It took me three days to produce and publish this video, but the delay helped me see what may be a more disturbing trend.
Amid the rancor and ruckus of shock, turmoil, and indignation about the Gulf oil spill and (lack of) cleanup operations, we now have a case of disappearing news. A story that appeared on CNN.com on July 3rd titled, “EPA scientists discuss chemicals used to break up oil in Gulf,” was sent to me Sunday (July 4). I took some exception to the inane suggestion, attributed to the EPA, that, when not mixed with oil, dispersants like Corexit® 9500 “did not significantly affect the endocrine systems of marine life.” That this vague example of non-information was being presented as having a measure of scientific validity was enough for me to pull out the video camera, press the Record button, and vent.
Life being what it is these days, it still took some time to view, edit, and then produce the video. So it came as somewhat of a surprise when I looked for the article on CNN.com’s site, it was nowhere to be found. Either someone took exception to them letting it out that over 20,000 gallons of Corexit is still being pumped into the Gulf (over 1.6 million gallons to date), or perhaps an editor realized how inane the EPA’s statement (and Coast Guard “talking point” response) sounded, and decided to spare us.
It’s good that I printed out a copy of the article.
One last thing Adam,
You need to read this article
Hello Adam,
The wisest thing to do is download all videos that you think may be relevant then post them to your site right away.
I’ve been collecting videos and articles up at
http://www.HealthSalon.org to make it easy for people to see whats happening.
The news is so disturbing. I have no alternative but to advise people who live in the gulf region to leave now while they still have free choice about when, where and how they go.
Due to the crop destruction this corexit 9500 is bringing in the forms of toxic rains I also suggest that folks take a serious look on the amount of food they have on hand. I say 2 years minimum but I reserve the right to increase that number of years if things change much. Carefully watch the situation and be prepared to make changes as necessary.
With the hurricane season rapidly approaching this deadly chemical can be spread all though the south and up the eastern seaboard.
From all that I have read by experts that have been analysing the situation it seems that this gouge to the mother’s jugular may never be repaired.
They will, I think, eventually, use a nuclear bomb, but not until our economy and much of our local ocean is devasted… and perhaps after a population center is poisoned with gas. We better pray that it works.