Overlooked Key to Healing: The YOU Factor

The MMS community continues to reposition, reconfigure, and define itself as “the news” about chlorine dioxide spreads and sometimes, the debates continue. Indeed, the MMS evolution is producing news that, even today, on first glance, sounds too good to be true. I’m not here to tell you otherwise. I am here to tell you that the news that you get and make, will be your own.

This dictum isn’t limited to MMS. It applies to every modality that you choose. If you are taking a conscious, natural, and non-toxic approach to mitigating a health problem, your journey is going to be your own, and you will be the most important factor in your ultimate success.

Many who are learning about MMS are looking for it to be “the answer” to their particular issue. Used as directed, it will do no harm. In fact, it will provide a necessary and beneficial service by lowering the pathogen load that the body is carrying by oxidation while leaving healthy tissue and cells unaffected.

In that sense, it will do great good, given the levels of toxicity and parasiticity that have become the rule, and no longer the exception in our culture. However, chlorine dioxide will always play a supporting role to the real star. That’s you in your life and me in mine.

For chlorine dioxide to work for you, you must be ready to allow yourself to receive the full benefit of its effects. This is done by issuing permission to the trillions of cells that make up your body, for them to cooperate fully with the chlorine dioxide brigade that you’ll be introducing, so as to facilitate full and complete access to all areas where pathogens and parasites are located.

How do you give your cells permission to cooperate fully with MMS (or anything else that you take)? You do so by first accepting that you’re where you are now because they’ve been listening to you, and trying to give you want you said you wanted.

This statement doesn’t just apply to your cellular population. It applies to your entire reality, as it applies to mine. If I prefer that certain aspects of my life experience play out differently from the way they are, it’s from an acknowledgment that my choices — including attitudes and beliefs, as well as actions — got me here. Instead of casting judgment on myself for having done something “wrong,” the issue for the moment is where do I want to go now? What do I now want to experience? The questions are asked with a knowing that the direction I desire is within my power to live. How to actually get to this new place of experience is not even necessary. I leave those details to my guiding Spirit/Higher Self/God.

It really is all about you.

How many times have you said, “I’m sick and tired of…!” The subject itself doesn’t even matter. If you have a pattern of being overwhelmed by life experiences, your cells will configure themselves to accommodate the worldview. With a shift of perspective, they will just as willingly reconfigure. There’s no judgment involved. YOU are their Lord and Master. They are ALWAYS listening to YOU, and wishing to carry out YOUR will. If you think that you are vulnerable to infection and disease, then so shall YOU be. But won’t you wonder why the guy or gal next to you is also exposed, but not affected?

Being “sick and tired of being sick and tired” won’t change things either. It’ll simply leave you sick and tired. However, being ready to enjoy your life, here and now, changes everything. This simple shift of consciousness sends an entirely different message to your cellular population.

Joy and laughter brings new energy and light that activate healthy emotional and electromagnetic patterns for the body’s reformation to build around. These patterns are invisible, but quite real. A willingness to set aside festering resentment and judgment returns the warmth of the heart, shedding its light over a landscape of consciousness that had grown barren, fearful, and gray.

This is the unseen process of choosing life that precedes and precipitates a return to health. MMS can’t do these things for you. Only you can. Only you know whether you’re doing it, or even if you believe you can. If you don’t even believe in yourself, you don’t have a chance. And yet, the moment that you do, you do.

These traits are innate to every human being. They apply to matters of health and wealth, and are central to our well-being. They are independent of nation, race, politics, and religion, and yet apply to all.

We are all a people at war, not with each other, but with ourselves. The others that we fight are mere proxies of ourselves. The vengeance that we seek to root out evil, is that which we refuse to see in ourselves. And yet, when we stop and actually look, we’ll realize that it’s not evil that we stare into, but a frightened child who thinks it is not loved. All “evil” is, in actuality, a call for love. When we respond with fear, the call simply keeps coming.

Disease is a manifestation of an inner conflict that needs to be resolved, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

At the same time, we are all imbued with the power to be healers, diplomats, and peacemakers. As we appreciate and understand more fully who and what we are, the disease we will have overcome simply becomes a way by which to confirm to ourselves that our own mastery is real.

As you master your disease, you’ll know you’re on to something wonderful.

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4 Thoughts to “Overlooked Key to Healing: The YOU Factor”

  1. Ric,

    Way to say it! WE are here, not to fear the dried up sticks or to demand double blind studies before we’ll believe they are no longer useful, but to BE “LIVING SEEDS” that sprout into the life and world of our heart’s choosing.

    Best wishes,


  2. Bruce, thank you for the links. These ARE a great stories.

  3. Ric

    Namaste !

    You’ve struck a syncronicity with my thoughts and studies of today/now.
    Within each and every one of us is the potential to desire and will to shape our viewpoints. Each and every cell responds; every microtubule responds; and our reality is created.
    In general systems theories, a closed system eventually consumes itself. I have come to the conclusion that I for one agree with this.
    You cannot water a dried up stick and expect it to sprout buds. In my humble viewpoint, fear, judgement, war, dis-ease, and the like are the dried up sticks.
    It’s unfortunate, but it can be willed to change, that there are many people behaving with the mindset of dried up sticks.
    If you plant a seed next to the dried up stick, the seed in conjunction with light and water will take the nutrient matter and energy of the dried up stick and blossom into something alive, healthy and growing.
    So I continue to plant the seeds, let the sticks rail and scream bloody murder, listen to the inner conflict as it subsides, and watch the new plants grow.
    And in a similar yet unique fashion tailored to the only form in the universe that is you, I believe and see the evidence that you and many others do the same.
    Love, Light, and Laughter,

  4. bruce

    Shame, you did not check it out Adam, but you knew anyway!

    Remember Marlene, with the heart beating story, read a better one at miricalemineral, a better story by far!



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