Some Lights Are Brighter Than Others, originally uploaded by phaelosopher.
One awareness that generally manages to elude us as we go about the process of living, is the sense that we are creating our future from this present moment. When we reach that future point in time/space, this moment will be seen as history. As such, we are creating history (and herstory) now. So I invite you to be aware of your story, as it stands at this moment.
What is it?
What are you claiming to be “yours” right now?
What abilities are you claiming? What liabilities?
What conclusions have you come to about yourself? Are you “defining” your self by them? Are you blaming someone else? Did you know that if you “feel that you are being blamed” by someone else, then in fact, you are blaming someone else?
Experiences are opportunities, no more, and no less. Ultimately, their purpose is to assist us in becoming conscious navigators, captains of our ship of experience in our journey home,
into ever-expanding love,
into ever-expanding knowingness,
into ever-expanding health and
oneness that is without beginning, and without end.
This is especially true for the experiences that create the most “turmoil,” energetically speaking, within us. We want peace, but that situation over there is causing turmoil within us. We want tranquility, but that circumstance over there is causing more turmoil. If the situations and circumstances would just stop, then we’d have the peace and tranquility we want, right?
If the situations and circumstances of life that we feel uneasy inside about didn’t exist, it would only be because we didn’t exist. We are creating the turmoil within ourselves over situations and circumstances that we feel are beyond our influence or control. This is a sign that we haven’t yet come to know who we are, for as we understand our role in creating the situation and circumstance, we can also quell, or consciously channel, the energetic turmoil toward desired, more harmonic effect.
How true. It is one thing to acknowledge the turmoil, but then what is next? An easy example for me as a people pleaser is this: I agree to do x,y,z b/c that is what it seems would make others happy. I determine to do a/b/c because somewhere inside of myself I know it will work for me. Yet, I receive turmoil over making this new type of choice. In the past,I would have recognized the turmoil as my gut saying: you’re wrong! you should make the other happy.
Now I recognize the turmoil as saying, sister, you need to get in tune with yourself and do this more often, once you get used to knowing and pleasing you, the turmoil will no longer exist.