Perhaps you’ve noticed, but I’ve been grossly silent for some time. With so much to comment on, I’ve said nada. I started a few blog entries but didn’t finish them. On the other hand, part of me knew that my “perspective” was/is, in fact, communicated, not only to you who do subscribe to this information resource, but to ALL, located throughout the universe. There’s a part of me in you, and you in me.
It is evident to me that we are that connected.
With that mode of thinking, I could simply stop (writing, blogging, pontificating), right? Well, in a word, yes, I could, but I’m not going to do that. While experiencing this reality, I am a work-in-progress, working on, and out my own exercises in conscious Creatorhood. As long as I “exist,” new opportunities to learn will present themselves.
New opportunities to discover, accept, connect with, experience, know, and be one in mastery with the Miracle Power that likewise exists within each of us, which as I see it, is the first and main purpose of “existence” itself.
As such, I’ve not been inclined to comment further on MMS, the “Miracle Mineral Supplement”. I took the DVD off my web store several months ago (although I’m now reminding myself to take down the DVD site itself). Jim Humble wrote me a long letter on June 21 that, before today, I barely glanced at. Grant called me recently, wanting to clarify and rebut some points that Andreas Kalcker made in “correcting” some of my “mis-statements” in the Clorine Dioxide Anion video I published on YouTube (February 2013).
I’ve said what I have to say about MMS, and it is certainly not “negative.” I’ve said enough to support the contention that, as originally developed and taught by Jim Humble, it represents an amazing, responsible, and humanitarian use of chemistry. While it’s not the only thing that can be called upon to address the ongoing multi-phalanx assault on human health, it’s good to know it’s available. In the Grand Scheme of Things, there’s a Miracle Worker that one should spend more time getting to know that’s bigger than MMS, and you don’t have to be a “person of the cloth” to do so.
It seems that unless there’s a monetary gain somewhere in the matrix, few people are willing to believe, and many will doubt. Yet, I believe that our society has been organized just that way; to give you reason to doubt yourself, and your own power, so that you will “believe” that someone or something else has more, IS more than you.
One of the great unseen lies of our times.
In addition to not writing, I’ve not produced my radio show, Talk For Food. With the exception of producing a video for a dear friend CANEI for her new endeavor; beautiful bust sculptures of extraterrestrial and alien beings, I’ve been pretty insular lately.
Insular, yes, inactive, no.
Much has changed, is changing, and will continue to. Some of the changes, I’ve not been thrilled about, but the vast majority, I have.
Since I do think of you daily, I’ve pondered how to “update” you and then move on.
Two factors have surfaced that have caused me to spend more time on “me”… that I’d have preferred not to talk or write about publicly. They all are connected to my own vanity.
- The continued deterioration/disintegration of my teeth. Not only have more of my “natural” teeth continued to break down, but the “upper” partial plate that I first started wearing in my early teens (with a couple of repairs over the years), has little left to hold it up on the roof of my mouth, other than a vacuum. It may release unexpectedly.
- An inguinal hernia, caused by a hole that developed due to a weakness in my groin area. It’s not painful, but it does adversely impact the natural vascular flow in the area that I’m not happy about, as well as provide a deceptive impression of my “package,” if you know what I mean.
No modality that I have tried has, thus far, reversed these conditions, although it doesn’t mean that they don’t’ work.
I stopped drinking my morning “mee” cocktail several months ago, but I must say that several dramatic and positive changes did occur in my life.
- I was aware of vibrational changes, particularly during time of elimination.
- My sense of calm under stress was definitely strengthened, probably the serotonin and other minerals and antibodies taken in.
- Other evidence of vibrational change was money; a source of significant income came, some from out-of-the-blue, you might say. While it was temporary, it was the “right thing at the right place and right time.”
I learned that one of the most powerful aspects of a total urine fast, is the polarity reversal that it facilitates. This may apply to any modality that truly heals, including MMS. Perhaps it should best be described as polarity normalization.
My drinking a morning “mee” cocktail had more to do with a growing realization and appreciation of its inherent, unacknowledged value, a corollary to my own inherent value that has not been acknowledged by others, because I didn’t see it. I’ve been content to “prove” my value by doing for others instead of knowing that it is inherent in me. The I-UV movement is seeking to help move this concept forward. (
So there was a definite experiential shift and benefit to my “mee” campaign. I know its available and beneficial. I don’t need to build my identity around urine consumption, when there are many other gifts to explore and discover. This is particularly true at the energy and information level.
I spent the day driving around to various locations in the East Valley in 108° (F.) temperatures to record these and other thoughts.
I will talk more about some changes in my water technology activities in the near future. With all that I haven’t been saying, can’t expect to spill it all out at once.
We tend to get so wrapped up in the “war” with “bad” microbes that we ignore the energetic factors that contribute to physiological dysfunctions. While we are a Macrocosmic Order to the microbial population that lives within the body, an Energetic Order governs it, as well as all of our experiences.
I recognize, acknowledge, respect, and embrace this Energetic Order. I also know that my day and time of restoration/normalization IS coming.
I’ve not wanted to write about these personal challenges, because quite frankly, I haven’t “mastered” them. I preferred to resolve them and then report how I did it. Yet, I now believe that the point of it all is that it’s not “me,” that will make the change, but the Great Spirit that I AM, when the time is proper. That Great Spirit IS the Miracle Power Within me.
That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it.
I hadn’t dealt with the teeth situation for financial reasons. Even with money I will not be seeking surgery for the hernia. I have invested in an inversion table, I’ve learned pelvic exercises that I can do, I’m taking high doses of vitamin C, and considering yoga. I’ll also start a 14-day fast to cleanse any remaining “old stuff” from the internals.
I am confident that remediation and restoration of normal function is possible, not just of my teeth, but of the jaw that was surgically “resected” and “rebuilt” over 2 1/2 years, in response to an ameloblastoma I was diagnosed with in 1996.
I wonder who many people who had ameloblastomas also had root canals?
With what I’m now beginning to understand about the Energetic Order, and the Informational Order that is intrinsic to it, I wouldn’t be surprised if root canals, which destroy the physical electrical and informational matrix in the jaw, can be catalysts for such metabolic responses.
The non-physical (etheric) information matrix is never destroyed, a fact that is always comforting to me, because it means that we actually have – built within each of us – the ability to reset, recover, and restore functionality from ANY “disease” known to, or caused by “MAN.”
Starting a ‘Back to Normal’ Movement

The question is who will KNOWINGLY allow themselves to “reset,” “recover,” and “restore” functionality to current areas of physical dysfunction?
It was reported recently that the Vatican declared Pope John Paul II a saint (see story). In order to qualify for sainthood, at least two “miracles” must have been attributed, to him. One involved a nun who reportedly was cured of Parkinson’s after her order prayed to the deceased pope. John Paul II himself had Parkinson’s syndrome.
This is how the deception regarding where the real power is, is maintained.
Sister Marie-Simon-Pierre’s order did the praying, sending forth a vision, desire, and intention that their comrade be well again. Even if they did direct their thoughts to the pope, who had not cured himself of the condition, it was their power that catalyzed and facilitated the cure, which they’d deny, and the leaders of the Catholic Church would most likely agree that they had nothing to do with it.
The word “faith healing” provides a convenient way to deny that any individual who is pure of heart can be a conduit of the Power that produces what are known as “miracles.”
This is how we continue to falsely attribute powers and abilities to others, and postpone gaining a greater knowing of, and appreciation about ourselves, i.e., “Who We Are.”
A “team of doctors,” themselves locked up in an ideological box that thinks it’s okay to treat “disease” with synthetic chemicals, would naturally see any healing as a miracle, because so few people survive their treatments, much less become truly well again.
So I mean no disrespect to any subject that I may now be disinclined to discuss. I believe that the greatest value that anyone can receive would come from discovering the Power that is within each of us.
Its name isn’t important; not nearly as important as the feeling.
What if we have the power to heal ourselves and each other, but don’t know it? What if, like a muscle, this power gets stronger with use?
What if all we need to be instruments for miraculous healings, are sufficient levels of courage, compassion, love, and forgiveness?
While disease in one form or another has become a constant companion for many, few realize that it is learned, and not natural. Fewer still realize that healing will also need to be learned, and may not come in an instant.
But then, when conditions are right, it may.
Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this blog.
It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s tough to get that “perfect balance” between
user friendliness and appearance. I must say you’ve done a great job with this.
In addition, the blog loads extremely quick for me on Safari.
Excellent Blog!
Hi Adam, my thoughts go with you as you work to deal with life and maintain your integrity. I don’t know if it would help with your tooth situation, but I’ve been using first MMS, and now CDS as a mouthwash with amazing effect. I was using 6 drops of MMS activated with 3 drops citric acid (to lower acidity – or 15 drops lemon/lime juice or vinegar) in 2 tbs. (1 oz or 30 ml) water plus 8 drops DMSO. But, though it worked it was hard to use for several reasons, mainly because it was extremely difficult to retain it in my mouth for over a minute. With the CDS, though, the taste and sensation in my mouth is much easier to tolerate. I’ve been using 1/2 tsp. 3000 ppm CDS instead of the 6 drops MMS. It’s actually the equivalent of about 7.5 drops MMS, but I can retain it for 3 minutes easily, and oral problems have cleared up faster.
Continued cosmic blessings to you throughout your multidimensional evolutions.
I’ve been researching gelatin / collagen supplements, and this may be the missing link that rebuilds connective tissue. The changes people feel in body and mind when they use these supplements may be because in all the traditional diets around the world, gelatin and collagen foods, generally in the form of bone broths, are part of their daily nutrition. Modern people have let these essential elements go, and it explains much.
Specifically, the food that people now eat is often lacking the amino acids proline and glycine, needed to rebuild the connective tissue. Whether this nutritional lack shows up as a hernia, or any of a number of other issues, depends on the individual.
The traditional diets also emphasize combining fats with protein, and those traditional fats are needed to rebuild the teeth and bones. I’ve found the book, Deep Nutrition, helpful in understanding how modern nutrition went so wrong, and how to correct it. And if making bone broths seems somewhat too time consuming, the gelatin supplements are quick and easy to use, and the gelatin goes to work to rebuild your body rather quickly. The Great Lakes brand makes a clean, organic sourced, gelatin supplement.
So sorry to hear about the issues you are facing. I have had a lot of root canals too & have serious dental issues…I can relate.
I must say that your post was so unlike you…I pray you find peace & solutions for your own healing. You’ve done so much for others and I have the highest respect for you!
My thought & prayers are with you!!!!
Love always
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Barbara,
No sadness, anger, or unrest. Actually, a LOT of GREAT things to share. I needed to acknowledge my reasons for the past few month’s silence. I didn’t, and don’t want to make my communications about “my problem.” Yet, you and others who have loved and care about me for so long would want to know, so I “spilled the beans.”
Positive thoughts and LOVE are always gratefully received, and joyfully given.
Imagine what loving/positive thoughts can do to your health, with most of our body’s consisting of water: and vise versa!
Hi Adam
This article is one of the best you ever wrote, because I can identify with it.
The power within that connects us all is the divine spark of light/God at our disposal if only we ask.
I was reading always your articles even if I did not always reply.
I still use MMS as I did just now on a need basis. I need it now to get rid of sinusitis and its acompnying cough.
I found out that I can heal not long after I got reborn in 1994. The power of God to heal is LOVE and anybody who loves can heal. I had people asking me for help and being healed without any church or popes aproval or permission.
I struggle with healing myself do. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I don’t. I realize this is because I have no problem loving others but when it comes to myself it seems not that important.
But I I know that one day I will succeed, because I dream it. My dreams have the habbit of coming trough and hence I take them serious.. The time is not right and sometimes it is somebody elses job to heal us to prove to themself ‘they can’.
I know that nothing happends by chance and there is a time, a place and a reason for everything. We learn by trail and error.
I wish you luck and Gods blessing.
If you need to learn how to heal I can give you tips that are easu to use (no complicated newage stuff) just simple ‘love and light’ you can send any time, anywhere as long as you LOVE.
Blessing your water before drinking also helps, since it changes the watercyrstals. Check it out onliine what loving thoughts can do to watercrystals online. Its ‘simple magic’! No complicated apparatus! God. Is not as complicated as many ‘expects’ want us to believe. We don’t need to be priests or charismatics to be able to love and heal. All we need to do is use our free will to do God will and LOVE, LOVE. LOVE. Aas simple as that
Gods blessing Monila
(Aka Simunye, means WE ARE ONE)
Sorry for typo ( Monika not Monila), I use my mobile and my eyes are not the best.
Check out ‘Masaru Emoto Watercrystals’, also on Youtube.
Masaru Emoto
It is always a pleasure to hear from you, and to KNOW that you’re there even in your silence. That is much how I felt in mine. On some level, we all KNOW we’re connected, because we’ve already done so. It doesn’t end in silence.
Thank you for the Wonderful Wisdom that you always leave behind when you tickle your keyboard.
Best wishes,
Since I cannot hear your voice I am picking up a resigned yet resolute tone from the words that you have chosen to write here. I offer you my compassion on the physical issues that you described. I just read another article about root canals and since I have a couple and one flared up recently I can agree with you about the effects of a root canal. There is a dentist who has written a book on healing tooth decay. He uses the Weston A Price food choices. Are you willing to eat organ meats and bone broths and fermented foods? It would be worth it and you just reminded me in your article that you have consumed stranger things that than.
Do you live in Arizona? I live in Cave Creek. I would love to have a chat with you.
Hi Mary,
My “resignation” isn’t about “Me” or “My” position. I am that I am, where I am. In part I gave some background for my silence, and a commitment to openly move ahead. I don’t expect my teeth to “heal” in the linear sense of the term, but in the non-linear. I expect and anticipate what we might call, a transfiguration; a molecular phase shift of realities. I will do what I do, within the scope of my understanding, to move forward, which would include the food choices that you outline, and others that I’ve discovered, such as drinking magnetite water and various forms of informational resetting and re-patterning. However, also within the scope of my understanding is the possibility of what I have described. The Miracle Power within will reveal itself in time.
In the meantime, I’d be happy to meet some time. I’m in Chandler. We’ll make it happen.
Thank you and we can communicate further off line.
Best wishes,
thank you for your letter back. After I wrote I realized that you probably are way ahead of me in all things spiritual and mental and physical. I know we can get a bit weary being in charge of so much….our life. Of a truth, though, we have no other choice than to BE IN CHARGE AND KEEP ON KEEPING ON.
I think I first encountered you because of Clayton Nolte’s water thing and somehow in that mix was a really cool guy I think he was from Cananda and for the life of me I can’t think of his name…probably because the phone number that I have for him has long since stopped working so I figure he has slipped out of my world. I think he worked or sold units for Clayton.
Anyway, Chandler is not that far away. I have been wanting to check out the TROPICA NURSERY in Mesa. Apparently they have tropical exotic plants and I am a bezerko earth planter and I want to check them out. maybe I could do two things on the same day and enrich myself with a great treat!
unless I missed something, I would not know how to talk to you offline. I would need a phone number or something.
love and interest, mp