I believe it would now be correct to term the MMS phenomenon, a movement. Perhaps more so than we might originally imagine. It has been a phenomenon, started by Jim Humble, only 10 short years ago. First light emerged as a revelation of remedy that worked in a moment of dire need, where human lives weighed in the balance. This simple little solution came through to give his men, who had been stricken by the malaria parasite, a chance, not only to survive, but to recover their health.
This revelation that happened again, and again, and again, witnessed each time by Jim, those he eventually trained, the “victims” of malaria, and then a growing list of other conditions, and included those who knew that the victim had been at death’s door, but had now “miraculously” been resurrected. It wasn’t a miracle, but it sure felt like one.
The word spread, and the process happened again, and again, and again.
It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment or event that turns a revelation into a phenomenon, but we can recognize it because of the shear consistency of a certain kind and quality of result. It’s safe to say that EVERY individual who has used MMS has had an unpleasant experience with it, but in this instance, it’s a profoundly good thing, because on the other side of the terrible feeling of released and evacuated toxicity, is health, and a return of functionality and normalcy.
For those determined to pass through the toxic wall that had boxed them in, in the form of:
- inflammation
- obesity
- listlessness and lethargy
- pain
- itchy and scaly skin
- tumor growth
- respiratory congestion
- chronic headaches
- restricted movement… (and more),
…there’d be no way to contain their excitement and relief to realize that the discomfort that they had lived with, sometimes for years, was (1) removable, and (2) unnecessary. So perhaps it was excitement that turned Humble’s revelation into a phenomenon, as hundreds, and then thousands, then tens of thousands, and now hundreds of thousands of people are going through their own phenomenal experience with MMS, and telling others again and again, and again.
I talked to a man yesterday whose friend was experiencing so much excruciating pain from his swollen prostate, that he was seriously considering allowing a surgical procedure to remove it. He gave him some MMS, and within 24 hours, the pain had not simply diminished, it was gone. This gentleman with the sore prostate has some major toxicity issues yet to tackle — as evidenced by he being quite overweight. BUT he could have been overweight and minus a prostate. And he still would have had toxicity issues to tackle… but he would NOT have been able to return to health, and to life.
This had happened less than 48 hours earlier. Needless to say, the man who recounted the experience was excited. He ended our conversation telling me, “I love you, Adam!” It was heart-felt, genuine, real.
I received this note from a listener from Australia this morning:
I just wanted to say that I listened to your shows about MMS.
I started taking the MMS 6 weeks ago. I had a Herpes virus constantly circulating through my body and rarely had a break from it for the last one and a half years. It was wearing me out, I can tell you!
Since taking the MMS, it stopped almost straight away and hasn’t returned!
I feel like a new person with lots more energy.
I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to Jim Humble and people like yourself for bringing this knowledge to people like me.
Can you feel that excitement? That’s real baby! You can’t see it, but you’d have to be blind not to know that it’s the genuine article. That’s why it’s almost laughable to hear closed minded, or folks with an agenda summarily dismiss the protocol or diminish its relevance in light of the preponderance of results of the quality shown above. This is especially so in light of the environmental and nutritional milieu in which we live, and the dearth of reasonably priced alternatives.
That’s also why the term movement is now becoming germane to MMS. It’s growing on its own. Jim Humble remains a central figure in MMS awareness and understanding, having done more research on this particular application of chlorine dioxide than anyone on the planet, but he’s no longer alone in his research. People are contacting him sharing their own findings after using the protocol. Furthermore, they are looking into other ways to put chlorine dioxide to beneficial use.
Each day real medical practitioners are purchasing stock and beginning to go through their own process of realization, revelation, and phenomenal experience, to which excitement is the frequent result. Is it always the result? Of course not.
The quality of any individual experience with the MMS protocol, or any other modality, is first and foremost, dependent upon the individual who chooses it. The protocol does not heal. However, individuals who are ready to heal — not only the diseases that afflict their bodies, but also those of mind and heart — find that the strength, fortitude and the capacity to forgive are presented. They come not from some outside agency, but issued forth from within.
Heaviness of mind and heart, and the resultant bridled joy are the precursors of disease. The reason that we give ourselves for being heart broken, offended, victimized, abused, etc., are uniquely ours. Forgiveness is the only way to release us from the unbearable burden that we will have taken upon ourselves. Turns out that they are “bearable,” but there’s little joy in a life that moves under such weight. Dis-ease eventually progresses to include and encompass the body.
These are immeasurable qualities, but they make the absolute difference between what appears to be failure, or success.
So the success of MMS is not really a success of MMS, but successes of individuals with MMS. It would be unwise to look at MMS as a cure all. It won’t cure anything that the individual isn’t ready to release and be over. It’s also easy to overlook the individual when we’re looking at a protocol like MMS. It should be understood that the individual is more important, because he or she will be the one who truly determines whether the MMS will work, or to put it another way, whether their body will release what the MMS will denature and dislodge.
But the movement — of toxicity, parasites and their progeny, bacterial overgrowth, biofilm/mucous/slime, tumors and other factors that negatively affect our physiology — is certainly at hand.
Talk for Food
Jim Humble is again my guest on Talk for Food, where we discuss the restoration of the supply, new developments (Apples and enemas), and he answers questions that readers have written in to Thought for Food.
Secondary, similar knowledge convinced me to try it.Someone once told me many years ago that when trimming a bouquet of flowers for the table, to make them stay fresher and longer, to stir in a few drops of bleach to the water. Try this simple test–buy one bunch of flowers and divide them in half. Add a few drops of bleach to the water of one vase, but not the other. Time will tell. Also, as a swimmng pool pwner for 27 years, I can tell you how important and necessary it is to PURIFY THE WATER. The human body, at birth, is 80% water.Newborns are not loaded down with nearly as many toxins as adults. Don’t feed the worm farm! After 7 years of volunteer work in an animal shelter, one thing I learned is that evert puppy is born with worms—EVERY ONE
Thanks Christine for the info.
My nd has told me she cured people of aids.
I’ve been chronically sick for many years..I have undiagnosed twitching going on which may be Lyme..
My first day at 1/2 drop resulted in it working instantly on my nervous system.. In a good way.. Gives me more energy than I had in years..
I take it in a mixture of apple juice and water… More frequent smaller doses are more effective… For chronic illness it takes time.. My friend had ms for some 15 years or something.. Faithfully taking mms everyday for a year and now she’s well..
You can only go by what other people are saying.. Why would all of us be lying that it works??? What would we have to gain? People who are chronically I’ll don’t have time for such games… If you’re sick.. Try it. What do you have to lose??? You’re life? You’re gonna die someday.. If you’re chronically I’ll, you know what it’s like to wish for death anyway? Isn’t it worth having a reduction in your symptoms even if you never get a fullcure? Of course it is.. Buy it.. You won’t be sorry…
Those of you that are question Jim and the chemistry behind MMS, have you read his book? I have a BS in nutrition and so understand the body and science fairly well. I just the other day heard a Naturopathic Doctor on the radio who said he was curing and treating lyme disease with this stuff. Don’t just question it, do the research.
My experience with MMS is that it is powerful and does work. I am on day 6 at 15 2x/day. I have been “pooping out” quite a bit of mucus, something I have never done before.
My question is this. A Hulda Clark Zapper, if used right after a supplement is taken, does a process called electropolation. This can magnify the effects of a supplement many times, so much so, that it could potentially be dangerous, but could also be potentially helpful. So, has anybody tried “zapping” immediately after taking MMS?
Have studied & used Hulda Clark’s methods with great success since 1995. By 1998 my multiple sclerosis was under control using herbal cleanses & Zapper. In 1999 accepted into graduate school at local medical school and finished work for Master’s degree in Neuroscience by 2003. Went camping & got Lyme Disease. At first I thought I was having MS relapse, but nothing worked this time. Finally in 2007 I began to get relief with silver hydrosol from American Biotech Labs and 24 hour zapping from Don Croft. Started turning the corner toward wellness in 2009 by improving my diet (which I was too sick to do before) with raw foods and MMS. After several stops & starts with MMS and much Googling, I now know that chronic Lyme Disease is far more difficult to get rid of than many conditions because of Cell Wall-Difficient bacteria. This “dormant” stage in the life of the Lyme bacterial spirochete is very resistant to antibiotics. Also called L-form bacteria, CWD bacteria are know to only a few main stream doctors who are aware that bacteria can morph into variant forms too small to be seen without high-power electron microscopes.
So—–to answer your concern about zapping making MMS too potent: Always go slow and trust your body. If you feel tired, rest. Reduce the dosage if need be. Use very small doses 3-4x daily if that works for you. I did the opposite, using 6 drops first day, 7 drops later the same day. Spent next two days in the bathroom. But that was OK for me because I had done cleases before and knew how much better I would feel when it was over. I would NEVER recommend jumping into the deep end like that for anyone else.
Yes, MMS works. Anyone who doubts it should spend $20 for a year’s supply & try it for themselves. (Buy it cheap on ebay). If you would like to improve your health, this is the best bargain you will EVER find. If you just want to whine and use scare tactics, don’t waste my time.
Thank you for your insights. I would suggest that MMS will work even better if you make sure that your water is structured. The structuring event amplifies the bio-photon energy that is in each water cluster, reducing the cluster size, thus making the water more dense, and increasing its hydrating power. which in turn delivers more stable oxygen and hydrogen while altering any harmful particulates so that they pass harmlessly through the body. Structuring of the water molecule clears each of the vibrational memory that it held, which also “consumes” energy.
We installed water structuring devices at the only raw, unpasteurized dairy here in Arizona, recently, who had a bacteria problem. They received water from a nearby well, which itself contains bacterial growth. The manager just got his first water samples back yesterday, confirming the presence of the bacteria in the well water (which is adjacent to the dairy), but ZERO in the water sample that had gone through the structuring device. I will be writing more about this soon, but you heard it here first.
The structuring device can be found here >> http://shop.understanding-mms.com/structuredwater.aspx
Best wishes and thanks again,
Thanks for standing toe to toe with the plants. Many of us have experienced the tenacity of these hired hands, actually everyone that is in any conversation about important life changing, conscious raising subjects.
I actually have not purchased my MMS yet, but as of today I am committed to. Thanks for keeping this forum clean. Even though it appears you have a -one as many- plant here, as you are already aware.
Hi Adam saw this & thought of MMS & thought i would post it for the love of people & life, old wisdom but deep!
“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance”
Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC)
“truthful” listed a number of people in Africa who had not heard of this cure. Why should they have heard of it? He said there was nothing in the newspapers about it. I can give you stories by the ton that newspaers in he USA fail to cover including alternative health breakthoughs. Why should the African newspapers be any different? “truthful” said he contacted groups treating maleria and thay had not heard of it. If he had read the book he wouldhave seen that often Jim would try contact groups like that and they were hostile, thinking it was quackery, of course a lot of the groups probably don’t even know about it. He said why are people still dying of maleria over there. Duh! Because no one is treating them! MMS is cheap but it does cost money Jim said that the sales from the 2nd book will go towards healing maleria in Africa, but no one is doing it now. Nothing happens unless you make it happen, As for the govt of Malawi. We all know how clueless our own govt is when coming to unconventional cures or science. Why should the govt of Malawi be any different? No where is it stated that the government is even aware of Humbles cures in his book or that it would be supportive even if it knew. Trevor
More to the point, JAB, is that Humble claims to have cured thousands of people of Malaria in South America and Africa. There are copies of letters in his book, but when I contacted the government in Malawi, they had no knowledge of it. I’ve checked the archived newspapers from all parts of Africa, and there is no mention of it, and people are still dying of Malaria there. I have contacted the other groups going into Africa to treat the Malaria victims, and they have not heard of Jim Humble or the MMS, and when I forwarded the information from Humble’s bood, they were quite concerned. They have looked into it, and found no information at all. So where is the proof that thousands were cured. There is no proog, only Humble’s word. If the MMS cured Malaria within hours, and HIV within days, why are all the people on the support forum still sick? I have researched and researched, and I can find nothing that proves what Humble claims.
If you think you’re drinking bleach, or something toxic, you haven’t done your homework. There’s enough information out there, beyond my documentary and Jim Humble’s books, that corroborate the idea that chlorine dioxide is NOT chlorine.
As Dr. Humiston said in my documentary, your body is made up of chloride (which is made up of chlorine), and in fact, we couldn’t live without it. Yet, if we put pure chlorine in, the body would be gone in a heart beat.
The same is true for chlorine dioxide, in that it is not, and does not behave like chlorine, in spite of the similarity.
Having said that, if you don’t UNDERSTAND what it is enough to be confident in its potential effectiveness for YOU, and enough to commit to its intelligent use for your situation, then you’re doing yourself an injustice. Someone else’s failure or success has no relevance to YOU, other than as a predictor of a possible range of potential. The only thing of real relevance is whether it works FOR YOU, and YOU are the only one that can determine that.
It’s pretty common for people who are experiencing unwanted “stuff” in their lives, to have a problem with the idea that it’s in their mind. It doesn’t change the fact that it is so.
EVERYTHING is in our mind. The good, the bad, beautiful, and the ugly. WE get to choose (1) what we will experience, and (2) how we FEEL about it.
In addition, we get the power to CHANGE our experience. HOWEVER, we can’t exercise the power to consciously change something that we won’t accept is ours. And who can measure denial (of power)? You can’t quantifiably measure a concept, except perhaps by effect.
If you want to drink extremely toxic stuff, then don’t take MMS, because there’s no toxicity involved.
I submit that if you took antibiotics and were “cured”, then it’s still your mind, and it’s not the antibiotics, but the working of your body, which still takes its *cues* from YOU. AND, you wouldn’t know if you would have gotten well without taking the antibiotics.
I don’t suggest looking at one’s self as a means of belittlement. Instead, it is an exaltation. Until you understand it’s YOU, you’ll never appreciate how powerful and blessed, YOU truly are. Whatever your affliction is, it is there to help you rise above it, and REALIZE that YOU can. The opportunity at hand for YOU is immeasurably WONDERFUL.
Best wishes,
Great comment Adam.
I’m new here and to MMS. To me it sounds very logical and the entire story behind MMS fits nicely into my ontology/worldview.
It’s interesting that while believing in MMS, you still place the conscious observer at center. Which is, well, awesome. I can attest to the power of consciousness to change everything about our experience. Science (the honest scientists that is) tell us that indeed, consciousness is the most fundamental aspect of existence. If our individual outlook or state is not a healthy one, there’s nothing any type of material substance or whatever can do to improve our experience. Sure, take drugs and you’ll experience a superficial uplift in consciousness. But of course that’s not what an intelligent person would do.
Thanks again for your efforts. I know this is probably a work of emotional labor at times which you choose to do out of a sense of duty or service.
Hare Krsna
I bought MMS and started today. I was reading a bit around and found this blog.
I agree with Stefan. It is very discouraging to hear that MMS will cure you if you are psychologically wanting so. I mean, sounds like a very bad joke.
I had never seen such a long CHEMICAL explanation on how a medication works CHEMICALLY in your body. I mean, once I mixed the drops I realized I am going to be drinking BLEACH or something even stronger, and it’s not funny at all to hear that, after all, it’s all in your mind.
Either it works or it doesn’t, but please abstain from putting the blame on the patient as any bad doctor would do.
In a similar way, I am much interested in what TRUTHFUL says. We all have read lots of testimonies of people taking MMS who don’t improve at all, and know nothing of that Africa miracle for curing Malaria. I am trying this shit out of despair and I certainly would appreciate serious data concerning the thousands of cured people. Stating that Malaria is cured in a few hours and AIDS in one week is not fun when you can’t prove it and have no cured people to testify.
Again, if I’m going to be drinking extremely toxic stuff, the last thing I want to hear is that I must BELIEVE blind and that I must really want to heal. COme on, please… If I take antibiotics and get cured, that is not my mind, it’s the antibiotics.
I would like to make one comment here. My cat, who was given two weeks to live, has gotten better from taking MMS. He had an incurable, untreatable, deadly disease called FIP. He was starting to have some very scary neurological problems and I gave him the MMS because it was his only hope. There is no placebo effect with animals. They don’t know that they are sick, only that they don’t feel good. They don’t know what they are sick from, whether it’s fatal, etc. When I squirt the MMS in his mouth, he doesn’t know what it is or what it is supposed to do. He only knows that he doesn’t like me doing that to him. 3 vets from 3 separate animal hospitals examined him and tested him in various ways. All 3 came to the conclusion that he was suffering from FIP and gave him weeks to live. Now, either MMS works to kill the pathogens that cause disease or it doesn’t as far as the cat is concerned. His mental state makes no difference here. Within 2 days I could see a definite turn around in his symptoms. 10 days after starting treatment he is almost back to normal again. I also used a topical protocol of MMS for an aggressive fungal infection that has developed on my cat’s head and neck because of his weakened immune system. It was gone after using one treatment. All the healthy tissue was untouched, but the fungus was toast almost immediately. Now his hair is actually growing back better than before. So I have come to the conclusion that MMS does exactly what Mr. Humble says it will do, and it does no harm to healthy tissues. I’ve been taking it right along with my cat, and I have had all sorts of wonderful results from MMS.
My cat has FIP too. I have the advise to let him sleep in. I read about MMS and the results about your cat with using MMS. I will try this MMS too for my cat !!!! Please can you give me advise about the dose you used for your cat?
I know I dont have much time now…..
Please, give me an answer, so I can start as soon as possible. The product I already ordered and I hope I can eceive it tomorrow septembre 1st 2010.
Many thanks in advance for your help,
Nora, were you able to give MMS to your cat? You might check out this site for some suggestions:
Best wishes,
Hi Jennifer,
My cat was diagnosed with the dry form of FIP today. I started the MMS today as well. How has your cat done on the MMS long-term?
I just read about MMS and quickly purchased some. I was skeptical but hopeful and excited at the same time. Now I’m not sure what to think. If it does work to alleviate illness it would be fantastic, yet at the same time I would be disappointed if Jim Humble has fabricated his stories about malaria, aids and the results in Africa. If what he says is true I also would find it strange that aids can be cured in days but lesser illnesses can take years.
The argument about if you want to heal, etc. does not make sense to me, because it appears in Jim’s claims about 75,00 being cured of malaria they all were cured despite whatever inner desires they may have had?
Believe me I would be thrilled if MMS works half as well as claimed, but skepticism is also common sense.
Bless YOU and THANK YOU! Look at the wonderful GIFT you’ve given YOURSELF!!!
Best wishes,
Hi Stefan,
Cures “work” according to the willingness, readiness, and the beliefs of the one who seeks the cure. This explains the variety of results from one person to the next, given the same external input. The results vary due to factors that cannot be measured in and of themselves (attitude, belief, polarity, etc.), but only perceived and surmised by virtue of the resulting effects.
No one is without the power to cure, but most people who believe they are ill, also feel they do not have said power. This is not a criticism, but a description of human experience.
People who sincerely want to restore their health, and are not sabotaging their progress with doubts, judgments, and NEGATIVE self-expectations, are experiencing tangible improvements with MMS, and telling others.
They are using it because HOW it works MAKES SENSE to them. However, the individual still must be ready and willing to be well, and also ready and willing to look at themselves and give up mental positions and behaviors that no longer serve them. I’m not speaking in moralistic terms here. I’m speaking perceptually.
You cannot separate the individual from their mental position (e.g., guilt, shame, unworthiness, separation, doubt, fear) and expect MMS or anything else to work on them independently of their own perceptual contribution.
Said contribution will either support inner conflict, or harmony. Conflictedness will prolong discomfort, whereas harmony and peacefulness born of a clear conscience, sets the table for healing.
No one should should put more reliance on, or belief in MMS than they do on their self. If MMS doesn’t come through, the individual is equally responsible, for it is the individual that gives MMS its power, thereby allowing it to work.
We are well practiced at ignoring the individual’s contribution to his or her own experience, when science is confirming the connection every day. Read any of Lynne McTaggart’s books (The Field, The Intention Project) or Gregg Braden’s (The Divine Matrix). They document scientific research that corroborates everything I’m suggesting here.
Best wishes,
Hello Adam, I have taken MMS for 6 months. My main complaint and illness is Multiple Sclerosis. I continue with my MMS protocol with great satisfaction. My skin, nails and lungs were the first to improve. The spasms of my chest, legs and arms are gone. My incontinance is improved and edema is gone and kidneys are working much better. An ear infection which has been active for 15 years is gone. My swollen lymph glands are about 1/3 the size they were when I began taking MMS. I had pre cancer spots on my face, legs, and hands they are now dried up and gone. I no longer snore and sleep much better. I don’t have indigestion that I once had. My balance has improved and my stiffness is gone. I am currently taking 14 drops two times a day and will continue till the lymph glands are all normal size again. I have to work with supplements to repair some damage sustained during the time my MS was active but I am seeing improvements with just a few multi vitamins and my EFA oils. Prior to finding MMS I had many treatments such as chelation and ozone these helped but due to the expence and my veins colapsing I had to stop them. In time the symptoms would come back. I am very thankful for MMS I hope to totally destroy all the Pathogens I had plus the eggs of, Lyme, chlymedia pneumonia, epstein barr, micoplasma, Black Berry Mold and candida yeast. I believe this is happening now. When my lymph glands are back to normal I will have the necessary lab tests. I am doing protocol to keep all my exit channels open. Lots of I have found exercise is beneficial in moving the MMS around my body along with Water, colonics, and colonic implants of MMS. MW
Hi Marlene,
How are you doing these days. I have had MS for c14 years and tried 100’s of treatments. Happy to hear of your improvements. Please call me Toll Free at 888-755-9284 and leave your number. Thanks so Much!
Hello Adam,
if we talk about psychological aspects i will go to a shaman in peru or the philippines an they will cure me in a very short timeframe because the have to power to do so. So i do not need MMS at all because we are talking about inherent cure forces of the body. But when we look at MMS in a physiologic way you have to see a objective improvement in the concrete bloodtest if MMS does what we think it does (killing acidic molecules in the body). So the promise was a cure but in some cases until now it has failed. And that is an issue we have to talk about, because MMS is raising expectations from very sick people, and they rely on MMS. So we have to be honest and talk also about the drawbacks that every therapy has. We are going to have cases where MMS does not work, because this is they way thinks work. I we are not honest because we want to sell someting, we are not better than the people we are criticizing (i.e. the pharmaceutical industry).
Hi Stefan,
I don’t know the people involved, nor why they have not yet seen any appreciable results. I have spoken to the mother of an AIDS patient who saw measurable improvements in his lab tests within 30 days time. Improvements didn’t mean “cure”, but things are going in the right direction.
We cannot ignore the psychological aspects of an individual’s healing journey. If they are not of a mind to heal, then they will NOT. I’m not speaking only of the body. I’m speaking of issues of guilt, shame, self-esteem, worthiness, loveableness, and forgiveness. These factors are just as important as the chemical and toxicological ones, if not more so.
Some times, the only way that an individual will begin to look at self, is when he or she gets to death’s door, with one foot on a banana peel.
Even then, they can STILL turn their situation around, but the healing begins inside their own heart and mind, not with the MMS.
there are two AIDS cases in the forum in which a blood test after 3 months of treatment with MMS both a blood test show that there was no improvement of the immune system. So time will tell if MMS helps or not because the book of JH told that malaria and AIDS was cured in a short timeframe. AIDS test are not reliable mostly but there has to be a improvement of the immune system after 3 months.
Hi Stafan,
You will NEVER find ANYTHING that has 100 percent effectiveness in ALL cases, because individuals create and experience their diseases for their own reasons.
Dissatisfaction ITSELF SLOWS DOWN the healing process, if an individual is really wanting health, whether you are using MMS or something else.
If you find “tangible” results that aren’t your own, then YOU will still not have *tangible* results. All over the web, people are sharing the *tangible* results they’ve experienced from MMS use. It’s not conjecture to them, because they KNOW. You can do the statistics, and weigh the data, but if you have an issue that YOU are seeking to mitigate, the statistics and data will not serve you.
I don’t know who gave you the impression that regaining health by reducing toxicity is “easy.” It’s messy, uncomfortable, and at times, humiliating. But it is also ennobling to those who demonstrate the courage to let go of their old story, and create a new one.
Let’s agree we are free to make complaining the central theme of our story, and if that’s the case, then getting well would put an end to that.
i would like to know some real people that have cured from MMS that i can contact personally. Maybe there is no a easy response to that question because every body is different and we need patience for the cure to happen. But what about a MMS success rate statistic from a independent entity ? In a german forum there are some cases who are not so satisfied with the MMS application and the results after more than 3 months. If chlorine dioxide gas dissolved in water is a real killer of acid molecules in the body, why you have to take it for months if it can cure malaria within hours ? For truth sake i have to say there is some inconsistent information about the MMS protocol. I will still testing MMS and give them some more time because it,s worth i think but i have to see real tangible results in the end. If this is not possible in a reasonable timeframe i have to come to the conclusion that there is no easy miracle cure.
Thanks for the clarification. I’ve heard the rationale before. I’m not here to argue with you or be “right” about MMS… and certainly don’t need defending.
Your point is posted and available to anyone interested in pursuing.
I do not mean to diminish the importance of corroboration when it comes to determining truth, but the first issue for me is whether the protocol that he has outlined is, in fact, effective. In other words, is it true? All evidence that I have been able to document, including independent of Jim Humble, tells me that it is, when used as recommended.
If it doesn’t work; and if it’s not effective, then it doesn’t matter how many people he helped in Africa, or whether he did at all.
On the other hand… MIKE… I find it interesting that YOU would seek to conceal, or shall I say, falsely present your own identity, under the pseudonym of “Truthful” when you have felt free to share your critical, doubts openly before.
So who is more credible? A man who subjects himself and his information to public scrutiny, or one with an agenda who, under cover of “anonymity,” seeks to spread doubt and fear?
More to the point, JAB, is that Humble claims to have cured thousands of people of Malaria in South America and Africa. There are copies of letters in his book, but when I contacted the government in Malawi, they had no knowledge of it. I’ve checked the archived newspapers from all parts of Africa, and there is no mention of it, and people are still dying of Malaria there. I have contacted the other groups going into Africa to treat the Malaria victims, and they have not heard of Jim Humble or the MMS, and when I forwarded the information from Humble’s bood, they were quite concerned. They have looked into it, and found no information at all. So where is the proof that thousands were cured. There is no proog, only Humble’s word. If the MMS cured Malaria within hours, and HIV within days, why are all the people on the support forum still sick? I have researched and researched, and I can find nothing that proves what Humble claims.
I did listen to the radio program, Adam, and got major goosebumps when I heard Jim Humble personally answering my question. There is no such thing as coincidence…
Six weeks ago I started taking MMS at half a drop once a day. Within a few days I had excrutiating back pain and this made me discontinue taking it as I was unable to drive to work. I have lyme disease and have no doubt the MMS was killing off lyme which is probably in my spine. My back pain receeded two weeks later. My question is – should I have continued or increased the dose and hoped that the back pain would stop.
I do believe in MMS but there is no doubt it is very powerful.
During this time I have continued with the salt/c protocol.
I would be grateful for any advice – especially lymies who have started MMS.
Keep taking it Michelle. You’re correct in saying it was killing off your lyme disease.
It’s all about the doses you take and how frequently from what I’ve read and experienced myself.
People that don’t get results generally have themselves to blame for not doing enough research and learning how to correctly mix it with the activator and which foods to stay off at the time of medicating.
MMS isn’t a miracle, its chemistry and it’s extremely effective used per the protocols. Research MMS protocols for lyme disease. The results are amazing. http://www.healthsalon.org/366/mms-miscellaneous-testimonials-no-13/
I’m merely using it as a powerful detox and within a couple of days my back aches have gone. Sleep pattern sorted out almost straight away and all round more get up and go!! I hope you do get back on it at a protocol that suits you and look forward to hearing how you get on.
I swear by it, may we all self medicate at the cost of the cash hungry phrama companies.
Peace. Jules
Thank you Julie! In the radio program, you’ll recognize one of the questions that I asked Jim was one you sent in a while ago about your sister-in-law.
Once again, Adam, you have succeeded in re-capping the “whole picture” – great article!