The next must read book to put on your list just has to be Electrical Nutrition, by Denie and Shelley Hiestand. I learned about it from Wil Spencer (, who caused quite a ruckus among some in the Gulf Coast after helping a number of residents gain relief from the effects BP-sponsored environmental toxicity after the historic oil spill with the help of an “Advanced Oxygen Therapy” that we know as MMS.
As the title suggests, the book looks at the human body, its function, and the disease process from an electrical context. When you look at life, health and nutrition in terms of electricity, many practices and behaviors that we have come to revere are clearly seen as contributors to chronic and degenerative diseases that now appear to insinuate themselves into our lives far too earlier and much too often.
Some examples:
- Chlorinating water – a practice that is banned in Switzerland, and revered here.
- Use of unfermented soy products, which contain “anti-nutrients” and toxins that interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. 72 million acres of farmland is now devoted to soy.
- Vegetarianism – “All the earliest humans were hunters who also gathered fruit, berries, and small amounts of seeds (grain) to store for times of food shortage. It is simply untrue to suggest that the human intestinal tract cannot safely digest animal protein.”
- Grain-centric diets – by following a high carbohydrate diet, we set ourselves up for serious degenerative disorders, such as chronic obesity, adult-onset diabetes, joint degeneration, and much more. Why? Because grains do not rot.
- Immunizations – described as “an electrical bombardment that devastates the ability of the body to control its microorganism population naturally. They contain nonhuman antigens cultured from pig or horse blood, rabbit brain tissue, dog and monkey tissue, that cause electrical chaos in the body. Other chemical additives include:
- Formaldehyde
- Themerosal
- Aluminum potassium sulfate
- Aluminum phosphate
- Lactalbumin hydrolysate
- Phenol (carbolic acid)
- Acetone
- Glycerine
- Recreational Drug Use – ecstasy, hash, heroin, LSD, among others, cause chronic circuitry damage in the human electrical body.
- Chemotherapy – The effects of chemotherapy on the electrical system are likened to napalm bombs detonated in a forest.
- Disharmonious Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) – anything that “jams” the exchange of information between cells will eventually provoke illness. The list is long.
- Radio
- Radar
- Microwaves
- Cell phones
- X-rays
- CT scans
- Ultrasound
- Aspartame – Methanol becomes formaldehyde beyond 86° F. The FDA documented 92 symptoms, which the authors call electrical malfunctions) associated with aspartame.
- Electrically traumatic birth practices – standard hospital-based birthing practices have made the doctor’s ease more important than that of mothers and newborns, all with traumatic and electrically damaging consequences that can lead to degenerative diseases decades later.
- Radiation, therapeutic or otherwise — The big fear over radiation poisoning from Japan is almost laughable when you see how many millions of Americans and patients of Western medicine willingly submit themselves to, and die from radiation treatment each year. I dare say there’s an electrical problem with radiation — which fortunately can be fixed, as can all of these if we learn to look at, and respond to them differently
As the body is an electrical being, every aspect of every function is an electrical transmission, an electrical communication. To compromise any of these electrical communications causes disease. – Electrical Nutrition
Everything is electrical, because everything is energy. Every metabolic process is driven by electrical energy. Yet, the authors spell out many ways that we interrupt, disrupt, or otherwise compromise the flow of said energy through the human body, which eventually manifests as what we call disease.
The madness continues when, after electrical compromise has become physical dysfunction or infirmity, modern medical practices that rely on symptom-targeted prescriptions step in to further compromise electrical functionality. When the symptom goes away, a success is claimed, but the problem – the electrical dysfunction – remains.
This is just a short list of factors that compromise electrical conductivity, not to mention mental and emotional imbalance and the recursive entanglements they can bring.
With all that, it’s a wonder we’re healthy at all. But then, this has been going on so long, it’s possible that we don’t know what true health actually is.
Barb and I watched the new video you did with Denie on EB and must say it’s perfect. Full of great information along with real passion for helping people understand our beautiful bodies and how to support our electrical body.
I will be traveling out to AZ to spend time with my daughter and help her on the road to recovery from her recent accident. I cant wait to see you and the Photonic Healing Center.
Hey there Cher!
I’m looking forward to seeing you again! We’re gradually rolling back the covers to reveal the Photonic Energy Center. We’ve got the major pieces in place since you and Barb were there last. See you soon!
Hello again, Adam! I was wondering if you have read “The Cure for All Diseases” by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D, N.D.? She goes into detail with electrical frequencies and how everything gives off it’s own “signature” frequency. She tells how to build you own syncrometer to hear what toxins are in your body. She also gives instruction on building a “ZAPPER” that will kill any pathogens you may have detected. I found the book in a foreclosure property and had it set aside for a long while. When I finally had the time to read it, I could barely set it down. Kindof the same way I was when I found Jim Humble’s website on the internet one day. Amazed!
Hi Vicki,
I haven’t read “The Cure for All Diseases,” but have definitely seen the difference an electrical boost can make to the healing process. I will have recently learned about, and experienced the technology of The Skilling Institute ( I will be releasing some new video on this subject too. It makes any and everything else we’re doing for our health work that much better and faster.
Hello Adam: You forgot another contributing factor in electrical interruption-amalgams. In all my cancer patients I have found either chemicals or heavy metals and behind these are parasites and fungus both of which feed cancer. Cancer patients with mercury fillings can be certain that cancer will return unless the amalagams are removed. And, before anyone rushes out to have them removed it is imperative to have removal done by a biological dentist and work with a practitioner who can help with mercury removal from the body. MMS helps with removal of heavy metals from the body and healthy eating is imperative. Cancer patients esp are so electrically blocked or switched I find that I do a lot of work in clearing allergies and sensitivities to foods and environmental triggers. If only Americans would stop getting their health information from TV then they “might” learn the real truth.
Hey Valerie! You’re right! That’s ME right now! I have something — that I’ll be writing about soon — that addresses the electrical blockage nicely too. I’d like to talk to you about it soon.
WoW, this makes me think…
I know that we are all spirit/energy/light in essence, but besides using love and light to keep me going, and staying away from drugs ect, I did not know that there is much more damage we do to ourself without being aware of it! Thanks for sharing…