I’m back home in Arizona, actually have been home for a week. So much has happened, so much to share. If you don’t hear from me in awhile, it’s because A LOT is going on.
That being said, I should share something.
Next Tuesday, I’ll be a guest on the A2Z Health Products weekly Conference Call. Started by Dennis Richard, whom I first met in Hermosillo, Mexico to visit Jim Humble in person for the first time to produce my documentary on MMS.
Dennis has become an author, writing a book, Your Health is Your Choice. For many years MMS was one of the products available on his site. Although he no longer operates the internet business, looks like MMS is still offered, but there is absolutely no information about its possible use for human consumption or health reasons.
I was a guest in Dennis’ home as I passed through Las Vegas. I had a chance to show and explain how the Rainmaker H2O water transformation (“structuring”) technology works, and he listened to me explain it to others who called and spoke to me during my stay. The booking on his conference call was then fast tracked.
I met and interviewed many other people on my trip, which may seem somewhat paradoxical since I haven’t produced a Talk For Food show in months.
A list of the conversations I recorded:
- Dr. Gerald Pollack, Prof. of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle and Author, The Fourth Phase of Water
- Dr. Todd Wylie, Optometrist, Advanced Eyecare & Optical, Spokane
- Greg O’Neil, Primary Water Institute (in-formation), Spokane
- Aaron Murakami, Author, The Quantum Key, Spokane
- Peter Lindemann, DSc., Author, Electric Motor Secrets
- Paul Babcock, Author and Inventor, Magnetic Energy Secrets, Spokane
- M.J. Pangman, Co-Author, Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water
- Karen Elkins, Publisher, Science to Sage magazine and radio program
- Terry Martin, Founder and Developer, Kayenta Homes, Ivin, UT
- Eric Dollard, Electrical Engineer and inventor, Tonopah, NV.
- Doug Widdifield, Author, Life… or Grave Danger.
- E.J. Lashlee, Professional Trustee and Author, The Protection Book and The Privacy Book
- Dr. Edwige Bingue, Author, You’re Not Crazy, You’re Awakening
We won’t go into the list of interviews already done but not yet produced. However, it will happen.
Yes, I also spent time with Daniel Smith and his wife Karis while in Spokane. They are continuing to cope with the kangaroo court situation that the FDA is trying its best to snare them into. What I could, or would like to say about the situation would fill volumes, but it’s not my call. They need to break their own silence, as the FDA will, and has tried, to characterize them as menaces to society in the most ironic example of a huge pot calling a wisp of kettle, “black.”

You and the public should hear Daniel and Karis speak their truth, not mine. We should also hold a lying, baseless government agency accountable for the crime against humanity that its people are responsible for. I’m not suggesting a witch hunt. Everyone knows where they are and what they’re doing.
When do we say, enough?! When do we say, “No!”
They are herding people into a “health care” system that does what? Fill its patients with chemicals that lower immune function, then try forcing more people into the system to “pay for” projected increases in disease.
This is one of the consequences of allowing profit-driven, non-living corporations to have parity in “rights” with living people.
We’ve gone so deep into the pot that Americans have become the frogs that don’t seem to feel the heat being turned up enough to get out.
In silence, we simmer.
To prepare for the conference call, and serve as an introduction to the topic that we’ll discuss, I wrote the following article last night that may be published in Dennis’ weekly newsletter.
Health, Hydration, and the Structure of Water
By Adam Abraham
For all of our focus on differences, there are a few things that every human being on Earth shares with every other human. That is, that our body formed in a pool of water. We entered this world, through our mothers’ womb, in water. When we left the womb a remarkable inversion process had occurred. Where, in the beginning, water had been all around and through our developing body, now water was within it. Indeed, water was our body.
In many respects, it still is.
Without water, life as we presently know it, is impossible. Yet, if you looked at how we treat and consume water, you would think we (or someone) were intent on killing ourselves.
This is the only logical conclusion one can make when the appreciation of how important and potent water is, is contrasted to how it is being used, marginalized, and abused. As it is, we’re making ourselves very sick, and while few are noticing, water is the medium.
But don’t blame water.
The good news is that if you accept a few fundamental ideas about water as true, many present-day sins that persist due to arrogance, habit, and/or ignorance, can be overcome.
In about 2009 I began a mission to gain a working understanding of water. To be honest, I didn’t know that I didn’t know much about it. Like many people, I knew that water was “wet,” and had no appreciable taste, as far as I could describe.
While we knew water was important during my childhood, I wasn’t that inclined to drink it. I figured that if I imbibed something “wet,” such as the Nehi fruit punch and grape pop I loved, that my water consumption needs, referred to today as hydration, would be met.
Boy was I wrong.
I wasn’t alone. While the beverages consumed may vary, from coffee, many teas, and alcohol, most commercial drinks that we often hold dear, will dehydrate the body.
Every individual who is currently suffering from a chronic or degenerative disease, is dehydrated. Furthermore, when they put themselves under doctor’s care in today’s “health care” system, the patient is given pharmaceutical-based medications whose primary effect on the body’s physiology is to further dehydrate.
The primary purpose and value of water in human physiology, is to facilitate hydration. What does that mean? It means to deliver hydrogen, which is the fuel of all creation. While oxygen is important to our health for its “cleansing” properties (oxidation), hydrogen is the actual fuel that the powers the body.
To be more specific, hydrogen’s energy must enter into the cell in order to “hydrate” it, which allows the cells to produce the energy they need to function properly and power the body.
Plenty of Water Doesn’t Always Mean Hydration
Dehydration is not always the lack of water getting into the body. Some people religiously drink 8-12 glasses of water each day. Others drink half their body weight in ounces, and yet remain dehydrated. The cause of dehydration is our failure to deliver hydrogen to the aquaporin channels of our cells.
The fault is not entirely our own. Our culpability comes in the form of assumptions and complacency, where we’re willing to let “experts” to be the final word on what our problems are, and what we need to do in order to correct them. We assume the experts (1) know what they are doing, and (2) are working in our best interest. Yet, if we look at what we have to show for this trust, it increasingly appears that neither assumption is true.
Turns out that much of the water we consume, most of it in fact, whether through drinking, showering or bathing, is not in an optimal state for consumption. It’s like deciding to eat juvenile fruit that is still growing on a tree. The body won’t receive nourishment from the fruit because it’s not there. The same is true if the fruit has been genetically modified, but that is another, although related topic.
Water itself has an optimal state that it needs to be in, in order to deliver the precious Gift that is hydrogen. That state is variously referred to as by such terms as “liquid crystalline,” “hexagonal,” and “structured.”
While there is a great amount of history and scientific research behind these and other statements that I may write or say. Suffice it to say that since my re-introduction to, and research of structured water, I have had a glimpse into just how much better our health, our lives, and our world would be if the water that we live on were in a healthier state.
It’s actually easy to do.
That being said, most water that we use is not “healthy.” It may pass various municipal standards, but what makes said standards acceptable to politicians and city administrators is far different from what the body needs in order to maintain its health for you and me.
Since being introduced to the water structuring technology by Clayton Nolte, Natural Action Technologies, through many conversations, interviews, and experiments, and supported by the work of such researchers as Viktor Schauberger, and authors as Masaru Emoto (The Healing Power of Water), Alick Bartholomew (The Spiritual Life of Water), Callum Coats (Living Energies), MJ Pangman (Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water), and Dr. Gerald Pollack (The Fourth Phase of Water), I have come to see water more as a precious Gift than as a chemical commodity.
In 2010, I founded Photonic Water Systems (www.photonicwater.com) to participate in what I believe will be a renaissance of water, and to facilitate the phenomenon. Also that year, I gave a presentation on water at the Hale Center in London.
In 2011, I spoke on water at a Longevity Conference in Fairfield, Iowa, and in 2013, I gave a presentation on water and agriculture in Lake George, New York at the organization meetings of Independent Farm Direct. Some of these talks can be seen on my YouTube channel.
Agriculture is one of the most dramatic areas where the structured water difference to the bottom line can be demonstrated. Plants don’t require publication in peer-reviewed journals in order to know whether one product (or method) is better than another.
Water’s potency and value to health is directly related to its structure in the same way that what distinguishes the value of a piece of graphite from a diamond, is structure. The constituent materials are the same.
Another quality of water that the public should know about, is its propensity to take up, carry, and transmit information. This fact was conclusively demonstrated by Dr. Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004), and vehemently resisted by the scientific community, as exemplified by the Journal Nature. Dr. Benveniste’s career was severely impacted by the snub that ensued when he simply acknowledged the truth that water revealed about itself, and reported it honestly.
We describe the proclivity to hold and carry information as water having “memory.”
This is because water has the ability to respond to the most subtle of impressions; far more subtle than we might normally imagine.
Picture still waters, and the rings of concentric circles that fan away from the center when a small pebble is thrown in.
While Rome wasn’t built in a day, the true story of water will certainly not be told in 20-minutes. Or even a couple hours. However, in a conversation you can learn why and how your water may be an active contributor to disease, and what you can do to change it.
Today I am pleased to be part of an innovative new entry among manufacturers of water structuring technology. Rainmaker H2O™ has taken the science of biomimetics to a new level to achieve and restore water’s structure. It will be a pleasure to dialogue with you on this most important subject.
The conference call is Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 5:45PM Pacific Time. The number is 712-432-3100 Access code: 388191
This’ll be a first for me, the last time I’ll be able to say that.
The FDA has absolutely no case against Daniel Smith because he never made any medical claims about Project Green Life MMS, he specifically labeled Project Green Life MMS as water purification drops TO BE USED THE SAME WAY AS THE EPA RECOMMENDS USING CLOROX BLEACH, by putting a few drops of Project Green Life MMS in a gallon of water as water purification. On the bottle of Project Green Life MMS it says,
“Suggested Use: For potable tap, distilled, or bottled water, add one to five drops of MMS Professional to 1 gallon (or 4 liters) of water.”
“Contents: Formula consists of distilled water and 28% mixture of sodium salts in solution. Sodium chlorite content: 22.4%”
The chemical formula for Clorox bleach is sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) meaning it only has one oxygen atom. The MMS movement has never instructed people to take sodium hypochlorite because it is definitely not compatible with the body. MMS is sodium chlorite (NaClO2) meaning it has two oxygen atoms which is a big difference. Project Green Life MMS was a special formulation because it was very compatible with the body for internal use, it was so compatible with the body that it didn’t need to be activated with an acid outside the body before people took it, just like Dr. Robert Bradford’s specially formulated Dioxychlor solution. But the government doesn’t care about investigating anecdotal testimonials because the U.S. healthcare system has been distorted by the corrupt organizations the FDA, the AMA, and their buddies in the pharmaceutical industry who only promote toxic drugs like chemotherapy, while at the same time they shut down the truly innovative and groundbreaking medical minds and treatments like Dr. Robert Bradford’s amazing Dioxychlor formulation (which was one of the best treatments ever discovered for chronic viral infections and autoimmune inflammatory diseases) and Dr. Stanislaw Burzkynski’s antineoplaston treatment, which has cured several people who had terminal brain cancer, as confirmed with MRI brain scans, and his treatment doesn’t have any toxic side effects. Let me repeat that. He has before and after MRI brain scans of his patients proving they were cured by his treatment, but the FDA doesn’t care, they’ve been harassing him relentlessly for 20 years with trumped up charges. The U.S. government is so incompetent that oftentimes the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. For example, the U.S. government agency the EPA recommends using household Clorox bleach to disinfect drinking water. The EPA recommends adding 8 drops of Clorox bleach (NaClO) to every gallon of water to purify it and make it safe to drink. The reason this is safe is because the 8 tiny drops of Clorox bleach are diluted thousands of times in the gallon of water before people drink it. In my opinion, I think that instead of using sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) to disinfect drinking water, it would be better to use a special sodium chlorite formulation like Dioxychlor or Project Green Life MMS, then it would disinfect the drinking water and it would also be compatible with the body and give the body incredible beneficial health results. Do you see the absurdity of the government here? On the EPA’s website they openly recommend using 8 drops of Clorox bleach to disinfect one gallon of drinking water, while at the same time the FDA attacks Project Green Life MMS saying it is a dangerous bleach, even though in actuality this special formulation creates miraculous beneficial health effects in the body. Christopher Parisi, it is time for you and everyone else at the FDA to throw out your trumped up lawsuit against Daniel Smith because it is completely baseless and it doesn’t make any sense!!!! So let me get this straight, you banned Dioxychlor and Project Green Life MMS but you’re not going to ban Clorox bleach. I have just exposed your idiotic hypocrisy.
Hello Adam, I have recently discovered your article, comments and direction regarding the
book “The Door “…… thank you so much, this has been, for me, the opening to spiritual
Thank you so much,
Hi Adam,
Another excellent post. I share your passion for knowledge on water, its properties and passions (knowing it is a living molecule). I intend to be on that conference call. Thank you for passing your knowledge on to those that are ready to receive it.
Hi Adam, looks like you have your hands full these days. Thanks for the update on PGL. Wish I could make your conference call, but we’re going to see Don Miguel Ruiz, Junior at that time in Santa Cruz.