When embarking on the MMS protocol, particularly if you have a long-standing, life threatening, or acute condition about which you’re seeking relief, you will need to consider changing your context with respect to how you interpret what is happening, especially in the beginning.
The letter below was set to me from Tor in Norway today. What follows is my opinion alone, and is given, not as a medical practitioner, but as a fellow human being:
Hey AA !
I am now up to 6 drops , 3 times a day (6:30, 13:30 and 21:30 ) and I feel very tired and sick like I am poisoned.
Tor, you are poisoned, but not by MMS. Your body has been poisoned and storing toxicity the best it could for many years.
What does “being poisoned” mean, anyway?
It means that you have ingested something that, in one way or another, short-circuited, obstructed, or altered your body’s natural function, that it furthermore could neither assimilate, nor eliminate. So it was stored in your tissue, thus creating an environment that caused the likelihood for continued malfunctioning to spread. We’re talking YEARS of toxic accumulation, long before MMS was a “gleam” in Jim Humble’s eye.
So yes, let’s not mince words here Tor, you are poisoned. But I’m glad you didn’t say that you “were being poisoned,” thus implying that by using the MMS in this way, you were ingesting something that was toxic. You were not. However, you began the process of denaturing and releasing the accumulated toxins in your body, AND the residual population of microorganisms that also lived in the over acidic environment that your body, in certain areas, has become.
When I purchased the MMS I was told not to stop taking any of the other remedies which are; multi minerals + extra magnesium, apricot kernels, olive leaf extract, curcummin, Hepar 140, Avodart, Iscadore injections 3x week, vitamin a1, gamma E and Q10
First off, your MMS vendor must tell you that to protect itself, and your ability to have products like MMS available to purchase. They cannot give you medical advice. They’re not equipped or licensed to do that. I’m giving you my opinion because you asked for it, but you should corroborate what I’m saying with a medical practitioner who understands all of the components of this puzzle, even the MMS.
I would amend what your MMS vendor told you to say that you shouldn’t stop taking any other remedies that aren’t causing your body additional harm. If you want to know what that is, you should ask the one only one that KNOWS: YOUR BODY. Ask your body to tell you what is serving it, and what is doing it a disservice.
This may sound absurd or “woo woo,” but your body is the only “entity” that KNOWS what’s best for it, and it can tell you, if you’re willing to listen to it and follow its guidance.
Before we continue, the above paragraph is not what was on my mind, but it makes far more sense than anything I was about to say.
This is an area where applied kinesiology (muscle testing) or some form of divination or dowsing (pendulum), could be used to your benefit. HOWEVER, if you harbor any doubts about the efficacy of the answer or the process, then you’ll receive a less than reliable answer.
For example, I asked questions on your behalf from the laundry list of items you listed. The answer to the question of whether to continue was “yes” for all but these two: Avodart and Iscador injections.
Now, let me say that I had no knowledge of what Avodart although I had heard the name, because it’s blasted over the airwaves in television commercials. I had never heard of Hepar 140 (for liver) or Iscador.
But after doing some research, the why of the response made sense. Avodart is poison. Here’s a link to 229 comments from men who are using, or have used Avodart. Read it and determine for yourself whether you feel something that causes such side effects (breast pain and swelling, abdominal swelling, lowered libido and sexual function, mood swings, depression, shingles, back and hip pain, painful urination, and more) is helping you.
One doctor told an Avodart prospect he should be prepared to be on it the rest of his life.
Iscador is a mistletoe extract, and another poison. Developed by Rudolph Steiner, the therapy has been practiced for 70 years or so, and a clinic in Switzerland has an admirable track record of success. But your body is saying “no.” This doesn’t negate its effectiveness, or the efficacy of Avodart for those who feel they need it. Your body is simply saying, “not needed here.”
During my 74 years I have suffered from allergies and food intolerance. I am well known with the unpleasant results, but this time it is really bad !
With that history of toxic accumulation, it’s no wonder the release and flushing out feels bad! Do not be surprised, but this is where new context can be applied.
When you are feeling your worst, think about the newly uprooted and dislodged poisons that are LEAVING your body after all those years, and REJOICE! YOU will instantly feel better, and as YOU feel better, your body will begin to feel better too. There is increasing scientific evidence that how you feel emotionally and perceptually, has a significant influence on how you feel physically. You can look at a situation one way, and with a change in context, look at that very same situation, and FEEL entirely different about it. You can feel joyful amid the worst pain; yet, the moment you do so, the pain will be diminished.
The reason I started on MMS is cancer of my prostate (attempted removed 20 months ago with HIFU ) spread to one lymph node.
Makes sense to me. Unfortunately, current standard medical practice doesn’t focus on lowering toxicity, but instead treats by increasing it, or removing the affected tissue or organ. However, the pre-existing toxic environment that brought about the organ’s dysfunction is left unattended to, which makes the body fertile ground for tumor regeneration.
One of the people that I interviewed in my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble was a man in his mid-70’s who had an enlarged prostate and high PSA (48.75) count. He was diagnosed at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Tucson, AZ. He declined their offer of standard cancer treatment, and began using MMS instead. Six months later, his PSA count was 1.29.
The MMS will reduce your body’s toxic load, but it won’t make the toxicity vanish. It will facilitate your body releasing said toxicity through urine, diarrhea, coughing, or vomiting. It’s not pretty, and it’s not pleasant, but it will get you the results that you’re actually seeking, if you hang in there and see it through.
As to the severity of the lethargy that you’re experiencing, you can always dial your MMS intake down to mitigate some of the effects. You should also drink LOADS of water, and make sure you’re getting enough whole or live foods, so as to help the body rebuild itself and accelerate the removal of the stuff that has been weakening it for so long.
That is what I would do if I were in your situation, knowing what I know now. Don’t rely on my opinion. The wisdom that you seek is within you, if you’ll simply ask with an open heart and mind, and trust the answer. Not only will you know it’s true for you when you receive it, but over time, you’ll experience your energy and health improving.
I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great.
I do not know who you are but certainly you are going to
a famous blogger if you are not already
Thank you Simunye.
bob mate i know this is a bit to oops to late errrr 3 years … invest in a good nuroligist quickly asap the toxins and heavey metels are liquifieng your body to the pathway of your spirituel understanding ‘
Hi all!
I have enjoyed (most) of your posts. I live in San Diego California. There is a non profit organization here called the Gerson Institute. I had what looked like the beginnings of all kinds of age / toxicity related illnesses coming on including depression, prostate psa elevations and fatigue. I knew I was on a fast track to cancer and other degenerative diseases if I did not change. So I did the Gerson Therapy and it cured 100% of my physical malady’s within six months. Now, I was not already sick so I am not a good control group for anybody but after learning everything I could about the Gerson Therapy I know that it is probably one of the best treatments for end-stage terminal illnesses. I wrote to Jim Humble asking him what it would be like to take a successful therapy like Gerson and add MMS to it? Jim said their ego about their protocol might get in the way of adding anything. And to be honest about it each good therapy has to remain true to itself or risk diluting the therapy. I believe MMS can help everyone on the planet. If you watch the Beautiful Truth movie (produced by the Gerson Institute / avail on Netflix) you begin to understand that our bodies are our internal metabolism and the environment is our external metabolism as originally coined by Max Gerson.
I am sure the Gerson Therapy and MMS would work together well, however the Gerson Therapy is mighty powerful on its own IF YOU DO IT EXACTLY as prescribed. The beautiful thing about MMS is it helps keep the body clean. If you are not sick but feeling sluggish and like you might start getting illnesses then I think lifestyle and eating habits much change along with detox. Gerson and MMS both do it nicely. Since I have completed the Gerson Therapy and my PSA score is down I am going to try MMS to clean up any residual problems “unseen” in the body.
It sure tastes like I’m drinking Chlorine, but from all the data I have read it appears harmless. It IS hard to get past the “taste” barrier. But it was hard to take enema’s every day under the Gerson Therapy. But the coffee enemas became like meditation time and I had many inner-visions during the restful cleanses. With MMS I bless the product as I would any food I ingest and add a positive charge to it. Can’t hurt! Certainly MMS holds great promise. I keep a blog that tracked my daily experience with the Gerson Therapy. I will continue the blog now with the MMS treatments. I want to thank Jim Humble and greats like Max Gerson, Charlotte Gerson and the staff of the Gerson Institute (who never charged me a cent for advice and guidance).
In my blog I the first entry I put into it was each morning after a day of MMS treatment I wake up clear of mind. Not groggy at all. I still take very small doses of Xanax for anxiety and usually wake up a little groggy, but with MMS I wake up charged and ready to go. That is a big plus since the forbidden cup of coffee under the Gerson Therapy is very tempting now that I am done with the therapy. But now that I wake up refreshed and charged there is no need.
I have been ill most of my life. Mostly with depression. I understand that depression can be caused by toxins, especially heavy metals. I am betting that MMS will not hurt my body or my pineal gland (which I treasure). I am betting that it will clear heavy metals from my brain and hidden toxins from my body. I understand an excellent way to administer MMS is through a retention enema. If I had cancer I would use this method for sure. I even have to ask if MMS taken as an enema would have a more direct effect on the prostate since the prostate is in the vicinity of the location of the enema.
So many questions! But I believe that I will be experiencing real health for the first time in my life (at 54 years) and I am very excited about the advent of this therapy.
One of my favorite treats is sushi. I make it vegetarian / vegan usually but now and then I love a good raw fish sushi dinner. The beauty of MMS is that any parasites one might experience by eating sushi can be quickly eliminated by MMS. Now THAT is cool. I am very excited about the prospects for maintaining good health. The Gerson Institute is at http://www.gerson.org. It’s a great place filled with love and positive energy. I had lunch with Charlotte Gerson a few months back when I was in the most difficult stages of the therapy. I was so impressed by her that I promised myself to take my health pursuits to the max and begin working again in the holistic health support industry. For now I am still disabled but as health returns genuinely and completely I look forward to giving back. Thank you to all contributors to this page who have genuinely positive affirming statements to make.
Bill Z. San Diego
By reading this forum I am left unknowing if I should try the MMS for my condition or not. Can you tell me if you have personally tired it and what the results were or know of someone personally and their outcome of using the MMS?
I would love to hear about that.
Hi Bobby,
Yes I’ve used it. Many of the other people who monitor this space have used it too, and have shared their experiences. But none of this is relevant to your fundamental question, of whether you should use it for the condition that you have. If you haven’t already done so, check out the article on MMS titled, “No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry.” Read just some of the thousand or more comments that follow. You’ll most likely find your answer. You can do a search on the title, it will bring you back to this blog. To date, it’s been read by almost 80,000 people. Is suspect that it has been helpful.
Best wishes,
I see MMS causes a lot of emotions to come up, in fact far more than any other so-called natural cures do. It may be that the single greatest benefit of MMS is the hope that it seems to give people. I don´t know myself if MMS works against cancer, my wife was already too sick with lung cancer when the stuff arrived. I did´t think it would have been a good idea to use the stuff whilst she was doing chemotherapy, and she passed away shortly after breaking off her third chemo treatment August 31st 09. Her tumor was inoperable and therefore even the doctors in the lung clinic told us to pursue any and all alternative therapies we felt were worth our time. We had been doing that before anyway, as my brother-in-law passed away two years earlier of the same disease. We already had done the research and had already purchased many tools like a low speed juicer, a Doug coil machine etc.
As I said we lost the war, but my advice to someone reading this who needs some info on what to do now to fight their cancer (other than rant and rave in this blog, Bob and John) would be to get a low speed juicer and do the veggie juice diet, as well as take mega doses of Vitamin C. We tried many alternative treatments, from apricot seeds to zinc oxide fish oil… My wife´s health deteriorated rapidly after she began treatments in a clinic, she stopped eating properly and wasn´t able to make her juice or prepare fruit and veggies in her room. When she entered the clinic, she looked slightly ill but only to people who knew her. Two months later she was dead, that´s what a difference the vitamins and minerals made.
Oh yes the point of all this is that during my many hours of internet research on cancer cures, I did stumble over something that may well help some of the folks who are looking for a way to beat prostate cancer. The Accuray co. has a machine called the cyberknife, just google it up and have a look for yourself. They advertise that you can be cured by them frying up your tumor in the morning, and play golf in the afternoon, with no adverse effects. I spoke of hope earlier, this was one of our big hopes too, unfortunately for us my wife´s tumors (two) were too close to the aorta, and we were therefore turned down. Their new gps tracking system allows much better accuracy in much less time during the treatment, so if you have a tumor inside you anywhere including your lungs, send in your stuff and ask if they can help you. The worst thing that can happen is that they say no….not bad if you ask me. Good luck to all of you, I hope something here will help someone out there to regain their health. Thanks for the opportunity to post this, cheers, Bill
Thank you for your post, sage advice, and my condolences on the outcome with your wife. We can’t say whether it was too late or not… given the momentum that she had already built up, and the BELIEFS that had to be unlearned, going ahead and exiting was most likely the best decision FOR HER. The biggest travesty in my opinion, is that the cause of death will most likely be incorrectly attributed to cancer, instead of the chemotherapy that actually sent her over the edge.
The inoperability of a cancer tumor is actually a blessing when we understand well enough, the factors that go into its genesis, and that can also cause it to retreat. But just as important, is taking one’s self to a place of understanding of the physiological steps that need to be done, with a sense of assuredness that once achieved, they will be effective and meaningful. For example, knowing that a cancer tumor feeds off sugar and flourishes in an acidic solution, it makes sense to significantly hydrate the body with alkaline water. When I first learned of this, I thought it made sense to take in high alkaline water to speed the process. Now, simply drinking structured water, which is at the pH level that the body requires (7.5), is sufficient to get the job done.
MMS is a great tool to rapidly “denature” the toxic residue that may be in the body, from aluminum and mercury deposits to unmetabolized chemicals, anaerobic microorganisms and parasites. Thanks for the heads up on Cyberknife… will check it out too.
Best wishes,
You morons, really don’t know what you are playing with.
Summary: The immune system continuously modulates the balance between responsiveness to pathogens and tolerance to non-harmful antigens. The mechanisms that mediate tolerance are not well understood, but recent findings have implicated tryptophan catabolism through the kynurenine metabolic pathway as one of many mechanisms involved. The enzymes that break down tryptophan through this pathway are found in numerous cell types, including cells of the immune system. Some of these enzymes are induced by immune activation, including the rate limiting enzyme present in macrophages and dendritic cells, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). It has recently been found that inhibition of IDO can result in the rejection of allogenic fetuses, suggesting that tryptophan breakdown is necessary for maintaining aspects of immune tolerance. Two theories have been proposed to explain how tryptophan catabolism facilitates tolerance. One theory posits that tryptophan breakdown suppresses T cell proliferation by dramatically reducing the supply of this critical amino acid. The other theory postulates that the downstream metabolites of tryptophan catabolism act to suppress certain immune cells, probably by pro-apoptotic mechanisms. Reconciling these disparate views is crucial to understanding immune-related tryptophan catabolism and the roles it plays in immune tolerance. In this review we examine the issue in detail, and offer additional insight provided by studies with antibodies to quinolinate, a tryptophan catabolite which is also necessary for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD +) production. In addition to the immunomodulatory actions of tryptophan catabolites, we discuss the possible involvement of quinolinate as a means of replenishing NAD + in leucocytes, which is depleted by oxidative stress during an immune response.
Dearest John,
That is the last insult you will make on this site. I left it here to allow readers an opportunity to get a sense of you. Mission accomplished. You are welcome here as long as you have something intelligent to say. Your idiocy quota has been met. Your “summary,” which is not even yours, but something you have copied and pasted, acknowledges that the mechanisms that mediate the immune system’s balance between responsiveness to pathogens and tolerance to non-harmful antigens is not well understood. This is an honest statement. I know you didn’t write it because an intelligent person would never address his audience as morons, and think he’ll be taken seriously. You don’t know jack about what you’re presenting here.
Do some research on tryptophan. It is an essential amino-acid, a necessary part of the human diet since it cannot be synthesized naturally. Catabolism is the breakdown of this larger molecule into smaller ones for the purposes of releasing energy. No catabolism, no energy release. If chlorine dioxide “trips” tryptophan, then a good thing has happened.
Truth is, the individual is the unexamined factor in all this research, because the balance within the system will be influenced by in the individual, and no one can come up with a single theory on the physical level, that “fits all.” Researchers are “looking for understanding in all the wrong places,” because, just like you, they think we’re the physical form. We’re not… not even you, John.
Best wishes,
We have tryptophan in our brains!!!!!
Oxychlorine compounds, such as hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2), have potent antimicrobial activity. Although the biochemical mechanism of the antimicrobial activity of HOCl has been extensively investigated, little is known about that of ClO2. Using bovine serum albumin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model proteins, here I demonstrate that the antimicrobial activity of ClO2 is attributable primarily to its protein-denaturing activity. By solubility analysis, circular dichroism spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and measurement of enzymatic activity, I demonstrate that protein is rapidly denatured by ClO2 with a concomitant decrease in the concentration of ClO2 in the reaction mixture. Circular dichroism spectra of the ClO2-treated proteins show a change in ellipticity at 220 nm, indicating a decrease in alpha-helical content. Differential scanning calorimetry shows that transition temperature and endothermic transition enthalpy of heat-induced unfolding decrease in the ClO2-treated protein. The enzymatic activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase decreases to 10% within 15 s of treatment with 10 microM ClO2. Elemental analyses show that oxygen, but not chlorine, atoms are incorporated in the ClO2-treated protein, providing direct evidence that protein is oxidized by ClO2. Furthermore, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy show that tryptophan residues become N-formylkynurenine and tyrosine residues become 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) or 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine (TOPA) in the ClO2-treated proteins. Taking these results together, I conclude that microbes are inactivated by ClO2 owing to denaturation of constituent proteins critical to their integrity and/or function, and that this denaturation is caused primarily by covalent oxidative modification of their tryptophan and tyrosine residues.
You are altering your brain chemistry by taking this stuff!!!
Infact, I’ll save you the trouble:
The rod outer segment (ROSg) membranes are essentially lipoprotein complexes. Rhodopsin, the major integral protein of ROSg, is surrounded by phospholipids highly enriched in docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n3). This fluid environment plays an important role for conformational changes after photo-activation. Thus, ROSg membranes are highly susceptible to oxidative damage. Melatonin synthesized in the pineal gland, retina and other tissues is a free radical scavenger. The principal aim of this work was to study the changes in the ROSg membranes isolated from bovine retina submitted to nonenzymatic lipid peroxidation (ascorbate-Fe2+ induced), during different time intervals (0-180 min). Oxidative stress was monitored by increase in the chemiluminescence and fatty acid alterations. In addition we studied the in vitro protective effect of 5 mM melatonin. The total cpm originated from light emission (chemiluminescence) was found to be lower in those membranes incubated in the presence of melatonin. The docosahexaenoic acid content decreased considerably when the membranes were exposed to oxidative damage. This reduction was from 35.5 ± 2.9% in the native membranes to 12.65 ± 1.86% in those peroxidized during 180 min. In the presence of 5 mM melatonin we observed a content preservation of 22:6 n3 (23.85 ± 2.77%) at the same time of peroxidation. Simultaneously the alterations of membrane proteins under oxidative stress were studied using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Loss of protein sulfhydryl groups and increased incorporation of carbonyl groups were utilized as biomarkers of protein oxidation. In membranes exposed to Fe2+-ascorbate, we observed a decrease of protein thiols from 50.9 ± 3.38 in native membranes to 1.72 ± 2.81 nmol/mg of protein after 180 min of lipid peroxidation associated with increased incorporation of carbonyl groups into proteins from 7.20 ± 2.50 to 12.50 ± 1.12 nmol/mg of protein. In the SDS-PAGE we observed a decrease in the content of all the proteins, mainly rhodopsin, as a consequence of peroxidation. Melatonin, prevent both lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation.
MMS is spiritual poison, it attacks the pineal gland and production of melatonin. And in the long term, after you finish taking it, you will become more ill than you initially were. This is because melatonin is actually a free radical scavenger and when you blast your body with MMS you actually overload the pineal gland.
If you take this stuff for long enough, you actually lock yourself into this physical realm via the destruction of the pineal gland.
And before you ask me for scientific proof, I will ask you to use some research skills.
I wouldn’t touch that shit with a very long pole.
Dear John,
Instead of deleting your alarmist, insulting “metaphysical” opinion, I’ll let it stay here for all to see, for it brings up one very important point that every human being ought to know. We are not “physical”. The human body is comprised of earth. We are not. The human body is Mother Earth’s gift to us, but we are its animators, nothing more. There is nothing on earth that can “lock us into the perception of physicality”… not even believing that it’s possible. The danger in believing that what you’re saying is true, is that it will seem to be that way to the believer. But believe me, it wouldn’t have been the MMS!
The pineal gland is part of the human “physical” complex. It cannot “control” anything that exists on a vibrational level that is above it. Every human being exists on a higher vibratory level, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to operate the physical form. I’ll say it again… only with belief would an individual create the illusion of being “trapped.” This is laughable to anyone who knows who they are.
On the physical level… like every other part of the physical body, nothing that is in homeostasis is affected because the molecule does not “go off”. So nothing happens when the chlorine dioxide molecule comes through. If nothing happens in two hours, then the molecule breaks down on its own accord. You talk about damage, you can’t say that about any of the thousands of medications and chemicals that it sounds like have taken up residence in your mind and heart, clogging up your intelligence, and empathy for others.
Your purpose is to alarm and proffer fear with an issue that many people are only now beginning to awaken to. Yet, your “truth” calibrates to 100, which on David Hawkins’ (Power vs. Force) Map of Consciousness, is fear. I’d say “mission accomplished,” except that “mission attempted” would be more appropriate.
my dad is suffering from prostatecancer and was on DCA for a while (after RP and radiation didnt help). His psa went down but he had to quit the treatment because of the serious side-effects. He has perifere neuropathy in his feet and leggs. He’s off the DCA for a while now and the neuropathy was getting a bit better. He’s taking MMS now but his pain and numbness was back immediately. Can you explain this? Can this be caused by the MMS?
Thanks a lot!
One of the fastest emerging alternatives is HIFU, it actually destroys the prostate via ultrasound waves. Should be interesting to see what happens when this is approved.
Numerous mechanisms have been described for the anticancer activity of curcumin. Inhibition of proliferation of tumor cells, induction of apoptosis (a mode of cell death), inhibition of transformation of cells from normal to tumor, invasion of invasion and metastasis and suppression of inflammation, have been linked with the anticancer activity of curcumin. Downregulation of COX2, 5-LOX, adhesion molecules, inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, growth factor receptors, VEGF, and transcription factors by curcumin have been linked to its antitumor activity.
Adam , Sir I am disgusted with the diatribe from BoB on the ( 3/4/08 )but I suspect that he is somewhat affraid and badly in need of your help and assurance about MMS . I sincerely suspect that he wants to try the MMS but is affraid to try it , hell , so am I and everyone else . Having read Jim Humbles’ story and the fact that he’s not interested in making money , says it all , a man with integrity and the humanism . I can’t wait to get going but am at a loss as to where I can obtain some MMS mineral ( chemists in the UK will not sell it to the general public ) and also I would like to purchase Jims’ book . I do not have a web account , being new to the web as a late starter ( I’m 75 ) , but can send a cheque or what ever to a genuine and recommended outlet!?. much obliged . John
PS Adam, I must thank and commend you on your reply to Bob. I was reading it very carefully and decided that not only could I not fault it, but I couldn’t imagine it having been written better. It is the perfect combination of compassion, firmness and encouragement.
Those of us that put ourselves in the limelight with anything that’s new must expect to be ‘shot at’. Your resolute response has inspired me to stay firm in my own conviction when fired at for my own ‘head above the parapet’ contribution to our spiritual growth.
See how many ways we are each making such a difference… even Bob played his role in giving you that opportunity to set us all an example of how to react, so thanks to Bob too!
John Jamieson
Hey Adam, you’re right on!
1) We thought we led clean lives (around 50 yrs old: organic food, fresh sea air, clean water, etc.) until we started MMS – oh golly, has it stirred up and started releasing so much. Where did it all come from? Who knows, who cares so long as it’s coming out at last. Could be the house we lived in that had woodworm treatment sill coming out of the beams, or previous lifestyles we thought we were long past, or vaccinations, or benzene from petrol, etc. etc. – so many sources, probably all of them and more…
2) We were very sick and exhausted at 7 drops, so we used the muscle testing to ask our body how much it would be best for it. We were surprised to get the response of just 2 drops. But that was perfect – just enough to continue the job with only minor effects. After a couple of days we are now on 3 drops, but still feeling the effects. So, our lesson is really to pace ourselves, even if it takes longer.
On the other hand, our friend with severe tooth absyss pain for 4 years (antibiotics would hardly touch it) , ramped straight up to 15 drops in 2 or 3 days. She was violently ill – VIOLENTLY! But the next day the pain had was gone so she could eat on that side again for the first time in 4 years. So she thought it was worth going for it!
Tx for all your efforts and keep up the good work
John Jamieson
Yo Bob,
Sorry I deleted your first one, it was “toxic,” if you know what I mean.
And frankly, if I can’t handle your boorish, infantile way of expressing your own lack of understanding or agreement with my point of view, then I shouldn’t be doing this. I say things from my perspective, as you do from yours. It doesn’t mean we’ll agree, which is okay. Yet, even in disagreement, I’d never approach you, a complete stranger, with such an aggressive, antagonism. You don’t know me Bob. But more so, you don’t know yourself. If you did, you’d done this differently. In fact, could simply have stopped reading or listening, and moved on. But something touched YOU, hit TOO CLOSE TO HOME, and you had to strike back.
It won’t work… you won’t get you any peace by trying to lash out at me.
If you want to have an intelligent conversation, I’m all for it. But then, you’d have to show simple respect for another human being… something you’re not doing right now.
What a steaming load of crap, Adam! So everyone is “toxic” and that’s what causes disease?
Pass the bong, soul brother! (but not to me…I’m not on the same “karma” or whatever the hell you call this verbal diarrhea.)