Bioremediation is a term that should be search and researched by every human who is looking for workable solutions to our environmental problems, the Gulf oil spill being the latest. Problems have a habit of getting larger the more we ignore, excuse, or rationalize them. They don’t go away. Sometimes when faced with a problem, we truly don’t know we can do something better. That is why millions of people are taking various and sundry drugs to remediate medical problems. They are doing the best they think they can do, not knowing they can do something better; something that will actually work. The problem is compounded when the doctor who prescribed the drug, who was told, by medical guidelines, by The BOOK, that this IS the way to address that particular problem, or there will be professional repercussions to pay if you deviate from this guideline, often operates within that narrow range of options.
Our habit of using chemicals to remediate health problems began a few generations ago. The current “young” generation knows no other way. They don’t remember when milk was raw and unpasteurized. They don’t recall when water had no fluoride and little chlorine. For some time we have been led to expect that cancer is inevitable, to believe that bacteria that resist certain drugs are “super,” and therefore, unconquerable by us “mere mortals.”
Ours has been the perfect generation of patients. Malleable, accepting of the concept of medical infallibility. Government agencies such as the FDA do their part to help keep drugs in the forefront of consumer choices, charging HIGH prices to confer their “Approval” to those that can afford it, and approving cancer products that don’t help cure it.
Drugs will cause a change in various symptomologies, but they are NOT curative. The FDA either doesn’t know what actually brings about a cure for cancer, or it isn’t telling. Yet, it has a fairly consistent history of going after, and making life hard for people (Harry Hoxey), products (Dinshah Ghadiali), or technologies (Raymond Royal Rife) that actually do help facilitate cures for such conditions.
Health Canada (the FDA counterpart up north), issued an “advisory” recently against the use of MMS, the “miracle mineral supplement” pioneered by Jim Humble. Citing two complaints, the agency has advised one (U.S. based) MMS supplier to stop selling the product to Canadians. Spain followed suit a short time after, banning the sale of MMS in that country. If they are really looking out for the public, these agencies aren’t functioning in the public interest.
I called Health Canada and spoke to someone in the media relations department, and asked whether they had done any research into the beneficial outcomes people have reported using MMS. The representative said that he wasn’t personally familiar with it, and asked for some time to get “up to speed” on the subject. He did say that Health Canada has rigorous standards in place to ensure that any product offered to the public be safe and effective. He said that the onus is on the manufacturer to make sure that the research has been done.
I told him that this works fine for companies that have patentable products (that may or may not actually help solve medical problems), who are able to pay the many millions to support the application and certification process. However, many products that are natural, not patentable, for which no one company can claim “eminent domain” and are highly effective, do not economically support the high costs of certification. Canada may be different, but this is certainly not possible with the FDA. So these products become “outlaws” by default, as well as by the medical industry, which has been literally “bought and paid for” by the pharmaceutical industry. In the public mind, supported by a docile and addicted mainstream media, only drugs are to be trusted to remediate health concerns and pathologies, and that is the exact opposite of truth, and the crux of the human health dilemma today.
So we are where we are, and that’s okay. Fortunately, there are other sources of information. (You found this one, didn’t you?)
Bioremediation is the answer to the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. It is also the answer to the situation in the Gut, or any place within the body that is out of balance, and therefore, in ill health. Balance is the key.
Below is a video rendition of my Talk For Food show, without the commercial spots, and with every stutter and pregnant pause. My guest is Dr. David Kamnitzer, D.C., of San Diego, in what, I felt, was a rare and beautiful conversation. They’re all beautiful, but there was a poignancy about our exchanges that, I felt, was and is extra special… enough to impose my “nose to camera” on your video screen. You can always just listen, or count the hairs on my beard when I jabber.
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/12265163 w=520&h=400]