For anyone willing to take a cursory look, the evidence is overwhelming that virtually every aspect of Western science, religion, medicine, education, agriculture, banking, government, and culture:
- Is based on tightly controlled, false information, with the truth being closely guarded, flat out withheld, or destroyed,
- Inhumane,
- Unlawful,
- Exploitative, and
- Unsustainable.
Since the overwhelming majority of the population in the world doesn’t have enough money, but works hard (and earnestly) to get it, money and profit can’t be the reason for this phenomenon. If these observations have become true for you, the answer is what do you do?
I’ll give you what I thought was going to be a “short” answer.
Know yourself.

Neither science, religion, nor our education system does anywhere near an adequate job of conveying a cogent idea of what a human being is and how one fits in the Grand Scheme of things. As such, neither do parents. How can we teach our children what we ourselves don’t know? Well, we “teach” them by demonstration. The beings and the behavior that they see, are what they choose to become and emulate, or not.
To put it simply, each and every human being can be considered a “Unit” of Life that is presently expressing itself on the planetary body presently known as Earth. No one is “from” Earth, as the planet that we see exists within a dimensional bandwidth of specific density. You and I exist in a bandwidth that both includes the physical/observable/material and measurable world, and extends beyond it. That would be a realm that is non-physical, invisible, immaterial, and immeasurable from this perspective. This expanded, non-molecular realm, also thought of as the vacuum of space, is scientifically confirmed to have a greater energy density than our familiar reality.
By its very nature, Life is intelligent. We are a class of Life that is self-aware, also referred to as sentient. The essence of all Life is energy. The essence of all energy is information, and at the root of all information is thought.
The human being is not only composed of thought, and could be thought of as a thought-form. We are thought receivers and transmitters.
Most people will read these words and think of brain wave activity, as the brain is thought of as the “central processor” of thoughts that enter and leave human consciousness. Indeed, some researchers have made serious attempts to locate that place in the brain where consciousness is located, which illustrates just how entrenched we are into materialistic thinking. The brain is only a component of perception, and not the main one either. The main engine that drives the thoughts that ultimately form and shape an individual life, is the heart center.

The heart center (also referred to as the heart chakra) is not the physical heart. It is part of a non-physical element of the human energy complex that is near its physical counterpart. From an energetic standpoint, the heart center is a much more powerful transmitter of our intention to the Universe than is the brain.
Love yourself.
Seems to be a given that we would love our self doesn’t it? However, more often than not, we are our greatest, harshest critics. We saddle ourselves with remorse and guilt, often because we’ve done something that we’re convinced warrants it. These habits of thinking and being go unquestioned, and are part of the progressive breakdown of joy and vitality that make life on Earth worth living. Those who may be miserly in giving a kind word to others are often down right penurious when it comes to receiving. Kind words often precede kind actions. Kind words blocked and deflected also block and deflect what would have been reciprocal kind actions. Where kind thoughts, words, and actions are not allowed to flow in both directions between giver and receiver, gratitude, that great and powerful lifter of vibration and energy, gains no traction to transform both lives.
Ironically ingratitude tends to foster and prolong a sense of emptiness, lack, and weakness, where gratitude fulfills and strengthens.
Filling yourself with love from the endless Fountain fills the “cup” of your beingness until it is full, at which point it runs over, giving you the capacity to give to others in kind without being “drained” or depleted. Love changes your vibration, which changes the health of everything, not just your body, but relationships, your mind, and soul.
Trust yourself.
Be true, in all ways that the statement implies. When you begin to see just how pervasive untruth is in our world, and that no “institution” is exempt, then the logical and reasonable direction in which to turn, is within.
Building a relationship with yourself begins with trust. We’ve put our trust in doctors, lawyers, “law enforcement,” the Constitution, Bible, Koran, Talmud, teachers, priests, rabbis, mullahs, and every other perceived “authority” who is considered to be “above reproach.” We’ve trusted in God, but have also been convinced that God is quite some distance away, has more important matters to attend to and little time for us, and we must therefore speak with “His” agents, who in truth, have no more direct knowledge, importance, or power to resolve our problems, than we do.
The willingness to trust one’s self represents the first steps toward self-reliance and understanding. Everyone has an Inner Voice, but it is so subtle, so easily dismissible, that we could revert to following someone else’s informed or uninformed opinion at any time, and no one would know the difference… except us.
Trusting one’s self is one of the healthiest, most empowering choices we can make, and it doesn’t cost a dime.
Forgive yourself.
Forgive yourself for actions you took when you believed that the lies you’ve been taught and told, were true. Lies have been the rule, not the exception, in science, culture and society, both Eastern and Western. We’ve been led to believe that life is better with money than without money, that doctors know if our hearts are strong enough for sex better than we do, and drugs and surgery actually “cure” disease. We’ve been led to believe that punishment, humiliation, and fear are effective ways to discourage “bad behavior,” when we have actually succeeded in dis-couraging and disconnecting human hearts.
We’ve created a heartless society run by heartless (and mindless) people in the process. The people do not lack intelligence, but our actions often lack common sense because our logic is fragmented and the implications of choices on the whole are not considered meaningful.
In medical practice, a multitude of specialists can be called in, each of which is authorized by professional practices and government authority to “prescribe” inorganic, disruptive, synthetic medications without consideration of the ill-effects on the patient’s systems. This is a prime example of great human knowledge and intellectual capacity at work that lacks common sense.
Medical professional societies and government agencies spend much of their time coming up with names for the new pathologies that arise from these standard practices, which allow pharmaceutical firms to step in and develop new and more powerful inorganic vaccines and serums. While the death toll from properly prescribed medication, referred to as iatrogenic and estimated to be several hundred thousand annually, continues to rise, the Medical Industrial Complex does not, for one moment, pause to ask whether it would be best to use less, showing that its objectives are at odds with the patients’, and therefore, should no longer be trusted.
Forgive yourself for trusting your doctor and his credentials more than that Voice of Reason and common sense that you had so often ignored. Begin to see that Voice as the Living Doctor Within you that actually does know you and the state of the body that you see, as well as the ones that you don’t see.
Forgive yourself for believing that powerful poisons are more effective at addressing an illness than such simple remedies as drinking more water, eating non-processed foods, or simply grounding yourself. The experts made their living off your belief, but weren’t willing to acknowledge or recognize your success if it was achieved independently of their influence.
Prime Relationship: Man and Woman
We’ve bought the idea that relationship between men and women is about ownership, perhaps by each (man of woman and woman of man) of the other in some cultures, or men owning the woman and children in others, and that freedom of self-expression, especially sexual, is subject to the partner’s “approval,” and not the province of the individual’s choice and readiness. Yes, you have a right to your opinion about your partner’s behavior. You have the right to disagree, but acknowledge that your partner has an equal right to disagree with yours. If couples are true with self and each other from the moment they first meet, and allow truthfulness safe haven in each others’ presence, they will learn to know each other, and either discover true love, or move on until they created a relationship based on a mutually truthful foundation.
Let me say here that this applies to all relationships, irrespective of the visible gender configuration, such as man/woman, man/man, and woman/woman. All relationships involve the dynamics of magnetic polar attractions (+)/(-), which are sourced and applied from that unseen, immaterial, immeasurable part of us, and not the familiar one. You’d think that by now, it might be self-evident, but until it is, we’ll spell it out.
A society that condones and practices deception, that speaks of honoring truth but doesn’t practice it in actuality, is unsustainable. The adjective that precedes or defines the group doesn’t matter. American, Israeli, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Communist, Socialist, Capitalist, Atheist, Black, White, etc., get no special dispensation for their particular oppression. All are equal where it matters, i.e., in their ability to transform their situation exercised through their freedom to choose what ideas to think, believe, and act upon.
Most likely, the life and relationships that we have done the most damage to, have been our own. The happiness we have set aside, the joylessness we have endured, the lies that we told ourselves were okay to tell another because they were “white,” and other lies we allowed to persist through silence, are far more damaging than a virus du jour will ever be.
Protect yourself.

Coming from me, you may already know that I will not be suggesting that you need to stockpile or use firearms. Your greatest protector is not a gun, semi-automatic weapon, tank, or howitzer. It is harmony and love. The predominant information peddler network (IPN) will suggest that you should be afraid; even the “Natural” and “Alternative” media broadcasts “fact” after “fact” that you should be updated on by subscribing to their channel. They are fomenting and feeding on your fears as much as the conglomerates. If you choose to be fearful, your own energetic integrity is weakened, which increases your susceptibility to that which scares you.
Be yourself.
Make no apologies that your presentation doesn’t “fit” an image that looks thin on camera.
Allow and encourage others to be themselves.
Accept others without prejudice or judgement. This doesn’t mean that you always agree, or that you agree at all. It means that your inner harmony exists independently of anyone else’s opinion of you. Your opinion of yourself is more powerful and meaningful than anyone else’s opinion of you. On the other hand, your opinion of anyone else, is powerless and meaningless to their life.
Of course you may disagree with these thoughts, but that would indicate just how deeply the disconnect with one’s inner trust and power is, because what one feels strongly about will always be right for that individual.
Be present. See the world around you, and make your decisions from the moment. The television or your favorite news feed may strongly suggest that something bad this way comes, but what is here right now?

We now even devote a day to fear and scariness, in Halloween. The skeleton, witch, zombie, ghost, goblin costumes and commercialization aren’t the biggest problems with this practice: it is the practice and further glamorization of being inauthentic.
When we don’t know who, or what we are; when we’re not taking ownership of our own point of view, including being responsible for the thoughts that we empower through the simple heartfelt utterance of words, we sacrifice the awareness that we not only have the power to change our personal world, but also to change the world as we know it.
Hi Adam,
I hope all is well. Are you going to be posting any of the interviews, etc… from your trip up here, with Dollard, etc…?
Thanks, Aaron
Yes indeed Aaron. I take it you saw the one with Peter. I want to interview Trevor James Constable as well, but have quite a backlog of interviews already shot, including the Spokane Gang, to put out.
Hi Adam, I just saw this. is the easiest way to reach me. Trevor Constable has had a few strokes in the last few years and is not doing well. I can ask Peter when he gets back to town. I did see one with Peter and the chargers. I’ll go back to that video and send a link to my network.