I’ve just posted this week’s Talk for Food show. My guest is saxophonist Marion Meadows. What was originally planned to start around 7 or 8 pm, eventually started around 1:30 (am), and ended after 3 am. Yet, it was the perfect confluence of resonant interests; my love of, and connection to jazz, an evolving radio show, friendship with Marion, and receipt, earlier that evening, of my first Sun Ra T-Shirts, which I designed from the cover image of Sun Ra: Collected Works Vol. 1, Immeasurable Equation (ISBN 0-9700209-7-X, $24.95 Phaelos Books).
The radio show will evolve from week to week, show to show. It’s not that I don’t know what I want to say, but with everything being new, it’s a matter of how to go about doing it. I’m a spiritual guy, but what does it mean to be “spiritual?” I don’t happen to think it means acting righteous or being sanctimonious.
For me, understanding my spirituality means accepting myself AS I AM, loving myself AS I AM, and treating you as I would treat myself. It also means recognizing that a power does in fact exist within me, and embracing it. We do it all the time to create our life experiences. The difference is that when we are not conscious of this power, it often gets used in fear, or exploited by someone else. The wise use of our power comes only through loving intent. No one who is truly loving, will try to use your power, or have you give it up, which is actually impossible.
Only in self-ignorance do we deny, misuse, or abuse our power, or fear the power of others.
So it is important to me that the nature of spirituality be explored? You bet it is. But I am not going to make it the sole focal point of the show. Health, wealth, and healing are also matters related to our spirituality. In fact, every aspect of life is related to our sense of self and our concept with God, and is played out through our interactions with others, with whom we both agree and disagree.
It was great that Marion made it a point to make our meeting a priority, since it could have easily been put off to another day. I would have done something else if we hadn’t hooked up, but we wouldn’t have had the great experience that I can now share with you.
Although he is not into T-shirts, he happily donned the first Authentic™ Sun Ra T, and posed for a few pictures. I used one to announce the T-shirt’s availability (along with the Sun Ra book) on the Phaelos Books web site. I didn’t use the one below.
You can see the other by visiting Phaelos.com.
The production effort after the recording is very intensive; one reason my posts drop off. This may change as I get more shows under my belt, but I want to make the show enjoyable. And… as much as I enjoyed having Marion as a guest, it would not have been nearly the entertaining experience it was if I hadn’t put the additional effort in to add music. Turned it into something special for me.
Sometimes all we’re going to do is talk, and when that’s appropriate, that’ll be enough. But you can’t have an encounter with a musical spirit and not have music!
I hope you enjoy the show. You can reach me at adam@talkforfood.com.
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