I’ll soon be able to replace this Monument Valley landscape with one of my own, as I head on a road trip to Crestone, CO, to interview Rob Williams, developer of PSYCH-K (www.psych-k.com) and then head to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I’ll meet Dr. Sam Berne (www.newattention.net) who is fast becoming an expert in energy measurement and analysis using electrophotonic imaging technology, referred to as the GDV developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (www.korotkov.org). I’ll also meet Clayton Nolte, developer of the PHOTONIC Water (www.photonicwater.com) structuring technology, which through biophotons, transforms the energetic quality of the water, which then yields significant, measurable, physiological effects. We will test, compare, and document a number of configurations of his device, to increase our understanding of the nature and scope of the biophoton potential.
The agriculture world is beginning to take notice of this technology, as it portends an amazing opportunity to improve, on profound levels, the quantity, but more so the energetic quality of foods that are produced. Americans presently have a very low energy IQ, a fact that leads them into the valley of chronic disease. When they turn to their doctor, they are generally guided to take medications that take more energy from them (not to mention money), until there is no more. If your money runs out before your will to live, you’ve got a chance if you embrace energy-rich products, and that which is life itself. As more people wake up to this bald-faced scenario that’s going on right before their eyes, they will simply start saying yes to that which is energy rich, or energy enhancing, and no to that which depletes. This includes predictions of imminent doom by irate physicians whose omniscient guidance has been challenged, questioned, or chosen against.
We now know that the human body is its own healer, and that we, the consciousness can empower or dis-empower it in every way, starting with how we think and feel, and what we believe and disbelieve. All searches for “cures” that don’t take the human consciousness — i.e., the one who is experiencing, and in effect, creating the malady — will be for naught. People who don’t want to look at themselves, and how they have contributed to, or allowed their situation to become what it has become, will go to great lengths to hold on to their current ways of thinking. This is not a criticism. It’s just a human’s nature, until one is truly ready to experience something new, and something wonderful.
In addition to the structuring device we will test some other products with the GDV, which stands for “gas discharge visualization,” for their energetic properties, including MMS, Jim Humble’s “miracle mineral supplement.” We’ll test the “standard” formula, as well as a homeopathic version, developed by Ann Schneider-Cullen (www.anncullen.co.uk), a health practitioner who among other things, supplies MMS in the UK. We will take a look at these products from an energetic perspective. The results will be illuminating in many ways.
You’ll read, see, and hear about it here.
These are just a few of the products that we’ll evaluate with the GDV. I’ll have more to share soon. Now it’s time to get ready to hit the road, and begin a monumental journey.