“Knowledge makes man unfit to be a slave.” – Frederick Douglass
When the FDA went public with their crusade against Jim Humble’s Miracle Miracle Supplement, “MMS” in July 2010 via a consumer advisory and subsequent campaign to take the now defunct Project Greenlife down, one could hardly imagine the size of the jar they were trying to keep a lid on. It’s beginning to become apparent now.
Whatever you suspect that it is, think larger. Much larger.
We search every nook and cranny to determine where to assign blame. However, it wasn’t the FDA, EPA, TSA, the Fed or their counterparts. It wasn’t Democrats or Republicans, vaccinations or chemotherapy, or the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Syria. It wasn’t Israel and Iran, Fukushima, Katrina or Isaac. It wasn’t gun owners, illegal aliens, Christians, Muslims, or Jews, nor was it Nazis, Yakuza, M-13, Crips or Bloods. Forget about Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, Monsanto, Halliburton, and Merck. They’re not the cause of this mess. And while we’re still in what could be called our awakening phase, it wasn’t even the HeLa cell.
It is bigger than all of the above, combined.
Hiding in plain sight is the mindset that fuels all forms of divisiveness, elitism, enmity, and factionalism. It’s the same mindset that suggests, even insists, that we are alone in the universe, accidents of nature, here by chance, must compete for scarce resources, and should be dependent on outside “authorities” who know what’s best for us, albeit at a price, better than we can know for ourselves.
An enormous amount of energy has gone into the cultivation of a dim, hostile and adversarial worldview as the only “reasonable” option to adopt. Even with the promise of a “Golden Age” after a holocaust, some feel that we must trudge our way through the slime of the current times. Well, in case you haven’t noticed, a holocaust of major proportions is happening right here, right now.
But then, you may be distracted by the start of the NFL season and subscription invitations from the Direct TV fairy.

ABUNDANT poverty and disease for the majority are “natural,” inevitable, even expected byproducts of this dark, monothemistic worldview. Given that we possess the knowledge and ability to make an abundant, healthy, and peaceful life possible for every human being on the planet, the fact that we’re not doing so, or even striving to do so, suggests that such an outcome isn’t desired by the policy makers and opinion shapers.
We continue to prepare for war while offering vapid platitudes about an enforced peace. However, real peace first takes light within the human heart as it resonates with the Soular Sun. It is not achieved through the barrel of a gun. We romanticize the fight between the dark and light, evil and good; a fight to the death, as “winning” is achieved by any costly means necessary. This is certainly the mindset in medicine, where chronic and acute disease is pervasive and health or healing are not the goal of drug-based standard treatment practices. None of it brings peace where it counts.
If a patient can be convinced that the condition he’s been diagnosed with is nasty and mean enough, he’ll set his expectations very low, on “survive,” and prepare to exist in little more than a medicated, debilitated state that would be described as anything but living. Doctors have become the chief “coaches” in their patients’ hope dimming. If their drugs haven’t reduced your symptoms enough to give you hope – which is all they’re intended to do – then they’ve got nothing else for you.
Through the mindset that I refer to, it has become easy to induce an entire society to be accepting of, and accustomed to knowledge, power, wisdom, being held by a select few. We look to the days of Nazi Germany and wonder how conscientious people would let such conditions happen, blind to the same dynamics unfolding at home today.

“Experts” are given great power. They can be called in to influence life and policy decisions on the basis of their opinion alone, knowing virtually nothing about the actual facts of a matter, and caring even less. Lobbyists have only one priority, and that is the objectives of their corporate benefactor.
We haven’t understood how our eyes have been on the wrong “prize.” Little did we know that WE are the prize. Our future depends on gaining that knowing.
Okay, I needed to get that off my chest. More on the HeLa. I am beginning to see its telltale influence, virtually everywhere.
The HeLa cell could very well be behind the sudden and dramatic rise in strange new diseases, such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit disorder (ADD), Alzheimer’s, and Morgellon’s, conditions unheard of in the time of Jenner and von Behring, but were foreshadowed by the mindset that they shared in common.
In this conversation, Grant explains the incredible natural integrity of the DNA and the informational genome that exists within it – that is, before 1951. The HeLa energy made it possible to willfully break in to the DNA and re-ordering its information. They made it look like it came from a human being – a dead human being at that – so as to keep questions or origin to a minimum.
At Grant’s suggestion, I ordered a copy of A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman’s Immortal Legacy and the Medical Scandal it Caused, by Michael Gold (1986 SUNY Press), which arrived today.
Evidenced by the rubber stamp on the first inside page, the book’s previous owner was a doctor. It is in almost pristine condition. No markings, yellow highlighted pages, or notes of any kind. They even lay flat, as if they weren’t turned very often. A far cry from my Arcady Petrov books.
This should provide me with a better understanding of the players, issues, and events of the times. It is becoming evident to me that in order avoid resistance to an escalation of vaccine use, the public needed to be sold on the idea that WITH VACCINES a major disease had been arrested. Poliomyelitis was the disease. With this public relations campaign, the authorities took it upon themselves to escalate their use.
Within our conversation, there are two points which require a bit of attention. The first point involves the current line of Beta-blocker pharmaceuticals. What occurs as a result of these drugs involves the portion of cell respiration known as the Element Decay-produced electrical communication between the cell’s Elements, and the Voltage-Gated Ion Channels. The actual blocking/disrupting of Beta- decay-produced electrical production is involved, and in most cases, the amino acids at the channel openings are removed or blocked. The “target” which is designed by nature to accept/attract the decay-produced electrical discharge, IS that blocked/removed amino acid.
Regarding the current work involving Genetic Engineering, it must be stated that all successful work involves Monoatomic Gold as the dominant part. The HeLa cell and all desired DNA is also involved.
The HeLa cell’s 15,000,000 Volt per meter field, and it’s produced Lateral Gene Transfer is THE REASON that the Genetic Engineering concept is achievable at all. The above-described genetic engineering was successful beginning during 2005.
Great video Adam and Grant! I appreciate the continued sharing on this important subject. Also I highly appreciate the practical suggestions about how to protect ourselves, such as using DMSO and MMS and staying away from ozonated water.
Based on my experience and research, I believe it is deliberate like Grant says and we need all the info we can get on how to defend ourselves. I think you are right as well Adam in pointing out all the contributions that wrong mindset makes to this awful mess we are in.
I think the evidence for malice at the highest levels is unequivocal, but the worker bees need to quit contributing and letting it happen as well. The best thing is to pull together and get word out like Grant says. Godspeed to both of you fine gentlemen in this endeavor.