I’m heading back to the Dominican Republic, to do a Mulligan on the 5-day MMS Seminar and Workshop, in the coastal town of Barahona (pronounced, bah-RO-na). The timing of the FDA assault on MMS, where they mobilize their forces against a product that they have not given a fair, unbiased evaluation, in spite (or because of) the positive results people are getting, makes this a great opportunity to get Jim’s take on the entire situation while people from around the world travel to this tropical setting to learn about MMS from the man himself.
The first seminar, an experience that spanned two weeks, was amazing. It wasn’t just the learning, which went virtually non-stop from 9am-5pm, but getting to know the people and their own motivations for traveling such distances. Coming from as far away as Norway, Bosnia, England and Germany, plus Columbia and Peru in addition to Canada, Puerto Rico and the U.S., a diverse mix of backgrounds, languages, and customs were all set aside by the common desire to help others and help one’s self.

We stayed in a dorm-like setting (I understand there are private rooms now), men in one area, women in another. One of the men quickly gained a reputation for his snoring. He also distinguished himself for his dedication to helping others when five of us took a memorable trip to Haiti.
We connected with a group of Korean missionaries, who agreed to receive us and give us an overnight place to stay. We agreed to assist them, as they sponsored a program to bring American doctors in to examine and treat the sick. Although they had never heard about MMS, they were curious, as were our hosts, as to what brought us there. They listened with open minds.
The real presenter was a young woman, Jenny Jung, a Korean native who now lives in Atlanta. She witnessed her father’s amazing recovery from a chronic ailment, and a year of prescribed steroid treatments which were not only ineffective, but degenerative. Yet, a short time after taking MMS, he was back to normal. Jenny decided that she had to tell the Korean world about MMS (a mission she has since embarked upon).
The group asked questions, and took MMS themselves. One of the doctors, who had eczema, applied an MMS solution directly, with a sprayer. The next morning he reported that the infected area definitely felt better. All of them wanted copies of Jim Humble’s book, which Jenny took the initiative to purchase and bring to give away. Two of the four doctors also prepared the 8-hour cocktail, a 3-drop per hour dosing, and drank 1/8th each hour during the course of a grueling next day’s work.
We were given permission by the missionaries and the doctors, to set up a station that Haitians who came in for treatment, were directed to, particularly those with malaria or dengue fever. We were the next to last stop… the last one being a laying on of hands, also by the doctors according to their faith, and earnest, fervent prayer. The FDA would dismiss such nonsense, especially since it can’t be patented, but the last two stations on that day were, in my opinion, the most powerful.
As the day wore on, an enthusiasm had emerged for this new-found and useful discovery.
There are many beneficial clinical uses for chlorine dioxide, in the levels that Jim Humble has tested and proven, for anyone who really cares to look.
We even sprayed some on an emaciated puppy that was clearly in need of some pathogen reduction.
The entire experience was moving in ways that words cannot adequately express. All of this would get dismissed by an FDA as it thinks today. When the business of disease has become a growth industry, when television advertisements pander to the belief in the eventuality of sickness, and even a friendly suggestion of a glass of water to a dehydrated person can be construed as practicing medicine without a license, things have gone too far. Health and healing are clearly no longer important, when you would shut a promising modality down while not having all the relevant answers yourself. A relevant answer is one that helps the questioner achieve a desired goal. Survival is the bare minimum of what a cancer patient wants to do. They want to be healthy again. For all of the billions that they have raised and extracted from the public, cancer treatment industry and the FDA doesn’t offer any approved cancer treatment modalities that allow any confidence of healthy longevity. Yet, people are curing themselves of cancer and many other diseases of our times, by going “off-the-grid,” and back to balance.
In its way, MMS helps restore balance. It’s not the only way, but it is an effective way to do so.
I’m going back to Barahona to record Jim Humble’s next complete MMS workshop. Well into his 70’s, he has continued his research. We owe it to ourselves to learn more about chlorine dioxide, since it has been brought to our attention. You can pre-order the package, which will include at least 8 DVDs, by clicking the link below. The workshop tuition is $750. The course materials, certificates, and DVD-set, are $350.

I am receiving high doses of cortison to treat arthritis. It helps with pain and swelling but i know there can be lots of side effects. I started with mms 1000 protocol (8 hours x 3 drops) and today my pain and swelling intensified. Is it smart to continue with mms and cortisol or not?
i am having difficulty finding an MMS2 supplier in UK. Please can you advise. Thanks for all your hard work. Blessings Hilda Farmer
my dog has distemper. the vet thought that it was canine flu. we are 3 weeks into it. he has survived the first stage. my dad told me about mms. I would like to know the power of your solution that cured your dog. This dog is my world and he has been immunized. please let me know strength of the solution used.
What a coincidence! I was reading infowars.com regarding the latest government engineered epidemic when a comment re MMS prompted me to research.
I discovered this incredibly insightful site and learned that you are currently hosting a conference with the heroic inventor in my newly adopted country. While the beauty here is surreal, so are the parasites in the tap water just from bathing and brushing teeth. Thought I would try MMS.
Please advise if you or someone knows where to purchase MMS here in Samana or Santo Domingo, if necessary.
Kudos for your noble endeavors.
Adam, It is not the end of MMS cause FDA is just one country’s government agency. There are still hundreds of countries all over the world. We can change them and we can educate them. Money is powerful but Good Will is more powerful than that. As long as Jim is truthful and MMS is good for humankind, it will not be disappeared easily. Please keep up the good work. You are not alone. Eventually, you will make a history! By the way can you please just correct my name from Jenny Hye Young Jung to Jenny Jung? Thank you.
Hello Jenny from Barahona!
Done, and thank you for your words of encouragement. I see this development as part of the world’s awakening to MMS, thanks to the FDA. The truth will be known. This is the process.
Best wishes,
Definitely a believer in sodium chlorite solution’s benefits! Our dog contracted distemper after being taken to the dog pound. We gave the solution morning & evening for 10 days, until he was no longer having respiratory problems or diahrrea. I wish I could be part of Mr Humble’s “army” here in Texas, but haven’t worked since January so financial survival is the most critical issue right now. But, if there is anything I can do, please let me know!
Now I wonder what excuse they Flying Monkeys will have for your dogs improvements, other than placebo-effect!
Hmmmm, waiting…
my dog has distemper. my vent thinks its the canine flu, he has all of the signs of distemper. i need to know the strength of the solution that you used to cure your dog. we have been treating my dog for 3 weeks on antibiotics and he is getting worse. i will be starting him on mms tonight.
Jack… the rule of thumb, with regard to strength, is up to three drops of MMS per 25 lbs of body weight. You can begin with less, but that is the upper limit.