the ferris wheel…as a Mandala Artist I had not contemplated the “Mandala of the Ferris Wheel”.
Thanks AdAM…..
Ps The Seventh Sense….that is the one where we remember we are all One …
One Mind
One Mother….Earht
One Meaning
OM Omnipotent Magic
7th Sense is where we awaken from our inherited OMnesia….