Beliefs power all change that we experience, whether said change is desired or otherwise.
While self-awareness is not a foreign concept to most people, self-understanding, which is the larger and more useful goal, gets far less attention. To illustrate, our general self-understanding shows a level of maturity where, by adulthood, we’ve outgrown childhood beliefs in such concepts as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but we still fall for the Grim Fairy Tales that suggest that “diseases” represent malevolent invaders that have a life of their own, afflict everyone that they “strike,” and once said disease is contracted, it must be killed, at the risk of the life and limb of the patient.
If our self-understanding is low enough to buy this story (and mine has been there because I bought it willingly), we will accept any plausible story from anyone who appears to know (credentials and degrees are very effective indicators of the appearance of knowledge or competence), even if the approach has shown little in the way of favorable results.
In other words, if the fear, the veil to self-understanding, is large enough, and misinformation is conveyed consistently enough, we will override common sense, and thereby allow “experts” or other influences to hasten us to the doorway of our demise.
Self-understanding is still low enough in general, that it has not yet become apparent that the long list of “diseases” that have been foisted upon the public consciousness by the Health Care industry, American Medical Association and related agencies of thinking, are fabrications that do not exist unto themselves, other than as states of energy, which are neither proprietary, nor engraved in stone.
It’s All Energy
Diseases are states of energy because we are fields of energy, in which smaller energy states exist. We exist in larger fields of energy. A field of energy is also an energy state.
Energy is the most malleable substance in all the universe. Even when it appears to be still, it is actually moving. Even apparent nothingness is actually a somethingness of subtle energy. Even when it is chaotic, there exists an underlying order. All harmonic change emerges out of apparent disharmony. They are always in a state of change, at varying rates.
All “disorders” and diseases have an underlying order that can be expressed, or re-expressed, when they are viewed from the context of energy. If you can detect energy, it won’t and can’t “lie.”
Healing is not the result of external, measurable, quantifiable factors. It is the process of adjusting, aligning, restoring balance, and coherence to our energy field complex, which is who and what we are.
The energy-adjusting factors that hold the greatest sway in the healing process are subtle, immeasurable. This is because we are not a single, but are multiple fields of energy, the differences of which may be likened to multiple octave scales on a piano keyboard.
In the illustration above, you can see the correlation between musical notes on a single octave on a keyboard. This sound (and light) octave corresponds to the physical body alone. However, we have other “bodies” that, while not visible, each have their own “musical notes” that are of higher octaves.
People who have endured the painful energy-state of nerve damage, which is referred to medically as peripheral neuropathy, are often surprised to find that after agreeing to have the painful limb amputated, the pain continues. The doctors call this phantom pain. But the truth is that the sensation of pain is an energetic disturbance that exists on a higher octave, in an unseen energy body, than the physical one. In fact, if the emotional or mental trauma that actually contributed to the damaged and hurt feelings that the individual experienced had been addressed in the first place, restoring balance, alignment, and coherency, the pain and the physical dysfunction could have naturally reversed.
The states of balance, alignment, and coherence of our energy fields, which constitute the complex of our beingness speak loudest with regard to (1) the individual’s putting themselves into the disease condition, and (2) their power to activate the corrections that reverse the condition.
Treatment methods that do not consider the entire complex, allopathic or naturopathic, miss the very biggest of opportunities.
The entire energy complex includes the individual consciousness that forms it.
That would be the true “you” and “me”.
Hi phaelosopher.
Very good article, and I agree with you, that We are all energy, sound and light, And health care professionals should include in their practice sound and music therapy.
The Ancient Bourchakoumi Mystics,and other mystical groups also explain our energy fields as
physical, astral,emotional, causal, mental, ethereal, unconscious, and soul field energies. Everywhere in the World people used sounds and music for healing. for thousands of years. A lot of farmers play Mozart, and classical music for the cows, they give more milk, and the chickens
lay more eggs, and even grape growers play music for the grapes.
Some people also think, that they used sound energies, and chants
to lift the huge stones, to build the pyramids.
Hi Gil,
There are practical truths to be appreciated in the notion that we are comprised of a physical body that we can see, and a collection of energetic bodies — fields in essence — that most people can’t. When energy is of a harmonic nature, we experience strength, endurance, greater acuity, and health. When it is not, we too are depleted.
Wow, Adam, great post, and exactly what I needed to see this morning. I LOVE synchronicities.
Same here! Well done Adam! I wish I could write like that and put my believes into words like you do!