I am sometimes remiss to report on my own activities, but it is worthwhile to note that I have updated my original article on MMS, titled, “No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry.” It now contains updated information on the protocols, including Protocol 1000 (for general use) and Protocol 2000 (for acute cases), as well as a couple new photos to show some of the differences between the original 10% citric acid activator and the now preferred 50% solution.
I preserved much of the original text, which did not become “wrong,” but has been supplanted by several easier to palette approaches. I intend to do the same thing with my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. While it remains viable, providing useful and correct information, it might be best called an archival piece, showing things as they were started — at least with my involvement — three years ago.
Many of the people that I have interviewed recently, who overcame nasty health challenges like breast cancer and staph infections, did so using the “old school” MMS protocols outlined in the original ‘No Miracle’ article and the documentary; 15 drops (and 75 drops of 10% citric acid or lemon/lime juice), up to three times a day. The maximum of 3 drops per hour for 8 hours called for by Protocol 1000 is, figuratively speaking, easier to swallow. On the other hand, Jim has come up with many other novel ways to generate and deliver MMS inside the body besides oral intake. Most of them are listed in the updated article.
I have also completed editing, condensing, and authoring Jim Humble’s 5-day MMS workshop into a 4 disc DVD product. I originally thought it would be a 5-dvd set, but was able to get the last two day’s sessions on one disc.

Jim’s workshop is far more comprehensive than there is time, or most people even have the attention span to watch in a video presentation. However, when a life depends on understanding, the information contained in this set is invaluable.
The topics that he covers are broad, in part because we have been conditioned to believe that diseases are unrelated. This allows doctors to “parallel prescribe ,” authorizing the introduction of multiple sets of complex chemicals into the inner ecology of the body, like the Corexit sorties that BP was permitted to dump in the Gulf of Mexico; almost 2 million gallons worth.
In the same way that the prescription chemicals — which suck and bind up precious oxygen in an already oxygen deficient environment — are a traumatic shock to the human body, so it was and is in the Gulf. Under any other circumstances, the planes that dropped the Corexit would have been intercepted and ordered to stop, or face being shot out of the air. This was a blatant act of terror, except that it was about oil, and human and ecological health took a back seat to making a buck.
The same mentality is at work when prescription drugs are issued, or when chemicals and synthetic (e.g., GMO) materials are considered acceptable substitutes for real food and mineral supplements. Even while estuaries continue to die and fish suffocate from the toxic soup, the FDA has given the green light for Americans to consume oysters and seafood from the Gulf (if they can find any that are living or that haven’t mutated), and are giving the go ahead to transgenic (genetically modified) salmon, but are warning the public that MMS is a dangerous “bleach.”
Do you wonder why they have lost any credibility they might have had?
The workshop DVD will be shipping to people who have pre-ordered soon, as they are preparing to leave the manufacturing plant to their fulfillment point as I write this. So the wait is almost over. It should show up on their web site sometime soon. Here is the trailer I produced… (when it was apparent that 5 discs would be necessary).
Lastly, I have written and published quite a few essays on MMS over the past couple years. I printed out the original the other day for a woman whose husband has been sent home to die from cancer, and someone told her about MMS and insisted that she contact me. She knew nothing about it, and had no computer for internet access. I gave her a thumbnail overview of what it does and how it is used, then updated the article (which I had promised myself to do anyway), and sent her a copy of the documentary DVD.
I also sent a request to PGL International, and asked them to ship some MMS to this lady. On the next business day, it was on its way by Express Mail. She now has product and the information I sent. Hopefully, she has a clue as to how and where to begin. The subject of money never came up.
Life is more important than money. Health is more important than wealth.
If you would like me to publish a booklet, or a book of my selected articles on MMS, please let me know. I considered doing this some time ago, but never did.
hi Adam (Phaelosopher),
Thank you for the great work you are doing. I am very happy to have discovered your blog and the latest news you are posting regarding MMS. I hope to help implement more of it’s use in Africa through some friends I have there.
Also, if I may, I would like to suggest you visit this site – it can show you how to frame your shot correctly for future interviews that you may film:
Thanks again, your efforts are really appreciated.
If somebody like me is taking conventional medications for years for a problem and than gets rid of the problem in 48 hours after using MMS, than I call that a miracle!
Others may call it whatever they want…:P
I woulld love it as well.
If it weren’t for MMS and you Jim Humble, I would be dead.
I knew I had parasites….taking the MMS confirmed it. I have continued to take it for 7 months as I slowly began to regain some vitality. Even though the doctors see that once I was so sick and now I am not, even though I showed them pictures of what came out of me they called me psychotic and delusional and refuse to believe that parasite testing in the U.S. is so poorly done.
I would truly appreciate a booklet that might explain it to them.
Still, I don’t know if they will choose to understand. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
For now I will buy the “water purification drops” and have decided to become a member of the church so that I may purchase MMS once again.
Thank you from MY humble heart.
Laurie in Montana
I’m happy to hear MMS has helped you to.
Best to ignore those who don’t know what they are talking about.
As you say: There are none so blind as those who will not see.
WE KNOW from experience and NOBODY takes this away from us.
No matter what.
I agree with you, they dont know what they are talking about, because they say a lot of things, that is not exactly the truth about MMS, and they deliberately distort the truth.
In my opinion they are blessed with the spirit of a cultish skepticism. And they think they are championing Francis Bacon’s scientific method, but they are throwing out the baby with the bath water, and they cant see the forest from the trees.
They call people idiots, and deluded, stupid, and etc, but they think they are enlightened scientists. In my opinion these people can not be part of the real scientific community.
If a booklet will be published on MMS,
I would like a booklet on MMS2 also.
I would love a booklet to be published on MMS… the more info, the better! Let it be known!
There’s some more info on MMS here:
So where are these reports? Please publish them or are you on a FDA witch hunt?
I try my best dear! Anybody who still wants to share his/her experience, please post them here:
This is not a discussion-blog, but a experience blog
In other words, if you post anything disagreeing with you, your post will be deleted.
Yup. Nothing says “I know I have a good argument” quite like deleting anyone who disagrees.
No as long as you not abusive, intimidating and use no name-calling,I will allow the post. Any abuse goes straight into the spam folder.

This is not discussion group, so if you do cal experiences a lie, illusion or delusion, they will end up in the spam.
I won’t bother what goes in there, since I set it up that way.
My blog, my rules.
I have no problems with different opinions, only with bad manners and intimidation!
So if that shoe fits you, wear it!
Well, that’s good to know, Monika, I appreciate that. Have just left a polite and respectful comment on your blog. Glad to know it won’t be deleted.