Slot Canyon Contrasts, originally uploaded by phaelosopher.
Bringing Heartfelt Results into Being
What are your thoughts on healing? Do you ever think about them? It doesn’t matter what form the healing takes. It could be to heal your body, a financially stressing situation, or a relationship. How about healing racial tension, political or religious strife and war? Or it could be to heal the planet itself. Do you think it’s possible? More specifically, do you think you can bring about a healing? Can you make that “problem” go away, or bring that long dreamed about dream, into reality?
Or do you think that such “problems” are “too big” for one person, beyond your capabilities, and that you have to put the task of healing what’s important to you in someone else’s hands?
Isn’t that why we have roughly 160,000 troops in Iraq, and own well over 200 million guns? Is it that we don’t believe we can heal our problems from where we sit without hurting someone? Or that we can’t be safe from terrorist actions in America unless we take a pre-emptive stance and rain terror on them over there before our worst fears come true over here?
If you’re thinking you have no say in such situations, then you’re missing out on a wonderful opportunity, to both know, and to be your most wonderful Self, and create the life that your heart yearns to give birth to.
We are a people that have a long history of fighting various “opponents,” who represent everything from annoying obstacles to hostile threats. With politics, prejudice, or history as our witness, such battles happen on all levels of experience, from social, cultural, and environmental dynamics, to within the individual universe that is the human body.
Something chaotic, destructive, and sometimes malevolent always seems to be present, firmly positioned between the feeling of health, safety, love, security, abundance, and peace that we all hold dear, and the present moment.
It may seem that I’m talking in circles, but my point is this: the actual reason that such “opponents” are always around, is us, when we elect to look elsewhere for our power, elsewhere for wisdom, with which to address the challenges and opportunities of life, when the Source is inside. As long as one of us continues to look elsewhere, there will appear to be someone else responsible for our problems, and an action needed to be done by someone other than us, to solve it… which means, nothing will appear to be changing.
The thinking for some is that “the answer cannot be “within,” if it means that the problem is there too. “What?! Am I saying that you are responsible for the “misfortune” that you’ve experienced? Not the _____ man? Not liberals or conservatives? Not Global Warming or pornography?”
The short answer is yes. And I am responsible for my own. “Chance,” “fate,” and “luck” have nothing to do with it.
This is not a statement of blame. It is not a criticism. It is a direction in which to focus our attention to find our own solution, even if the problems are collective in nature. Instead of looking to someone else, realize that all pathways to every solution are accessed from within. Instead of focusing on the present problem, focus on the solution as if it is present NOW… for then, in those moments of focus, it will be.
As you feel the solution emotionally, allowing joy to wash away anger and love to transmute fear, you enter an alchemical state of consciousness, literally changing your energy, which changes your cell physiology.
Every human being has this power now.
That includes our ability to “reach” anyone, anywhere in all of existence, for all of “existence” is inside.
- God is inside you and me… always has been, always will be.
- Health is inside you and me… always has been, always will be.
- Wealth is inside you and me… always has been, always will be.
- Peace is inside you and me… always has been, always will be.
- Power is inside you and me… always has been, always will be.
- Love is inside you and me… always has been, always will be.
You decide what you will express out of that which is within.
For that matter, I am inside you, and you are inside me. That’s me tickling you, assuming I’m not ticking you off, right now. We’re connected, always.
It’s time that we started living within this understanding, for it will change how we do things. Instead of explaining away group under-achievement by citing racial and economic differences or gender inequities, we’ll create a single set of human standards — academic, trade proficiency, etc. — that best benefits the whole, with the understanding that the ability to succeed is present in all. Those who succeed will have demonstrated their readiness via their high motivation, genuine desire, and self confidence.
If you’re looking anywhere but inside yourself for any of the above items, then you won’t find them. What is the simple act of reading, but the process of taking information within so that you can decide its truth for you?
If you look within yourself — trusting the guidance that you receive — you can reach, touch, and achieve your heart’s goals. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from. The power to change your life in extraordinary ways is within you.
No, I haven’t been smoking anything. I know there’s a war going on in Iraq, and numerous other places around the world. I know that environmental and health issues are big concerns to many. I know that disease is rampant even among “healthy” people, others are going hungry for myriad reasons, and are afraid of everything imaginable. Yet, we would not have duality, and could not have free will if it were any other way. And… the focal point of change for each of our lives, lies within each of us.
Can you “talk” to the President of the United States and appeal for peace? Yes you can. Simply love the part of yourself that is George Bush. Know that as you love yourself, he will feel it, whether he appears to act on it, or not. You will access and activate a part of “you” that is present everywhere, and in everything.
How often do you think about loving someone, or a situation, that you’re afraid of? Would you not feel differently if you understood the individual or situation was your creation, and creating an experience that is meaningful for your own expansion? These thoughts may sound improbable or illogical, but when we embrace oneness as a fundamental truth, it all makes sense.
The principle of the hologram, wherein every instance of a fragment is a complete representation of the totality, applies here. This explains how God can “know” us, because God is within each of us, and each of us are within God. Our ability to actually consciously experience and exercise the magic that this idea portends only occurs if we believe it to be true. Only then do we begin to imagine new results to familiar outcomes.