It’s been an active first week of post-production for Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. Thank you to all who have placed advanced orders for the DVD. You are helping get the job done, literally. But that’s what was needed.
My friend Frances Keyes came in this week and viewed the raw footage I’ve taken thus far, to plan out what will be required for the second language track. The video will include English and Spanish tracks. She will translate parts where the speaker is female, and her son will translate the male parts. Jim Humble will have a youthful voice in Spanish! (Or maybe I’ll work with the pitch after it has been done.)
I talked with my friend Marion Meadows about producing some musical underpinnings in various places, and he gave me a hearty “yes!” He’s going to be in town over the holidays, and said he’d be happy to do it.
I’ll return to Hermosillo this week to capture the arrival of a doctor from India, as well as interview a woman we missed last time in Bahia de Kino. Before taking MMS, she had diabetes, and was taking insulin injections. After three weeks, no more injections.
We’ll also interview the doctor who runs the clinic where Jim does much of his research.
This Week’s Radio Show from Mexico
Today I uploaded my next Talk For Food radio show. My guest, Jim Humble, recorded last week at a beach house in Kino Bay (Bahia de Kino).
MMS Newsletter in the Works
We’re also planning an MMS Bulletin, a weekly or bi-monthly e-newsletter that will have articles on the use of MMS. It’ll be a living Q&A document, and include articles written by Jim Humble himself. A document of this type can address questions that many people are asking, as opposed to having many people ask individually, and have the questions answered over and over again.
This will be a great place to showcase “Stories of Success.” I’ve heard some nice ones this week.
It will also be open to MMS vendors and those who have complementary products.
Details are still being worked out. If you have any questions, or would like to submit a question or Story of Success, feel free to contact me at
MMS Clinical Trials in the Works
An organization in Florida, led by several MD’s, is in the process of developing a series of clinical trials using MMS. They intend to develop a training regimen for doctors in the medical use of MMS, with intake protocols developed for specific conditions.
The doctors who receive this training will then become part of a network of physicians who have embraced MMS. They can communicate with each other professionally, with respect to its use, as well as be identified by members of the public who want to consider MMS intake as part of a toxin cleanse regimen.
More information on who they are, and their progress will be forthcoming after the first of the year.
I never thought I would see the day when MD’s would advocate the use of MMS
Hooray!! The newsletter sounds great, too. Can’t wait to get my DVD in the new year. All the best for the holiday season, Adam, and thank you so much for all your hard work! Your Canadian fan.