Source: via egle on Pinterest
In this time of gift giving and receiving, it is fitting that I share these thoughts of what I now see as a Gift of, and from Nature, that for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons, humanity has turned its back on, for which we are paying a great, unnecessary price.
In recent articles I have alluded to some fundamental and I believe important changes in my thinking based on information gained from my own research, and sent to me by some of the amazing people who subscribe to this forum. Some of these changes were foreshadowed in my own words in the article titled, Reflections on Who We Are and Where We Come From.
And yet, I am convinced that there is an answer to every problem that we face, and that it is not from or through an outside “expert,” agency or corporate authority, but within each of us.
I have come to see one such answer that relates to matters of human health and healing. It is as ancient as humanity itself.
Edicts postulated by the Medical Autocracy have the audacity to claim that, with regard to resolving matters of disease, the word “cure” must involve the administration of a “drug,” which by definition the words foreign, toxic, synthetic, or gene modifying shall apply. Only the costly and adulterated shall apply, nothing that is free and natural is welcomed.
By way of contrast, an “inner answer” would be natural, and effectively address that which ails us physically, without much analysis or fanfare. Since we are not simply “physical” beings, it is likely that any truly beneficial agent that we choose will also result in noticeable improvements on the more ephemeral levels of emotion and perception.
While I have felt that such an answer should exist for quite some time, I can’t say that I could point to, in a reasonable and tangible way, an example of such a product.
Jim Humble’s Miracle Mineral Supplement, “MMS” was and is certainly in the right direction. But in spite of, or because of the millions who have been helped by this simple solution, a cloud of controversy still surrounds it, fueled in part by the Medical Autocracy that claims it is dangerous due to effects of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), and by its progenitor, Jim Humble, who eschews available scientific evidence which supports that his original MMS/activation formulation actually detoxifies the chlorine dioxide in an instant, changing it into what is referred to as the chlorite matrix (ClO2-), an ionized form of the same molecule, which is readily and naturally used internally.
While I don’t expect the Medical Autocracy to change its policies, since it is not working in the best interests of the public, as it claims, embracing the applicable science around the chlorite matrix and MMS would nonetheless give users that much more confidence, whether in personal use, or in recommending it to others. I see this as unlikely, as chlorine dioxide remains the central agent of change in MMS Church Doctrine. These are unnecessary distractions to someone wanting or needing to heal.
While MMS is an answer, and I have written many articles in support of its use, it has never been the answer in the way that my instincts tell me. While it’s better than many remedies currently in use by medicine, it doesn’t fit my criteria of what constitutes Nature’s Gift.
Today I finally acknowledge one that does.
The information that follows may not be your cup of tea, but it should help you understand some decisions that I make from this point on. We’ll begin with some fundamental concepts.
Life, Awareness, Fear, and ‘Death’
Life can be described as a process of progressive awakening, not to the ways of acquiring things, but to the power and wonder of Who and What We Are, i.e., Magnificent Immortal Creator Beings who express and impress this world through a physical form, but who are not said form.
This awareness alone, sufficiently understood and internalized, would dramatically lessen the angst factor associated with that exit event from this world stage called “death.”
Let it be known, there is no such thing.
Fear, that ultimate polarizing and alienating force, would have us, when we feel threatened, be willing to “kill” another first in order to prevent “being killed” by said “enemy.”
While all human beings will leave this earthly plane one day, under one circumstance or another, no one actually “dies.” Neither science, medicine, government, nor religions have done much to help humanity understand this fundamental truth about themselves and each other.
Look at the tizzy the country is in in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook elementary school tragedy. You’d think that more “public figures” would have the courage to envision a safer world and chart a path to it, than to circle the wagons around the idea of an armed police state. Fortunately, I believe that the public is actually deciding where their resolve is, and it’s not for more fear and less freedom.
Indeed, the institutions of public perception and belief have worked in concert to help humanity define ourselves by all matters external, while dismissing that which is internal, maintaining a sense of isolation, alienation, and subjugation to the will of outside authorities. They foster the polar concepts of “friends” and “enemies,” of “love” and “hatred”, “good” and “evil,” with them always in the position of telling you “who is who,” and what to think about it.
It is all an elaborate charade that we have created and subscribed to, and the threat of bringing death of bodies – through famine, disease, and war – is an oft-used tool to allow hostilities and false perceptions to continue amid the mayhem.
Hostilities don’t “die” with bodies. They go away as each human traveler on this “earth ship” becomes aware of, and in harmony with, the Oneness that creates and empowers all.
Bodies can be “killed” but ideas cannot. Each, “friend” and “enemy,” “powerful” and “powerless” alike, is a Divine Idea. You are a Divine Idea, as am I.
The principle shapers of human perception have maintained a very narrow “approved” worldview, based on a sense of scarcity, struggle, and conflicts over power and influence. As such, many solutions to long-standing problems in our world have been kept off the table of public discourse and knowledge.
Furthermore, many solutions that pre-existed the problems, have been systematically set aside and stigmatized, so that we wouldn’t know them if they smacked us upside the head.
Healing is Both a Natural Ability and a Right
As surely as the health and safety of a body can be compromised, it can also be protected and restored with the assistance of conscious, benevolent, harmonious, organizing thought/energy, as directed by self-knowing individuals and groups. This restoration is likewise facilitated through the intake of natural supplements that deliver vital nourishment and counteract the effects of the synthetic saboteurs that we’ve been forced to consume both with, and without our consent.
Nature didn’t leave us without Her answer. The question is whether we discover what it is, and then accept it once we know.
In this, a time of self-discovery and awakening, there must be a way for one to demonstrate his or her genuine readiness and true willingness to take the next step, and receive Nature’s Gift.
If the power to heal is within us, body, mind, and soul, then there must be a way for those who are truly ready to move from their places of pain, infirmity, limitation, judgment, envy, lack, and enmity, to demonstrate it, irrespective of where they are on the Spiritual Continuum.
We have not been forsakened. We’ve gone to sleep and do not see. We’ve blinded ourselves by our prejudices, envy, and fear.
A Divine Healing Gift would be available to everyone. Cost would be a non-factor. Since each is unique, this Gift would be tailored to the individual. It should be beyond the abilities of any outside agency or “authority” to sabotage or usurp. In other words, it should be direct, its distribution 100%, and not subject to charges and tariffs. It should do in reality, what the myth of Santa Claus fallaciously infers.
This Gift would have the ability to correct the sabotage efforts against humanity proffered by any and all outside agencies. This would include the power to mitigate the effects of GMO products, chemtrails, psychotropic drugs, medications and other forms of mind and body control, including gene-breaking HeLa cells.
I truly believe that Mother Earth, working with the loving Human Nature and Spirit, is that powerful. The physical body that we express ourselves through is on loan from Her, and is made of Her material. We’ve been led to think that we are the body, rather than the visiting indweller, and the state thinks that the body belongs to it. We’ve grown accustomed to going to others who “practice” healthcare techniques on the body as though it was an inanimate machine, rather than turning to the Source who knows what it needs to heal itself, and how to make it happen.
The Source that knows the state of the human body… your body, is your body. It also has the power to manufacture the “prescriptions” that will resolve its ills.
Do you know where I’m going with this now?
I can’t say how many people I’ve spoken to, or heard of who agreed to chemotherapy or radiation cancer treatments because someone else – doctors, family members, or friends – told them they should. Such suggestions, which may be well-meaning, nonetheless show how little we have come to trust or know ourselves. Instead we trust, but don’t understand the technology that is killing our health and the planet. We have relied on the opinions of “experts” who do little more than think as they are told.
While I can’t say that “I” discovered it, a natural supplement that fits all the above criteria as a Golden Gift of Nature, has come to my attention. That supplement is urine. Not just any urine, but my urine, which I’m going to refer to as “mee”. You have an equally powerful and personal Gift, and that is your urine. It has an amazing track record when used orally, topically, and even medically.
It’s no miracle that this supplement is Divine. The truth has been known and accepted for over 5,000 years. For the past several hundred years it has been methodically buried and stigmatized, so that we will dismiss it while medical and commercial interests harvest it, put it into inferior products, and sell it back to us at a cost of many billions each year.
It’s time to know yourself,
in more ways that you might have imagined.
It’s time to trust yourself
to help you through the night.
It’s time to feel yourself
growing in wholeness and power, and
It’s time to heal yourself
from the inside, out.
I was introduced to urotherapy a couple of weeks ago when one of our regular readers, an ex-pat living in Okinawa, sent me a link to The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy, by John W. Armstrong, a British therapist who helped numerous clients return to health with the help of a urine-water fast.
I can’t say that I wanted to look at this, but I was committed to doing so, and I’m so glad that I did. The cases that he chronicled go back to the early 1900’s in London. While they included cancer, asthma, tuberculosis, malaria, and a wide range of others, the first impression he made was with cases where gangrene had set in, and amputation was the next medical move.
I’ve since received another book, Your Own Perfect Medicine, by Martha M. Christy, which chronicles the clinical, ancient, and historical uses of urine, as well as the commercial uses of its constituent parts.
Everything that we’ve debated and defended about MMS is a non-issue with human urine, and more. Better still, it is perfectly formulated for the moment each time you take it.
Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the individual from which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It is totally non-toxic. (
I’ve gone through, and gotten over my own cultivated (“eewww!”) responses. I start my day with a glass of “mee” (with a water chaser). I’ve done a 3-day “mee” and water fast, with no hunger pangs while not eating food. I’ve also done several foot baths, and have massaged it into my scalp and other parts of my body when showering.
“It opens obstructions of the veins and urinary passages, dissolves tartarous coagulations in those parts, breaks, and expels stone and gravel.” – From Salmon’s English Physician (1695)
Urine therapy is described in texts that go back over 5,000 years, as well as in the Bible. There are many good reasons for it, which medical science continues to ignore or dismiss, even though thousands of clinical trials have been conducted over the past 100 years.
I am convinced that urine has been, and is, Nature’s Elixir, a truly Divine Gift for what ails us that is worth its weight in gold. It is the only remedy that is formulated, not from a guess, but from absolute and total knowledge of, and by the body itself.
As such, in the same way that I saw value in MMS enough to produce a documentary to better inform the public, I intend to produce one on this wonderful Gift of Nature, that has been made available to all of us. The minerals, B-complex vitamins, hormones (including DHEA), enzymes, and other ingredients, would go a LONG way toward re-humanizing our society that has become so whacked out on destabilizing chemistry.
I invite any and all who are seeking an answer to problems related to matters of health, to open their mind to this Divine Gift of Nature. The uniquely and perfectly formulated elixir for what ails.
Hello There. I discovered your blog the usage of msn.
That is a very neatly written article. I’ll make sure to bookmark it and return to learn more of your helpful info. Thank you for the post. I’ll definitely
Thank YOU, thank You Adam.
I took it some years ago (listening to my then 85 year old aunt, who used it permanently) for around a year, it worked great. However life took over again. I am a MMS enthusiast and use/distribute it since some years now, but why not use a second route for the ones who want. I am looking forward to what is coming.
With Love and Light.
I’ve benefitted from urine therapy for years, and experience its highest value as a spiritual re-set. Every time I use it, it is as if something of my timeless essence becomes more clearly known, and integrates into my body. This is one of the most grounded ways to know yourself as divine incarnate. It is an integrated felt sense, rather than a merely intellectual or emotional experience.
I feel that urine carries the soul code along with the physical patterns the body needs. It’s manner of working seems to be rather like meditation; you bring your consciousness back to true center, and each time you do this, you are re-set at a new level of inner truth.
However, for those situations when I needed something stronger, I found that MMS accomplished what urine therapy could not. For this reason, I’d say that urine therapy and MMS are both gifts, each with their special virtues.
Along with urine therapy and MMS, I’ve recently been excited to discover digestive enzymes, as they are correcting some long-standing issues very conveniently — digestive and systemic enzymes each have their place in cleansing and rebuilding the system.
Finding the pieces of the puzzle takes years, but all the pieces fit together and seem so natural when they’re discovered. Thank you for all your inspiring insights, clarifications, and activations.
Thank you too Joel!
It’s hard to imagine being in a mental place of believing that the only “viable” option to various diseases are poisonous chemicals intent on *killing* something that we’ve been led to believe has evil origins or intent.
It’s great to know we have options that will reliably help the healing process.
Best wishes,
Linda …… I Adam, I love all your post. I first heard of urine therapy from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt at a seminar he gave in Seattle in 2006. In fact, he asked a volunteer in his audience to go to the bathroom and fill up a glass and bring it back to the seminar….he then gave us the history and why this therapy works. He uses it in his practice. I’m curious what benefits did you receive? Thanks…
I interviewed Dr. Klinghardt several years ago when he spoke at an energy therapy conference here. We had a great chat!
I am incorporating “mee” intake as a part of my life. I’ve got several physical issues that need correction, but I see value beyond the obvious visible changes that may come.
That being said, the skin on my feet is noticeably softer after a few footbaths. Several of my toenails, which were thick due to fungus, are looking better.
This is only two weeks in. I acknowledge the great value in my urine and now collect, for use in the shower, it instead of flushing it down the toilet. So I’m flushing less.
Good to know. I too have a problem with my nails on my feet> I wonder if it also helps for brittle nails on your hands Adam?
Love and light and Gods blessing
Yes it would. It can be applied topically as well as ingested. The skin on my feet is looking better since I started foot baths, which makes sense because of the high nutrient content, plus the enzymes that apparently weren’t available in the body previously.
Hi Phaelosopher.
Merry Christmas, and happy holidays.
It is good to know that mee therapy could be used, if it is,realy needed. And it is good that you wrote about it
I think what you wrote, is true.
My question is; What would be the difference, if I just put a table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a big glass of distilled water, and use it 1 or 2 X a day?
Maybe that is why God invented apple cider vinegar, and aloe vera juice, and and distilled water, and the moringa tree?
Greetings Gilgamesh, Happy Boxing Day to ya too!
There are over 2,500 ingredients in human urine, ALL of which were synthesized from your body, and ALL of it is therapeutic for YOU. This is one factor that no other method can claim. This is what makes incorporating one’s own urine intake into a lifestyle a compelling idea.
Merry Christmas to you Adam and all your. Blog-followers from South Africa
I heard first about ‘mee’ healing properties by a friend of mine who’s granny sweared on natural remedies. I never tried it, for obvious reasons, but coming to think about it, it can’t taste any worse then MMS
I shall keep an eye on this ‘news’ and investigate further.
But like you, I believe in healing ourself and I know I’m a healer. I’m a reiki master but prefer ‘faith healing’ because it goes faster and can be done at the spare of a moment.
I believe and follow the ‘master’ who said: ‘what I can do, you can do and what I am, you are!’
The golden age has started and can NOT be stopped. The divine truth is coming out bit by bit and the prophet Elijah, who is on earth since 1948 and has finnally awken (according to my dreams who have the habit of coming true), will bring us the rest, and the truth shall set us free.
Moses and Joshua are also back and they are all 3 in the USA, LA and Joshua is in Boston. They know each other and finnally start believing in them self.
Now ‘the kingdom of GOD on earth’ can be soon restored and NO goverment will be able to stop it. Believe it or not!
Love and light and Gods blessing
PS please delete the previous one. I send it via BB and could not do so with my WP-ID
Greetings Simunye!
It’s always good to hear your VOICE!
Urine doesn’t taste as bad as MMS to me… it’s sea water, and its taste is subject to change during the course of the day.
What’s special about it though, is the fact that it is specially formulated for you, from the contents of your body. Everything that’s in urine is 100% bioavailable AND beneficial to either sustaining or restoring one’s health.
Best wishes,
”Healing is Both a Natural Ability and a Right” you said…But is it r e a ll y guaranteed even in UN Declaration of Human Rights? Shall we insist specially on that abilities and right in ‘article32’ as we do it about warter,, in ‘article31’, with petition in progress? In any case, dear, dear Adam – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, God bless you….
Great read Adam, thanks ! I like how you gracefully transitioned into the revelation of where it was you were heading !
I meant to attach this other article (by miss Christy) to my previous email . so here it is
Yo did receive my previous one, yes ?
> >