My quest to understand and appreciate the nature, behavior, and essence of structured water is ongoing. Feedback from new structured water experiencers continues to stream in, and it is no less than amazing. Water plays a grossly unappreciated role in the human health matrix. Our failure to examine water, and to come to a consensus as to what constitutes the optimal form of intake, has resulted in the adoption of a number of plausible sounding, but ineffective substitutes. Worse still, many have convinced themselves that consuming anything “wet” will satisfy our water requirements. This is so not so.
Mother Nature is the first and best source of structured water. Water is best consumed when it is mature, in season, like ripened fruit. As outlined in Living Energies: An Exposition of the Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger, by Callum Coats, mature water is the result of passage through what is known as a full hydrological cycle. When it is immature, it is hungry, sometimes aggressive, even angry like many an adolescent. It is needy, and if drank, will require mineral resources from the body, in order to be put into use.
We’ve intervened in so many of our processes, not only in the way water is processed, but in the chemicals that are routinely dumped into rivers and tributaries, and the chemicals used in water treatment. Thinking that it is an inert substance, water is treated with little regard, even though life could not exist without it.
In order to have human health, the water that we intake needs to be (1) sufficient, (2) balanced, (3) cleared of its memory, and (4) energy rich. In other words, it must be structured. Water intake is generally regarded as drinking, but a significant percentage of the water we consume is through the surface of the skin, via showers and baths.
The book, No More Secrets, No More Lies: a Handbook to Starseed Awakening, by Patricia Cori, contains some fascinating information on water, and its relationship to DNA.
Before we endeavor to describe the function of the ten dormant strands of your light-coded DNA and the process of their reactivation, we must give due thought and consideration to the consciousness of the water element within your bodies and its photo/phonic transmitting capacity.
Like the great waves in your oceans, your fluctuating body fluids affect your internal weather and climate–the body temperature, which regulates any number of functions determining the good health of your organism. Your water stores hydrate, cleanse and purify, oxygenate, enable complex chemical reactions, distribute nutrients, affect metabolic activity, detoxify, and play host to countless organisms… just as the great oceans of Gaia metabolize the abundant life within them.
The body water’s ultimate performance, however, is to serve as a highly conductive transmitting medium for the DNA, sending and receiving electromagnetic frequencies of sound and light that are constantly being communicated from the double helix highways to the cells, tissues, and organs of your bodies. Indeed, we read ninety percent of the water within you exists in relationship to the function of your DNA, primarily as a resonance factor for the communication of sound and light transmissions through the cells, between the cells, and everywhere in between.
From a metaphysical perspective, the water of your complex physical beings is the receptive element–the cosmic sea–upon which all etheric imprints of consciousness are stored and amplified, serving as a matrix upon which every conscious and subconscious thought is organized in resonant patterns that form the cosmometry of your persona. That persona, clearly, is the reflection of the greater whole, of which each of you is a unit of global and universal design.
Now the question arises regarding the consciousness of the waters within you, which (like your earthly seas) become polluted with dissonant thought patterns, invading acoustic and electromagnetic frequencies, toxic elements from your water and food supply, and every other aspect of discord that you create on the mental level and bring to manifestation in the realm of the physical. The essential water of your make-up reflects these disharmonies, and by nature of our discussion of the conductive properties of water, it is safe to deduce that these same disharmonies are then transmitted throughout the entire organism.
Similarly, water that has been raised to resonate at its highest levels of consciousness, enhanced by your intention, water that has been purified with sound and light before you introduce it into the body seas… water that has been thanked, loved, and appreciated will effectively communicate that higher dimensionality throughout the body.
I will share more from this book, but this is a good place to introduce the fourth installment of the Structured Water 111 video series.
Thanks for this post.. I just learned about structured water and I am currently looking into getting a photonic water unit for my house. I’ll have to check out the books you list above. I have an Amazon gift card burning a hole in my pocket anyways..