Farmgirl sent me this question that was posted on an MMS thread at Here are my thoughts.
“If your body is getting something that is very good for it then why is it so revolting to consume MMS?
Don’t tell me drinking straight cranberry juice tastes good.
In taking MMS, you’re not giving the body something that is “good for it,” you’re giving the body something that will reduce and eliminate toxins, pathogens, and parasites that are ALREADY DOING DAMAGE WITHIN IT. There would be no reason to take MMS if one weren’t already infested. And, once the infestation is eliminated, there would be no reason to continue taking MMS in the amounts that many are taking therapeutically.
Nutrients are “good” for the body. MMS is not a nutrient. The body has no “need” for MMS or chlorine dioxide. However, the body does have a need to be chemically balanced, and an overgrowth of toxicity is far more damaging to our health than the bad taste of MMS/chlorine dioxide, which is a most effective, efficient, and safe oxidizer of pathogens, organic and inorganic.
We take it when there is evidence that our body chemistry is so far out of balance, and we’ve become so toxic, that our health has been demonstrably compromised. If your very life is in jeopardy due to said imbalance, how important can the taste really be?
Is this true with any other foods that are good for the body that we consume?
I can think of quite a few things that are actually “good” for the body, but are unpleasant. It’s a matter of what you’re familiar with. Ants, moths, and grubs (worms), which are full of protein, seem gross to me, but would be life and health sustaining if I ate them.
Usually if your body is rejecting something like this it is for a good reason.
Usually it’s us who are doing the rejecting, not our body, and we reject for many reasons, not all of which are “healthy.” Ostensibly, we will reject something that will help us because it is unfamiliar. However, on deeper levels, we’ll reject it because it will actually work, and make the problem go away.
What will we make of our life then, without the problem that has been the “star” of our story? We must each ask our self that question, and answer it for ourselves.
I know of one man whose toxicity and imbalance had manifested as what we call prostate cancer. He began taking MMS. His wife also began taking it for a toxicity and imbalance condition that had another name. The man took it for awhile, and then had a major release of toxicity. Unpleasant, to be sure, but beneficial.
Then he stopped taking it, swearing to his wife that the MMS would kill him. Mind you, he’s already toxic. His body is already full of poison. But his public rationale for suspending MMS usage was that it would kill him.
His wife continued taking it, and gradually felt improvements in her physical condition, all the while watch her husband’s gradual slide from this world. It will be no surprise to hear that she is much better these days, but he no longer exists on this plane of experience.
It would be unwise and untrue to paint a picture that everything that tastes good or is good for us will curl our toes with delight if we consumed them. I KNOW that eating more raw food will help ameliorate any medical condition that we may have. But some raw foods might as well be one of the 1,462 species of edible insects. (See article.)
It’s very likely that I would vomit if I had to eat some giant worms, even though they would provide nutrition that my body needs. On the other hand, my body will not reject a Happy Meal, even though it would do much more damage.
If your dog won’t eat something that is normally on his diet- like some hamburger or a piece of cheese that is usually a good clue that something is wrong with it…so why is it so hard to down MMS?
The more resolute that one gets for achieving what chlorine dioxide offers, the easier it gets to down the MMS. It’s not so important that the MMS “tastes good.” It’s important that one achieves the effect; that is, disinfecting one’s internal waters. When the commitment to do that is full, then we’ll find whatever means necessary to get the job done.
This doesn’t mean that one must rely only on MMS, because I don’t believe that’s wise. It also doesn’t mean that MMS will taste any better. However, questions like this will lose their importance. One who is committed to clearing out the microscopic grubs that are eating away at their health will find ways to persevere.
I dare say many quit their MMS routine BECAUSE of this taste resistance.”
I suggest that they quit because they weren’t committed to their stated objective. Taste was as good an excuse as any. How many people want to have as their epitaph, “He died protesting the taste of that which would have helped him live.”
That’s the beauty of free will. Our choices don’t have to make sense, even to us. Yet, once we know the power within each, we can consciously and wonderfully change our life.
Yesterday a man told me that Knudsen Grape Juice was the most effective juice that he has found to mask the taste of MMS. Another writer suggested using stevia as a sweetener. I’m looking for some grape juice now. I think it tastes nasty too. But I wouldn’t quit taking it for that reason.
Thanks for writing!
Could you give me a list of foods I can eat while doing the mms protocal. I am doing 3 drops of each and put ina gel cap ever hr. for 8 hrs. a day for 3 weeks. What food and drink can I have within those 8 hrs. Please be specific.. Thankyou
I have found that mixing a latin american natural drink called “Amargo Serrano” -of course it doens’t have alcohol-, with half water it hides ALL the bad taste and stil do its job. And this I suggest to all my users. Best Regards, Luis
I have found the taste of MMS to be very difficult to deal with so I have soaking in warm foot baths of MMS. I know my body is absorbing it because the MMS hurts my stomach and my stomach also hurts after the footbaths. However, the foot baths are warm and relaxing and it is helping my toe nail fungus.
I forgot my last user name but I would like to know if it is ok to take mms with soda because I ran out of juice?
Ignore the question I just saw the answer above my question.
I just found MMS. I started it about 3 days ago. I have been sick for many years, not able to work and suffering like most people cannot understand.
You can see my blog
Adam, the website linked in the beginning of your blog post ( is full of negativity, fear and judgment without proper knowledge on MMS.
For example, there is a link on that forum to this site:
Which refers to MMS as being nothing more than a scam and dangerous.
I’ve cross-referenced a few things already and some are bogus and others are pure assumptions without fact-checking. I think it would be helpful if you broke each statement down and responded to it like you did with Bruce.
Hi Jeremy,
Some of these links are “old news.” Most of the people who monitor this site know the source of the negativity. I interviewed him once, and have had a few exchanges with him. That was when MMS awareness and experience was far less than it is today. The threads can’t update themselves, but there are far more people around who now understand the facts, and can set things straight.
Thanks for the concern.
Its amazing how many people whine about getting better. They would rather have a pretty taste in their mouth and be full of garbage!!
I think one must have been seriously ill for ages and on killer medicines(think chemo- how sick does one feel after that??) in order to be thankful for MMS- what ever the taste is like. Come on, it’s more sour (with the citric acid) than chlorine…nobody ever ingested a mouth full of pool water by accident? It’s less bad than that.
But, okay let’s be fair: I’ve always said I would eat fresh cow dung if it would help me in a good way.
I might drop a line in here.
First, my ongoing blog on documents my journey taking MMS.
I have been taking it for a few weeks and have had several healings occur that I give full credit to MMS for. My blog has the details. I also have links there to Jim Humbles’ q and a on Taking MMS and other links.
I take MMS in diet bubba cola and was taking it in a Mt. Dew “knock off”(Holler). My sister takes hers in some coffee or a cola. The cofee and cola do a great job of making it more palatable.
I was up to 15 drops twice a day and extended over 12 hours but the diarrhea and vomiting was too much for me.
I am now down to 10 drops a day in cola as a one time dose, I tried 20 split in two doses, but would get diarrhea and my body is getting tired of the sickness and so am I. So I am resting from that for a few days and taking less.
Get a diet soda or a regular soda
and put a drop in it and see if you don’t get that same smell that you do from other juices. The difference seems to be the carbonation carries the smell away in sodas.
I suggest that anyone that is getting ill remember that Jim Humble says to cut it back until you don’t get sick, but keep taking it and build up your dosage slowly, keeping it under your nausea limit.
I am giving a weaker solution to my pets in their pet food, and keeping their doses low, because even though it may not be acidified each time, it is still working. It is still reducing pathogens etc in the pet on low doses and in my body each time I take it, no matter how small the dose.
I got into this for the love of my pets and am continuing to take it and give it to them as well…Any new treatments that I give the pets I am using on myself first so that they wont be harmed.
Hello everyone
I have several questions. I wonder if there is any benefit to induce diarrhea. for me it is taking 15 drops several days in a row, and then it hits. never quite sure when, not an easy life style for the working class taking care of major health issues.
but the “pulsing ” technique allows for days without it when we can load on Vit. C and anti oxidant, I would consider this a benefit.
on the other hand, is taking 8 drops AM and 8 drops PM would do the same killing / cleaning job? not so much pain, the taste is not so bad, easier on the life style. But it will take longer I guess if we still want to have Vit. C days.
second question then: how long before and after MMS can we have Vit. C or anti oxidant in pill form or food ? I am craving oranges between intakes but I do not dare having them due to the digestion time required until my next MMS intake.
love your website, Adam, thank you for your constant hard work, helping us all.
I have been on MMS for 2 months now and have greatly improved arthritis like pain and inflammation in the hands.
Having Lyme and probably Morgellons I am very much looking forward to more improvement.
MMs have made me sick like a dog, , diarrhea for 10 hours on the worse day 15 drops a day for several days, feeling better each time afterwards.
So I am thankful for it and determined to continue
bI have taken it with water and carrot juice that has no C.
I am encountering a problem, just the idea of drinking it makes me nauseous, just the sight of the carrot juice sends chills along my spine, and my mouth waters not the pleasant way.
Maybe it is control of the bacteria – I believe they can do that, control your brain – without a doubt. I have tried EFT to reduce the disgust , a little progress but not enough. It is becoming repulsive, I do not mind the sickness, the pain etc… because I look forward to the improvement the next day, but I am becoming allergic to it, in a way. Not good news for a believer.
second question: has anyone experienced insomnia taking it at night?
it seems easier to take, not so much pain when using a hot pad on the tummy, but insomnia galore.
thank you for a great website, will read further.
Adam, many thanks for your response. The original question came from a GLP-er – I only forwarded it to you for your take on it. Once again, you have demonstrated your incredible perception in an articulate manner and have shown that you are a true believer. I’ve changed my way of thinking from fear-based to faith-based, and know that one’s belief in things can outweigh any tangible obstacles. God bless you for all your hard work!
I have been reluctant to take any juices either, but I can relate to the desire, in spite of the possible diminishing effects, as long as they are not total.
Great suggestion about using smaller drops over the course of the day… if one’s lifestyle permits, or toxicity level demands.
I understand your point about antioxidants in natural juices… it’s redundant to use MMS in them. But I think the juices are being used for “palette relief” as much as anything else.
I may try using MMS in a natural smoothie, and see if the taste is masked.
broTHER! hey! i’ve read jim’s book. i bought $130 worth of sodium chlorite from your friends & i own your video & have watched it a few times. i’m after this thing full force.
as for the taste my considerations are these so far:
without any chaser, why not take 1 or 2 drops hourly? jim exchanging tedium for foul taste.
& as for chasers, i am extremely reluctant to take ANY JUICE AT ALL. seriously, there are antioxidants galore in virtually ANY natural juice. WHY do this during an initial detox? it just wastes time & sodium chlorite. why not focus on just finding something that has a masking taste without any antioxidants of any kind?
does this bring any ideas to your mind?