Since I started my radio show, Talk for Food, I’ve met many extraordinary people, whom we’ve recognized as kindred, and friends. We’re all extraordinary, and when I say “we,” I’m not referring to “me and my friends,” but all of humanity. You are extraordinary, as well as that man or woman down the street, or that group you think is a threat to your safety. They are extraordinary too. Yet, as extraordinary as we all are, it seems we’ve lost sight of the fundamental keys to health. Just about everything we’ve come to embrace and hold dear just makes us sicker, and when we go to the doctor, the medicines that he or she prescribes takes us further down the rabbit hole of disease, and oftentimes, out of the game of life altogether.
Extraordinary people are enduring extraordinary dis-ease for entirely too long, especially when effective methods to neutralize or nullify the causative factors are available. That these methods are not widely known and embraced is itself remarkable. We’ve become so familiar with synthetic, chemical, and pharmaceutical based walls we’ve created around ourselves, oblivious to the fact that they separate us from materials that naturally resonate with, maintain, and restore health. So familiar have the synthetic and toxic substances become, that we’ve come to think that the pathologies that they engender define our nature, and what we should expect from ourselves, and out of life itself. When we think that way, so shall it be.
Most people don’t see themselves as being particularly extraordinary, or important. Jim Humble, developer of the “miracle mineral solution” (MMS) protocol, resonates with many for the humility that he has maintained even while calling to the world’s attention a safe, simple, and economic chemical compound that can neutralize the millions of pathogens and toxins that we habitually, unwittingly consume and allow to accumulate inside the body. This process happens so slowly and insidiously that, like frogs in water that is now beginning to boil, we don’t see the link between this systematic poisoning process and the disease pathologies that we experience.
Modern medical science is not telling of this connection, nor is it asking itself why its practices are so ineffective. Instead, the public gets barraged with advertisements and press releases about “hopeful” new drugs. What they are not told is that said drugs also use “old school” methods, relying on synthetic, toxic chemicals as their foundation.
In the ultimate example of rationalization, we are encouraged to think that disease and physical dysfunctions that occur as we grow older, are simply the inevitable result of aging. They are not. However, this form of rationalizing preempts the greater and more meaningful questions from ever being formed.
A reasonable question would be, “Why have we strayed so far away from our understanding and appreciation of our own physiological makeup, including how health is sustained and restored by natural means?” Furthermore, why are we being inundated with synthetic, toxic substances, by so many organizations and industries that we trust? This includes, but is not limited to:
- food processors and growers (e.g., pesticides, irradiation, GMO),
- cattle growers (e.g., rBST, grain feeding),
- government agencies (e.g., vaccines that contain thimerosal (mercury), Gardasil (now they want to inject boys)
- health care providers — a list of thousands of pharmaceuticals ostensibly designed to “fight” disease, but in fact, exacerbate it.
- water treatment companies — that treat water with chlorine and fluoride
We know the answer is money, greed, power, etc., but those are not sufficient reasons to justify a continuation of the status quo. Doing so simply means more of what we’ve already come to expect.
Not only are toxicity levels already too high, and still on the rise, but within its list of treatment options, conventional medicine offers precious few methods for reducing toxicity levels within the body, and none are inexpensive.
Even though anyone who is demonstrating the symptomology of a chronic disease can be considered out of chemical balance, or not in homeostasis, and will mostly likely show evidence of dehydration, standard treatment practices do not include basic balancing regimens, as they would be nutritionally focused. Why is nutrition and medical health considered separate, with the exception of the FDA wanting to control any discussion of “cures” of disease pathologies to the realm of drugs (which “cure” nothing)?
Health care providers don’t provide these most basic and inexpensive forms of treatment. Health insurance companies neither encourage, nor pay for it. We have to ask ourselves, “Why not?”
Our belief that drugs will help make the alterations that pathological symptomologies call for, is the root of the problem of soaring disease. Nature provides numerous methods to bring about the alterations that a diseased — meaning out of balance –body needs. Some are vibrational or electromagnetic, others are medicinal. Simply walking along in a park barefoot will do more to discharge electrostatic energy and help bring balance than most people would ever dare to consider. Drugs cannot and do not restore balance, in spite of what all the actors in the barrage of drug advertisements tell us.
Instead, patients are generally left to live with the toxic substances that are pumped into their body as treatment for the chronic condition… to which they rarely recover from, and frequently die of, due to complications. In spite of the continuing rise in chronic diseases and death, predominant practices and modalities are rarely questioned by the industry, or investigated by the mainstream media.
The current discussion about overhauling the health care system is centered around getting more Americans covered — which will bloat an already dysfunctional medical organism in need of its own resuscitating paradigm shift — than on making its methods and practices more effective and less expensive.
Greater health, meaning more effective success at recovery from disease conditions, will automatically and significantly lower the cost of health care. Due to their unquestioning reliance on familiar medical orthodoxy, bureaucrats are only projecting more spending, but not more health.
We have grown to expect to be sick, and unable to fend off disease, and as long as we do things as we’ve done them, so shall it be. But when you give it some key fundamental components — sufficient structured water, full spectrum of minerals and amino acids, beneficial flora, and an open mind and joyful spirit — the human body is a perpetual self-healing machine, that hasn’t forgotten how to heal itself. Only we have forgotten these keys, somewhat conveniently for those who make a living treating illness.
I got through the heavy pollen season without the “crud” as many have had. Last year I had a serious case of congestion at this time. My stamina is very good and I look forward to the results of my physical report in a week! I KNOW it’s going to be terrific! Thanks to you Adam, and to Jim. We need lots of pioneers in this remarkable time and you’ve answered the call.