Over the past few months I have been taking a very large personal and professional step by opening, with the help of a visionary investor, what could be called a new health facility in the city of Chandler, Arizona, where I live. It is called the Photonic Energy Center, and is emblematic of a viable alternative to the current symptom-based Medicinal Model.
In addition to being “medicinal,” the main problem with our current medical approaches, is that they are also molecular in orientation. Their effectiveness is akin to attempting to guide a train from the caboose. A much better point of influence and control can clearly be seen in our example. However, it’s not so easy with the human body because what you see might as well be the caboose with respect to who and what we truly are. We see an opportunity to change that.
Although it is about health and well-being, the Photonic Energy Center is not a “treatment facility” in the medical context. It could be likened to a fitness center, except that the object of primary interest will not be the molecular body, but the energy field, which every human being has, but few are aware.
In contrast to the energy consuming workout that one may expect to do at a fitness center, a client’s visit to the PEC would result in a “tuning” of their energy field – in essence, increasing its state of balance, harmony, and coherence.
These terms have been easily set aside, even by the medical community, in spite of the fact that the term homeostasis – meaning a dynamic state of balance – is the definitive synonym for health. It is disquieting that while homeostasis defines and describes the state of health within the human being, that Medical Best Practices, when adhered to, take patients so far in the opposite direction.
Prescription medications do little or nothing to restore balance. Actually, they can’t, because the body doesn’t recognize the ingredients that said medications are made of. Why? Because they are products of limited scientific understanding, mere shadows of Nature’s life sustaining elements, which themselves have been simulated, obfuscated, adulterated, and usurped in the interest of patentability.
This obsession with playing the game of patent and trademark medicine is behind the recent report, published by the International Diabetes Foundation that 1 in 10 people are projected to have diabetes worldwide by 2030. The World Health Organization estimates that 347 million people will have Type II diabetes worldwide today, with a whopping 138 million in China alone.
Diabetes is just one example of the consequences of our chemical obsession, which doesn’t begin with medication, but most often continues there, once a pathology has set in and the medical system has been brought into the picture.
I’m not here to be critical of the medical system. However, these trends are discomforting and I simply don’t see it doing anything to change them. Instead, seeing job security and a boom market paid for with the public’s health, the system is gearing up for great numbers of the sick and suffering, who will have paid into an insurance system that only covers prescription medications. They will make long, protracted, and sorrowful exits from this plane of experience, leaving mountains of debt behind to their heirs, or putting said medical system in first position over the heirs.
None of this is right, nor necessary.
Energy is Everything; Everything is Energy
The Photonic Energy Center acknowledges the primacy and pervasiveness of energy. By way of contrast, drugs are prime in standard Medical Practice. Why? Because the chief government agency told us so!
Not only has Mother Nature been relegated to a back seat position by the molders and shapers of public opinion, she has been bound, gagged, and thrown in the trunk. We, the People, have been led to believe that there shalt be no other “god” before The Medical Authority.
The Photonic Energy Center also recognizes that energy manifests in varying levels and degrees of density. The levels that we are most familiar – solids, liquids, and gases, etc. – are the densest. However, while all measurable and detectable forms of energy make up what might be called, the molecular or particulate world, energy’s “bandwidth” extends far beyond that.
Subtle densities of energy actually make up the greater part of our experiential and perceptual components.
Each density of energy can be referred to as a field. Subtle fields inform and influence the denser levels. While we may think of them as “nothing,” they are, in actuality, the core of our being.
While we may think of them as “less,” they are more. Their subtle nature makes them more affected by sudden shifts and changes in harmonics that may come to pass. If there are disturbances in our subtle fields – which may be experienced as thoughts, feelings, or emotions – they will eventually be “reflected” physiologically.
With regard to metabolic influences subtle fields are superior to genetics. Indeed, they can override genetic proclivities. Genes are often made the “catchall” scapegoat for environmental disturbances that we’ve grown accustomed to creating, then accepting as “normal.” All of this explains why we continue the disturbing trend of moving away from health, and are masking any concern with such cockeyed notions as trans-humanism.
So our little place will explore and demonstrate what can happen if energy fields are respected and used intelligently to restore balance, alignment, and coherence within other energy fields.
If you’re in the area, stop on by.
Most newer health clubs offer group exercise classes that are conducted by certified fitness instructors. Many types of group exercise classes exist, but generally these include classes based on aerobics, cycling (spin cycle), boxing or martial arts, high intensity training, step, regular and hot (Bikram) yoga, pilates and muscle training. Health clubs with swimming pools often offer aqua aerobics classes. The instructors often must gain certification in order to teach these classes and ensure particpant safety.”
Find out more about our very own blog page as well
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Hi Phaelosopher.
If sometime I m In the Chandler area, I will for sure visit your energy center.I would just guess that your device would do the same or even more than acupuncture without the needles.it would open up the energy flow and blockages in the body.
Our body makes brand new cells every day, every minute, but also make billions of dead cells everyday, as we can see sometimes just as dead skin may build up on our skin, this will be the same all over inside us, but much much more, and we also over time build up a lot of toxins, pathogens parasites blood cloths, swellings inflammations all kinds of dead materials that will block circulations and energy flow.and over time this will cause old age, and old people will look old and smell old, and sick.
But if people keep the body clean of all this dead material with regularly using MMS, and other cleansers and nutrients that help the body stay clean and healthy, like serrapeptase enzyme will clean up everything, inflammations blood cloths dead cells pathogens etc, and build up the immune system, and make the old strong and young again as they were when they were 20 years old.
So I hope you will also sell energy products, MMS, Royal Manna Water, Water purifiers,and water distillers etc. A lot of people say that distilled water is dead water, and leeches out all the minerals from the body, but I think there is more to distilled water, as the navy drink distilled water on the ships, and I dont know if they even put sea salt in it, or not, It is easy to put minerals in it just take a bit of sea salt.
Well one Adam
Whilst I know what you are talking about,
Keep up the good work!
Congratulations, Adam! I wish you the best of success! I would like to do something similar and will definitely stop by sometime, somewhen!