The ladies and I journeyed to Tijuana Mexico, where Joyce had an appointment with John Humiston, MD of the William Hitt Center. A licensed physician and surgeon, Dr. Humiston, graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin.
We had learned that MMS was used at the Hitt Center, and were quite interested in hearing what a doctor might have to say, and were most pleased when Dr. Humiston consented not only to an interview, but for it to be recorded as part of my documentary video, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. The interview turned out wonderfully! I recorded more than there’d be room for in the documentary, so the bulk of it is my radio show for Talk for Food, this week!
The interview lasted more than 60 minutes. And some of the things he said you probably won’t hear on 60 Minutes.
My conversation with Dr. Humiston
I take the way this production is unfolding as a sign that the documentary is indeed something that the public needs, but the collective consciousness of humanity wants. I say that because synchronicity is the rule, and not the exception. Things are coming together, not without a lot of hard work, but without all the dysfunction and attitudinal vampirism that often makes working hard.
I’ll have more to add soon.
sick sw michigan resident 8/17/2017
I tried mms it really helps but i’m not cured. I could not stand it for too long so I did not complete the protocol. It had a few side affects on me. I feel that more information, tests trials are needed. When your ill you want to get better so you will try anything. I personally know people that all died because of chemo therapy, that kills you faster than cancer.
what is the cost for these treatments?
I Posted a comment about why so many bottles of MMS had been sold (100,000 at least ) acording to Jim humble yet we only see a handful of posts from youtube about varios health cures from MMS. I personally got some good results but it is strange why so few youtube clips and nothing for cancer or malaria cures posted on youtube, even though MMS was 1st discovered as a cure for malaria? STRANGE !. Hope this can be figured out. Thanks
Can anyone tell me were to find the full audio presentation that is in the link above. I have taken MMS1 for 18 month with not problems and no days off work for once , all good positive stuff too much to mention here. I took MMS2 with no problems .Would like to here what the other stuff in the interview was
Ross… just go back to the article. The full audio presentation link has been restored.
Thank you for asking, and best wishes.
I tried to contact the Hitt Center to reach Dr. Humiston . I did finally reach them and they told me Dr. Humiston no longer worked there and they had no fowarding address for him. Have you heard where he moved to. The Hitt Center also mentioned they were no longer using the MMS method. Any information would be helpful. 10/14/10
Dr. Humiston is practicing in San Diego at The Center for Health & Wellbeing. He saved my life. I am so happy to have him in the US.
I too have known Dr. Hitt for many years and since 2000 recevieved ozone treatment for hepc. I haven’t seen him since 2007 as my viral levels have been low and stable, but was shocked to hear of his pasing this August. He gave me, my family and loved ones great hope and inspiration in working with a chronic illness. I owe him my life.
FDA is nothing more than hit men for the pharmaceutical companies.
I am sorry to hear of the loss of anyone who goes to a doctor for health advice and care.
The reality of the matter is that treatments, no matter what they consist of and no matter who is applying them are always variable in the response and outcome they bring to the patient.
I have seen more people die due to routine conventional medical treatment than I care to remember. People die daily in hospitals all across America from standard protocols, that doctors and nurses administer every day. Reactions to treatments can be as variable as any given individual is different in biology, levels of illness, immune capabilities, allergic potential. Then there is always human error in application, dosage, communication, lab testing and reporting.
When you hand over your power to another to help heal you you do take a shared responsibilty in outcome, even by default. People do the best they can and errors are still made. Events that are unpredictable still happen. There is no perfect doctor. There is no perfect medicine. There is no perfect patient. We are all subject to the variablities of life, the dictates of medicial systems, our beliefs and our own personal and collective karma.
From teh information posted on teh Hitt center site, it should be MR. Hitt (not Doctor, unless you think anyone should call themselves Doctor), and he is a fake. The school he NOW claims to have gotten his degree (doesn’t say what degree) doesn’t exist, teh real doctor he claims to have worked under, Dr. Papanicolau (proper spelling is Papanikolaou or Papanicolaou) was at Cornell medical school from 1914 until 1961. If I had went to Cornell Med, I would list that! Oh – and Papanikolaou died in 1962, so that makes “Dr” Hitt is about 80 years old now?
Your observations about Mr. Dr. Hitt have no relevance here. Dr. Humiston (and I saw his license) is the one who spoke about MMS, both as a doctor and as a personal user.
A “real” doctor that works under a total sham – THAT is relevant. That others also talked about Hitt – That is relevant. That the center is run by a scammer, that is relevant. For a claimed critical thinker, I am surprised you choose to not think critically and see that relevance. I am glad you saw something that could be printed at home, or ordered on-line for a few bucks. Was it issued by the state of California? Or by some ‘board’ in Mexico? How much was the application fee? And many doctors with real degrees wind up being scam artists, or worse. Freeman and Watts had that whole “lobotomy as a wonder cure” thing going for years – licensed physicians, so was it right?
Occam — your sarcasm suggests personal issues that have little to do with MMS, or even this forum. I hope you find peace that seems to be presently eluding you. And if my impression is wrong, then please forgive me.
83 died 8-1-10 service 8-15-10 we will miss his love
Gabby—I truly belive that with your help Dr. Hitt saved my life; Will and I were in total shock to here of his death. He was one of the most brilliant men we have ever known. I know that he loved his patients and will be missed by all that loved him. This world was a much brigther place when he was here. Much Love Julie and Will
It is a very sad day, to have such a loss. Dr. Hitt, you are a precious man who helped so many and gave quality of life and saved so many lives. You are dearly loved and greatly missed.
Without Dr Hitt there would be no William Hitt Center. Anyone who knows, knows this.
Dr. Hitt’s treatment do not KILL- they give life- quality of life- extended life- sweet precious life. I do not know the other Doctors in the clinic so I cannot speak for them or their treatment protocols.
I find it hard to believe that these two posters- suggesting that someone died under Dr. Hitt’s PERSONAL care are real. Dr. Hitt was a kind, loving, sweet man and a brilliant clinician who doesn’t deserve to be unjustly accused of wrong doing especially on a public internet forum- how tacky. How unjust. How Rude.
If you really knew Dr. Hitt, you would not speak anything other than words of respect, gratitude, and love for this man. God Speed.
I have used the services of both Dr. Hitt for amino treatment for addiction and Dr. Humiston for candida treatment. Both of these doctors are TRUE HEALERS who have helped me immeasurably.
I went to the Hitt Center to have my aminoacids and ozone therapy, im very grateful I feel way better than before its miraculously.
Hi there – I am trying to som actual patients down there and obtain some feedback. I am considerin going for chronic lyme that I have been suffering with for 9 years on and off. My phone number is 7147203627.
I am just very curious to talk to someone with experience. I read the death post and it freaked me out a bit. My brother’s closest friend has been going there 10 plus years and raves about them. Just trying to reach out so I don’t put myself in dangers way, although I think I am pretty much there already
Thanks so much
I´m certain that the Dr. William Hitt Center will help you tremendously…give your life a chance
Call the manager Kelly and make an appointment at the Center for Health and Welbeing. Shes great and she cares about each of us.
Its in San Diego
My sister was just diagnosed with tuberculosis acid bacilli. She asked that I contact you to ask if you treat this problem. Please respond with an answer.
Ted. I don’t “treat” anyone’s medical problems. The solution that she is asking about, MMS, can indeed help rid her body of the tuberculosis bacteria. In the documentary that I produced on the subject, I interviewed a scientist in Mexico who successfully used MMS to rid a local prison inmate of his tuberculosis.
Best wishes,
I read Jim Humble’s first book (well, most of it) on the weekend, found the stuff thru a friend, and started my drops yesterday. I am perfectly willing to use myself as an experimental being, as I figure that is what life is…an experiment!!
I have been trying to follow the use of oxygen thru cell oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, etc for the last twenty years or so….his sounds great, and I am excited to find out how it works for me!!!
Note to Gizmo: I have many friends in the natural healing field. When they have ONE failure, they are pilloried, like you want to do. But the thousands of deaths from chemical drugs and allopathic doctors are covered up by our press. I am totally sorry for your loss. But it doesn’t negate natural medicine choices for those of us who are devoted to taking responsibility for ourselves.
Thank you for your support. I will forward your inquiry on to Jim. You should know that he has a site where many questions on MMS have been asked and answered . Make sure your question hasn’t already been addressed there.
Best wishes,
Hello, I purchased the MMS video and found the information there exciting. I have some questions regarding its use and wonder if i might contact Jim Humble. I know he is a busy man and is very generous with his time. I would like to make a donation to further his work and wonder if you know how to reach him.
Thank you for the video. It is amazing. I am going to ask my naturopath doctor to look at it, too.
Gizmo …How do I do my research and find if they are for real? Do you have any proof your for real?
I’m sorry for your loss and pain Gizmo. Your “going after” these men won’t bring your son back, nor will it bring YOU any peace.
They have helped many people, as I’m sure even the most negligent allopathic doctor has done.
I’d have to ask you why did YOU or your son go to them? You’re directing all of your ire at them, but they didn’t force you to come.
I’m not dead, but I have half my jaw due to what doctors did to me. But I can’t hold them responsible. I went to them because I had a tumor, and didn’t know what I know now.
I asked them to do what they were trained to do. Today I know better, but I can’t get my original jaw or feeling back.
I’m sorry you are in such pain, and wish you well.
My son is DEAD and I will do anything I can to sully these peoples reputation. Why do they practice in Mexico in the first place? I just want other people to be careful so they don’t experience the PAIN I am experiencing. You would think a clinic would do everything in their power to find out why something like this happened. Instead, all they are trying to do is cover everything up. I have, nor will I ever have, any respect for anything these men do. Scientific or not! They are very insensitive, uncaring and negligent people.
One should be careful about ANY decision they make. I had to weigh the decision to allow your post to remain or whether to delete it, because Dr. Humiston has allowed himself and his opinions to be known, while you seek to sully his reputation and credibility under cover of anonymity.
Assuming that what you say is true, I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t mean to minimize it, but it has no bearing on whether Dr. Humiston’s comments are true. The subject that he speaks on are scientific facts. He is also a licensed medical doctor. If you have a grievance with him (assuming your issue is legitimate), this is not the place to air it. Publish your own blog and make your case.
I would be careful about doing anything with the Hitt Center. My son DIED there getting his amino acid treatment because of the negligence of these men. You should check into the credentials of Dr. (?) William Hitt (he’s actually NO doctor). Dr. Humiston and the whole Hitt Center showed no concern as to why he died and will not send any information to us. They destroyed all his belongings. Who gave them permission to do this? Sounds like