KANSAS CITY, MO – It’s just a few hours before I wing back home after a fly/drive road trip that included time in four different states – Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, and Kansas. Illinois had been on the list, but has been rescheduled. Only sporadic access to a good WI-FI signal and full days of activity favored observation over participation in the flurry of exchanges in the Thought For Food comment forum.
It is almost laughable to see the current “resident skeptic,” “mmsdebunked,” himself a faceless, nameless, anonymous person — in some part of the world — express his doubts about the authenticity of my account of the young lady from Greece, some may remember Maria, who rid herself of HSV1 and HSV2 (herpes simplex virus) over a three-month period, using MMS. This relief, confirmed by lab tests, came after 10 and 2 years of standard and ineffective medical treatment, respectively.
The sheer effort that mmsdebunked has given in an effort to cast doubt and maintain a position of being at odds, over the simple sharing of information, reveals… well I don’t know what it reveals.
I don’t know this man, since he prefers not to subject himself to public scrutiny for “fear” of some form of reprisal – as if anyone cares that he is simply acting as a misinformation shill. Yet, he writes with a mock familiarity, as though he knows MMS, and me.
There is an irony in seeing someone talk as though they know, but coming from a place of NOT knowing. They want so hard to be believed, and make such an effort to appear as though they are knowledgeable, spouting every negative and incorrect or non-relevant interpretation that they can find while talking to people who do KNOW what they’re talking about from first-hand experience.
MMS has so not been “debunked,” that the opposite is actually true. It is being recognized as a superior and grossly under-used disinfectant. Its merits have become so obvious to those who SEE and KNOW that even continuing to portray one’s self as a “debunker” only reveals a disingenuous agenda, and not a desire to help the public.
During my travels, I came to meet and a husband and wife team of health practitioners, Tom and Joy Watson. Tom is a clinical kineseologist, and Joy is a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND), with practices in Healing Tree Health Club, in Blue Eye, Missouri and Osage Health Center, Berryville, Arkansas. They use natural, energetic, non-invasive and non-toxic methods to help their patients restore their health.

Both have overcome major illnesses to restore their own health; Tom a debilitating back injury that suddenly took his life and livelihood away and had him in a cast for an extended time, and Joy, fully healed herself of breast cancer, without surgery, without toxic drugs. Not a “survivor,” she thrives once again.
During her healing journey, Joy used MMS. She didn’t stay on it – this was in the days of taking up to 15 drops one or more time daily (since modified to smaller, hourly doses over an 8 hour period each day). Her choice to seek methods other than MMS had to do in large part to the detox itself… which can be an unpleasant experience. While one is going through an MMS-induced toxin release, it may not be evident that it is (1) temporary, and (2) helpful. In addition, early MMS users were most often lone wolves, with very little in the way of familial or medical support.
Dr. Watson acknowledged to me that MMS is a superior antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal product, that warrants more study on how to give patients the best results and the best experience. Given its wide availability – derived from an unprocessed salt (sodium chlorite) and low cost, it could dramatically impact both the results as well as the economics involved in health care today, rendering a multitude of marginally effective, metabolically damaging pharmaceutical medications useless.
I am not saying that MMS is the only thing that works, because it is not. I’m saying that it provides a vital and viable therapeutic function on polluted human physiologies, as evidenced by the results that so many people are reporting.
You can bet that IF pharmaceuticals did offer superior results than MMS, (1) they would be quick to prove it, and (2) we’d not be spending this time talking about using MMS, or (3) see federal agencies trying to dissuade the public from using it.
I did not go there to talk to them about MMS. Our conversation about it was over breakfast that Joy prepared on their beautiful 65 acre property on a mountain top just outside of Berryville, Arkansas. Their Osage Natural Health Center is also on the property. They showed me some of the other tools that they use, which I have captured on camera and will be in upcoming articles.
Yet, it is amazing to go places and meet people who have not only heard of, but are using, or know someone who is using MMS, such as Jeffrey Smith’s wife, Andrea. Jeffrey is the author of Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette. I interviewed him at their home in Fairfield, Iowa. Great, down to earth, genuine, and caring people.
For 15 years Jeffrey has traveled the world calling attention to the true dangers of genetically modified (GMO) foods, dangers that the Food and Drug Administration claims to have “seen no evidence of.” The more truthful statement would be to have admitted no evidence of harm, because evidence exists that they were informed about but chose to ignore such warnings and silence the whistle blowers.
Jeffrey founded the Institute for Responsible Technology to help raise public awareness of how pervasive GMO products are, and how to inform yourself, since neither the information released, nor policies issued by said federal agencies can be relied upon to work in the public’s behalf. If there is an “erring” by the agency, it is on the side of the industries that feed them.
Yet, who feeds the industries? Is it not you and me?
No one has any obligation to “stand up” for MMS unless they want to, or “prove” that it works to skeptics. There is such a thing as natural skepticism, but it’s not a place where anyone with an open mind takes up residence. People who need someone else to “prove” a concept to them are simply wasting their own time, and the energy of anyone who tries to convince them.
If your own energy, research, and intelligence isn’t part of how you go about deciding what modalities work for you, then you’re not really trying to learn anything, because such methods won’t yield any useful understanding.
Understanding isn’t the most important thing to people who are dealing with chronic diseases either; results are. I would go to Tom and Joy Watson any day because they have taken journeys that most medical doctors – if left to their training – never successfully work their way from. They are happy and healthy, and are helping their patients restore their health too… the happiness, as well as the healing is always, up to you.
I’ll be sharing more, but now it’s time to take another flight home.
MMS will not help you. MMS is not for that.
Ok, that makes two out of two people here so far who can’t answer a simple direct yes or no question, thanks..
Anyone else want to have a go? I’m particularly interested in how Adam would answer the question.
Am I unreasonable for asking why, one single person out of the millions cured over 14 years hasn’t shown a single verifiable test result?
Yes or no?
If Adam answers yes, i will concede the argument and won’t post here anymore.
You have to verify it for your self,but it is not for your condition.
hey army software pgm persona,aka mmsfraud.what about the girl that cured her herpes adam just mentioned? WITH lab tests!
bet you have nothing to say about that do you?
your lies are very evident.
that lie number 2..
anyhow with so many LIES in such a short paragraph,how can we believe anything you(it) say?
your word and sincerity are fake.
why dont you come back as mmsfraud.id like to pick apart that phoney also.
consider it medicine for your sick mind.
why dont you come back as mms debunked also?
mmslies…. or
mms charlatan…..or
comon mmsfraud,earn your pay from your deathmongering masters(who are soon to be destroyed by the creator,including their god.)
comon.the moneys good.remember,like the elite of this world, you have the best suite on the titanic.
I quote Adam “since he prefers not to subject himself to public scrutiny for “fear” of some form of reprisal “.
Well Adam, I don’t know about you but I read the above replies from MAX and I actually feel a little scared. If the person who wrote this is genuine then I honestly believe they are certifiably delusional, or very close to it. I’m not trying to be funny or coy, I genuinely read the above and feel a little scared, and it hasn’t taken long for someone like this to come out of the wood work:
“earn your pay from your deathmongering masters(who are soon to be destroyed by the creator,including their god.) ”
This is pure madness, tell me you honestly think this is a normal, rational and sane way to discuss an issue?
If people like this knew my name and knew where I lived, I would genuinely be a little concerned for my safety.
I must have missed it, I’ve been searching for a year and never seen one. Maybe you could be so kind and actually back up your claims with some facts instead of making baseless assertions.
This is more proof the author is delusional, if they “think” the question has been answered, I challenge anyone here to find where the “many who have repeatedly answered” my “yes or no” question, this obviously only happened in Max’s mind.
You call this blog a “pro MMS” site. I don’t consider either the site, or myself “pro” MMS. I consider MMS a viable, far superior way to achieve disinfection than many of the thousands of drugs that are currently being prescribed. I have no interest in treating people with MMS, but our present methods of treatment must change. Medical practices will have to start using methods that work, and irrespective of how it is actually done, scaled-down disinfection with chlorine dioxide is safe and effective. Why would anyone be “against” a method that works? I’ve seen the evidence for myself, as have many of the people who have made these pages a community.
You have insinuated yourself into a community that doesn’t need your counsel. We’re here for people who may want to learn about MMS, and how to use it effectively. I haven’t sought your site out to tell you how “wrong” you are. You’re entitled to your opinion. I’m not here to convince you otherwise. Your attempts to convince people who don’t need, and aren’t seeking it, opens YOU to their expression of frustration.
Now you want to convince us that you’re afraid. We already know that you have no direct knowledge or experience using MMS, so be the fearful victim.
You ask for comments from me, to tell you where you’re wrong in your thinking, but that’s not my job, nor do I have the time. Even if by some quirk of nature, you changed your mind, it still wouldn’t be YOUR knowing in place; not until you are simply willing grow up and to do your own homework, take your own risks, and responsibility for your decisions, and then see what happens to, or for YOU.
“I don’t consider either the site, or myself “pro” MMS.”
“I have no interest in treating people with MMS.”
So you just happened to produce and sell a documentary promoting the subject without considering yourself “pro” or having any “interest” in it? Google your name along with Jim Humble’s, claiming you are not “pro-MMS” is a little disingenuous, unless “pro” has a different definition to you then to me.
“Your attempts to convince people who don’t need, and aren’t seeking it, opens YOU to their expression of frustration. ”
Well I entertain the possibility that there might be people who don’t express their views here but do read the comments, who might be seeking opinions other then the credulous and demonstrably closed-minded ones more frequently expressed here by the “vocal minority”.
“We already know that you have no direct knowledge or experience using MMS, so be the fearful victim. ”
Wrong on both counts, I do personally know people who used MMS. But that’s fine, you can ignore / disbelieve / excuse away that too.
“take your own risks, and responsibility for your decisions, and then see what happens to, or for YOU.”
That’s really the theme here isn’t it? You seem to promote personal experimentation, you advocate “personal experience” as the highest form of proof. This is the core of what I disagree with. I think it’s irresponsible to advocate other people taking something when the dangers are NOT thoroughly tested or known by the promoters and the available evidence is flimsy at best, but hyped up as if it is indisputable. At least you can make your position clear and not pretend that there’s real “proof” everywhere, when in fact there is none except in the “personal experience” of a fraction of the people who have used it. If you think that’s enough, then fine, great, just admit it and don’t play these word games which constantly skirt the issue.
The first reason why I actually “insinuated” myself here was to comment on your “wikipedia” article, you made it out as if wikipedia is being biased, but in fact, once you admit there is no proof outside the personal experience of MMS users, you have no argument left for how biased wikipedia is, because that’s a standard that not only all wikipedia articles are held to, but any and all encyclopedia articles are held to also.
Ok that’s fine, I’m happy to leave it at that, you’ve made your position clear and it’s obvious I’m wasting not only your time but my own. Thank you.
just read the last “comment” from the thing known as mmsfraud,mmsdebunked.hey mr pc operator.after carefully reading all your comments,you say you searched for a year to find any results verifible.i searched for 1 hour and found several.Plue my landlords wife’s mother,completely cured her terminal breast cancer,verafied.adam if you need her she is able to call you.mmsfraud,mmsdebunked,you insult and devide.you dont listen and you repeat,without listening.it appears you are very delusional,maby even schizofrenic,paranoid too.you need help.if you are a military sofware program then your pc operator,is mentally ill to the point of being a danger to themselves or others.most facists are mentally ill as proven by reich,the partner of freud.maby mms can help you after your much needed therapy?
Just as I thought these posts couldn’t get any crazier; the guy who thinks I’m a military software bot NLP agent operator (or something) calls ME paranoid, oh the irony.
When you told the person who was prepared to send you his prove from doctors certificates ect, from before and after taking MMS, you told him that ‘you don’t accept his prove because the could be fake’.
That is a clear PROVE that you are not looking for prove but just looking for trouble.
So why don’t you go and PLAY somewhere else and stop wasting our time. This blog is there to share PERSONAL experiences. Since YOU don’t have any and do not accept ours, you are in the wrong place!
I can give you a blog were other anti MMS fanatics share their views and were you will feel at home.
Have a nice day!
Thank you
Do you feel a compunction to reply to me? You really don’t ever address anything I say so if you don’t mind, just don’t bother replying to me because i’m really not interested in your “non opinion”. I gave reasons for my rebuttal:
1) The person “offering” the proof linked them self directly to jimhumble.biz, I’m not surprised someone as credulous as you doesn’t see any problem with this.
2) I STILL haven’t even seen the “proof”. I gave my email address.
3) My whole point is that I shouldn’t need to ask for so long and then have someone offer to e-mail directly to me, the alternative being to fly to the Dominican Republic, it should be easy to find.
I’m done for now as far as I’m concerned, until YOU or another person here invokes my name again, which is the ONLY reason I replied again to the above. I will not sit idly by while delusional people accuse me of completely ridiculous things.
com·punc·tion (km-pngkshn)
1. A strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt.
Why should I feel guilty? My, my are you full of yourself!
Maybe this is what you are trying to archive, to make us feel uneasy (not guilty, because we tell the truth), to stop us from sharing our Experiences, or OPINION, as you call it.
My opinion is, that YOU are a pain in ‘the you know were’ with no knowledge or experience, and that you love your attitude-problem!
If you don’t like what I write, don’t read it or ignore it! lol
Here’s a stimulating video and discussion related to Adam’s article above. For all who are interested, it’s a Ted Talks presentation about the danger (the speaker’s position) of questioning/dissenting from science. Also, the comments below the video are always telling about fear/trust levels among the public.
I came up with a quick reply post to all would-be MMS debunkers:
“It has been the intention by certain individuals from earlier threads and replies in this forum, either as contracted agents of propaganda or alone as public scoffers, to create an atmosphere of sustained opposition to the use of MMS and it’s inventor and suppliers through a prolonged series of circular arguments which they offer as a way to drive their points across. This reply is the result of these conversations; a standardized quick note set in motion in order to draw away from this imbroglio and to reset the course of conversation back again towards sharing all there is to know about MMS and it’s application for the body. This message is in no way intended to dissuade anyone from dissenting points of view, just to economize on the volume of reading material that one may be inclined to investigate. We do indeed encourage browsing through some of the archived posts on this site to find views from both advocates and skeptics alike. We acknowledge that much understanding can be gleaned even through the conversations with those who hold opposing views. Welcome to one and all!”
Perhaps this quote can be used in here as a selectable answer when someone is posting circular reasonings. It could serve to save time and redundancy methinks. Just copy/save/and paste when needed. (I know i tend to be a bit too floral in my writing style so if you like it then feel free to edit it. let’s make just one draft that all can agree on so it will be recognizable to the adversaries that this is a copy/paste IGNORE statement. I’m sure those voices will recede once we all commit to this format)
What do you all think?
Do I understand you right? You suggest that people should just post their own opinion, pro or con, but not not all those COPY and PASTE opinions? Count me in…smile
good idea
Thanks for the kind words Adam. It sounds like you had a really lovely time. Can you just clear up one thing for me, I’m just trying to come from “a place of knowing”, and how else can I achieve this if not from learning?
So what I’m trying to learn is that if people have test results, as you claim they do, why is it so hard to find any of these test results? While it is VERY easy to find countless people who are willing to post their testimonials and anecdotes on public forums and websites such as this one, but for some reason no one seems to have test results to show for it?
If I had a disease like cancer, HIV or HSV, and I was cured with MMS and I came to a forum to tell my “testimonial”, I’d gladly show my results to back it up. Simunye ALSO says she’d happily share her test results, fortunately neither of us has any serious disease that requires lab tests, but she thinks perhaps her and I are exceptionally brave or something, maybe people in general aren’t as virtuous as her and I? But I don’t really believe that, I think out of the “millions” that MMS has cured, surely there’d be SOME brave people who would be willing to stand up for the agent of their recovery? After all, thousands already ARE brave enough to tell their stories online, so surely it’s not SUCH a big step to show the results which would have cleared them of their illness? Something just doesn’t seem to add up.
If you honestly think that me being confused by this situation is unreasonable or ignorant, then I’ll concede, but even Simunye seems a bit confused why we can’t even find ONE single person with some test results from the thousands online claiming to be cured, it’s been 14 years after all. Hope you can clear this up for me. Thanks again and safe travels.
I’m not confused, because I don’t need the prove, because I have MY prove. So please speak for yourself!

Not sharing your prove with everybody body has nothing to do with being brave or virtuous dear, but rather with people liking to have their peace and not liking to be treated like fools by some AAMF, and unfortunately there are far to may people online who think they know it all, when they know nothing.
I;m still waiting for YOUR prove dear?
Well i actually wasn’t talking to you anymore, your arguments don’t even make any sense: thousands of people ARE willing to go on forums and websites to tell their stories, so what difference is it to back those stories up with the tests they already have? They’re ALREADY doing it so your “liking peace” excuse is complete nonsense.
In fact, the main if not ONLY reason “some AAMF” treat them like fools IN THE FIRST PLACE is because NOT ONE has shown ANY actual tests. If they DID show some tests, the AAMF wouldn’t call them fools, so again, your argument is double nonsense.
As for the evidence, I posted it but like you said it’s all Chinese to you and besides, unlike me, you have already stated your mind is closed, so there’s actually no point talking to you at all, you’re a waste of time, please don’t reply to me anymore, thanks, bye.
I AM actually interested if Adam has anything to add on the subject.
Like I stated: if Adam says I am unreasonable by asking why one single person out of millions, in 14 years hasn’t shown a single test result, then i’ll concede the argument.
….you have already stated your mind is closed, so there’s actually no point talking to you at all,
Why don’t you stop putting words into my mouth, and you right, you are wasting your time with me, because I KNOW Better. MMS works…weather you believe it or not. I hope this means that you will not reply to me either anymore and keep on repeating yourself, demanding prove when you don’t have any prove yourself. Thanks God for that!
God bless you…
“Why don’t you stop putting words into my mouth, and you right, you are wasting your time with me, because I KNOW Better.”
You try to deny being closed minded by accusing me of putting words in your mouth, and in the very same sentance you ADMIT to being close minded! haha! You contradict yourself in ONE sentance, that’s fantastic, I think that’s a record.
You have adequately and repeatedly demonstrated that you don’t even have a basic fundamental grasp of logic, rhetoric, dialectic or reasoning. You have no clue how to structure an argument or even approach a question. You rarely even address any points I raise and the rest of the time your posts are complete nonsense; please stop wasting my time, I really don’t care what you have to say and don’t want to hear from you anymore. As far as I’m concerned you have absolutely nothing to contribute to this conversation.
“MMS works…weather you believe it or not.”
Yup, and nothing more clearly shows how closed mided you are then a statement like that. You obviously have no idea about philosophy or epistemology, what it even means to “know” or “believe” something. There is absolutely NO point to discuss ANY subject with a person like you.
“keep on repeating yourself,”
I only repeat myself because you can’t even answer a direct question. If you could answer a question, i wouldn’t repeat myself, simple, but you don’t even understand that.
“demanding prove when you don’t have any prove yourself.”
Speaking of repeating, this you repeat more often then anything. except again it’s complete nonsense, I don’t demand anything. I’m just asking questions, like Socrates, but you are obviously too scared of your sacred belief being wrong that you have to demonize me in any way you can, because facing the truth is too difficult.
Besides, i posted my proof and you said it was like chinese to you, remember? That doesn’t mean i don’t have proof, it means you don’t understand it. If you want to discuss proof, you need to go learn Chinese: If you don’t want to, then don’t even discuss proof with me and certainly don’t keep parroting “where’s your proof?” because it makes you sound even more ignorant.
Here’s me repeating myself a THIRD time because no one here seems able to answer a direct question:
Am I unreasonable for asking why, one single person out of the millions cured over 14 years hasn’t shown a single verifiable test result?
I’m particularly interested in Adam’s opinion.
This is a direct Yes or No question.
If you say yes, then i’ll concede the argument.
WoW, for somebody who claims not to want to waste his time on me, you has a lot to say about me. You must be looking into a mirror lol
I just wonder which part of me saying: “end of story”, or …”as long as you are not abusive to me I’ll answer you”, did you not understand?
Stop spamming! We’ve established what you have to contribute, I’m not interested in what more you have to say! This isn’t your blog and I don’t want you to reply to my posts anymore. Just stop it.
I would like Adam to reply to one simple question for me:
Am I unreasonable for asking why, one single person out of the millions cured over 14 years hasn’t shown a single verifiable test result?
Yes or no?
It looks like things not working out for you here, you cant find you empirical evidence, and you dont have the money to take the bus, to see Jim Humble. But you should not get confused with the situation, as you can just see your own doctor, and get FDA approved prescription drugs, with empirical evidence, or you could try homeopathy, Chinese medicine, ayurvedic medicine, Aroma therapy, Buck flower remedies, chiropractic, and maybe hundreds more to choose from. You just have to find for yourself, what you feel comfortable with.
gil,the fda has NO EMPERICAL EVIDENCE.their tests are fradulent,or slanter that is NOT EMPERICAL.
even their peer review studies,have been exposed an NON EMPERICAL.and the fradulent results have been published in lancet and jama.dont waste your time with that software pgm called mmsdebunked,mmsfraud.although a pgm,there is currently a army blogger behind it.soon it will be fully automated.
the technique is in synergy(guirdjeff),rules for radicals,and cointelpro(fbi) on you tube.
read occult science dictatorship by william r lyne
his answer is the same as mms fraud.its the SAME person or PGM.hey ,,SDEBUNKED.here is your answer,repeat her is your answer,answer,answer,crack!!! wrrrrr!error!error!!must combute!!must compute!(the persona sofware pgm has broken down)
anyhow BOT,mmsdebunked,here is your much deserved answer.“It has been the intention by certain individuals from earlier threads and replies in this forum, either as contracted agents of propaganda or alone as public scoffers, to create an atmosphere of sustained opposition to the use of MMS and it’s inventor and suppliers through a prolonged series of circular arguments which they offer as a way to drive their points across. This reply is the result of these conversations; a standardized quick note set in motion in order to draw away from this imbroglio and to reset the course of conversation back again towards sharing all there is to know about MMS and it’s application for the body. This message is in no way intended to dissuade anyone from dissenting points of view, just to economize on the volume of reading material that one may be inclined to investigate. We do indeed encourage browsing through some of the archived posts on this site to find views from both advocates and skeptics alike
his answer is the same as mms fraud.its the SAME person or PGM.hey ,,SDEBUNKED.here is your answer,repeat her is your answer,answer,answer,crack!!! wrrrrr!error!error!!must combute!!must compute!(the persona sofware pgm has broken down)
anyhow BOT,mmsdebunked,here is your much deserved answer.“It has been the intention by certain individuals from earlier threads and replies in this forum, either as contracted agents of propaganda or alone as public scoffers, to create an atmosphere of sustained opposition to the use of MMS and it’s inventor and suppliers through a prolonged series of circular arguments which they offer as a way to drive their points across. This reply is the result of these conversations; a standardized quick note set in motion in order to draw away from this imbroglio and to reset the course of conversation back again towards sharing all there is to know about MMS and it’s application for the body. This message is in no way intended to dissuade anyone from dissenting points of view, just to economize on the volume of reading material that one may be inclined to investigate. We do indeed encourage browsing through some of the archived posts on this site to find views from both advocates and skeptics alike
Adam, everybody who has been reading your blog properly all the time, knows when somebody is talking SHerbIT…
if you know what I mean.
We also all know that it is not only all about MMS. Keep up the good work…at least you speak from experience…