On December 1, 2014, the public referendum on the product known as “MMS” will begin with a court case brought forth by the Department of Justice at the behest of its sister organization in tyranny, the Food and Drug Administration. [CLICK HERE TO READ UPDATE]
If I sound a bit jaundiced in my bias, it’s because I am. These organizations, as well as the justice system as a whole, are supposed to (1) work for the benefit of the public (FDA), and (2) be unbiased in the administration of “justice” (DoJ). There is ample evidence in this case that both have been neither.
In order to make a case for their case against MMS, these organizations have conspired to use all of their influence worldwide to insinuate that MMS is a dangerous industrial bleach that should be avoided and/or thrown away. Yet, a person with a sincere interest in the subject and a high school education in chemistry can refute such claims (although professionals with advanced university degrees may have some difficulty).
Needing a sacrificial lamb, the FDA singled out an individual or group, in this case, Daniel Smith, Karis DeLong, and Tammy Olson of the now defunct Project Green Life, and, like storm troopers, turned their lives upside down and liberties inside out. The trial will be held in Spokane, Washington, and I would like to be there, not so much for MMS, but in support of Daniel, Karis, and Tammy who risked such targeting in order to help their customers and change the system from within.
MMS Continues On
The people who know the truth about MMS and how to use it for greatest benefit will use it regardless of the outcome of this trial. However, there is no truth in the claims that were concocted by the FDA and DoJ in order to (1) make what sounded like an indictable case against Project Green Life, and (2) “send a message” to the general public and professionals in the Medical Industrial Complex as to what products to use and what to stay away from. These are the same organizations that are not moved to protect the public from the carcinogenic and neurotoxic effects of chlorine and sodium fluoride in drinking water, and the mutagenic effects of genetically modified foods and organisms. Indeed, the FDA (and EPA) approve and protect such practices, the corporations that promote them, and the practitioners who administer them, sometimes forcibly, or without their knowledge, or consent, to human beings… not just in the “Third World,” but to you.
“Government” as practiced by agents of the United States of America Corporation has made the phrase “of the corporation, by the corporation, and for the corporation” the rule, rather than the exception. The People, for whose collective benefit government was originally formed and continues to exists, have become marginalized afterthoughts to lobbyists, bankers, and warmongers, when we — individually and collectively — are the true holders and creators of value in this world, particularly through cooperation rather than through conflict.
If you can attend, please plan on being there. If you care to help me cover travel expenses and lodging, I would be most grateful. Use the “Donate” button at the bottom of this page, or reach me through the Contact page. Without giving away elements of his defense strategy, Daniel would benefit from direct financial assistance as well.
I am considering designing a T-Shirt that can be purchased, not only as a fundraising vehicle, but worn by everyone who supports the idea that medical remedies, not just MMS, should address causes not symptoms, and be plentiful, affordable and available to all. It is an added insult to the intelligence when you see how standard medications and vaccines that are ineffective against the diseases they’re made for, bankrupt patient in the process. Nature has free and/or inexpensive answers to every disease situation, to which we have closed our eyes and minds.
It is furthermore an abomination to realize how much trust is placed in the medical profession and all its ancillary agencies, and how it “rewards” the public’s trust with exploitation and death through its standard treatment and practices. For its part, the government’s strategy is to require that more people get “in the system” so that the premiums of “healthy” people who won’t require benefits (yet) will pay the escalating costs of those who use the system and its ineffective practices. This is another reason to know and trust yourself.
The truth about who and what you really are, will set you free.
The Jurisprudence System isn’t for ‘You’
Daniel will be speaking for, and representing himself, a courageous move that makes more sense when you realize that all attorneys are “Officers of the Court”. Whether you hire an attorney, or have one appointed to you by the court (at their discretion, not yours), your rights as a human being are secondary to the objectives of the court, and by way of extrapolation, the state. Indeed, you are not even considered a live being, but a living proxy for a fictional CORPORATE entity. Just look at the name on your driver’s license or other “official” document. It will be in all CAPITALIZED letters. There is a reason for this. The percentage of the population that understands these facts is dismally low.
MMS: Doing Well On Its Own
I haven’t had much to say about MMS for quite some time. However, I will likely be connected, one way or another, to the history of this product, which bore the bold name “Miracle Mineral Supplement” when first introduced by Jim Humble. I was introduced to MMS in August 2007. Hard to believe it has been seven years. It was also the same month that I began my internet radio show, Talk For Food. Four days into the standard protocol of the day (1 drop, 2 drops, 3 drops, etc. to 15), I experienced a massive, “full-spectrum” detox response. No need to be more descriptive than that.
The detox experience with MMS prompted me to actually read Jim Humble’s book and then embark on my own journey to understanding, which included many interviews with Humble himself, numerous articles published on this site, a documentary video, interviews with numerous MMS users and teachers, and video recording two of the first three MMS training workshops, held at the time in the Dominican Republic.

My desire to understand the root causes of disease and the dynamics of healing hadn’t begun with, nor was it limited to MMS. Ample evidence exists to show that there are many ways to heal, as many ways as there are people with disease. How many of the billions asked for each year to find “cures” do you think people would be willing to give if they knew that the chronic and degenerative diseases they “fight” could be largely eradicated by removing or neutralizing the synthetic, electrically disruptive chemicals — not pathogens — in their body and replacing them with real, unadulterated nutrition?
Hippocrates’ admonition to “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” wasn’t just a useful suggestion. Real food, live food, is what maintains and/or restores health; that have full-spectrum minerals, bacteria, proteins, and enzymes. Many of the foods that we consume have been so severely altered as to be closer to plastic, in a molecular sense, than food. We have grown accustomed to thinking this is okay, and that chemicals produce no adverse effect physically or bio-electrically, so when disease comes, we don’t consider how familiar, perfectly innocent, trusting habits may be culpable. So begins the search for the method that will “fix” the problem, never considering how we’ve unwittingly created it ourselves.
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As time passed, the standard explanation of MMS’ biochemical role as a “pathogen killer” no longer sufficed for me. In both allopathic and naturopathic approaches, we are advised that “bad” bacteria and viruses are the culprits, and thus should be “killed” at any cost, and are oblivious to the effects that heavy metals and synthetic compounds have on human bio-electrodynamics.
Very little is ever said about, nor umbrage taken to, the disruption to normal bio-electrical activity that is caused by the unconscious, intentional, and institutionalized administration of FDA approved chemicals to humans, starting in infancy. This happens not only through the administration of drugs and vaccines, but also via food and water. The existence, absence, and nature of bio-electrical activity and conductivity in the body (including that which enters the cells) determines what microorganisms will appear within and disappear from the body.

It turns out that these are both preventable and reversible problems that persist due to a lack of both public awareness, and professional, institutional, government, political, and corporate will. Instead, we get chlorination and fluoridation in our water, genetically modified foods, plus resistance to labeling, chemtrails in our skies, vaccination protocols required for children to enter “public” schools, which are long-standing “sweetheart” deals for pharmaceutical companies, and artificial ways to keep the public “sick and dumb”. The government organizations that promote vaccines claim credit for preventing deaths and diseases, which they cannot know given that they do their very best to prevent parental choice, and hence, objective comparison.

What a Difference a ‘Minus’ Makes
Turns out that there are several ways to produce chlorine dioxide (ClO2). How it is prepared determines its behavior as a “free radical,” as well as its persistence as a molecule. Grant Maanum, of British Columbia, is an extraordinary individual. He suffered respiratory damage from free radical chlorine dioxide (ClO2), then healed (not “cure”) the condition with the help of the product of MMS (ClO2-). After enduring several years of labored breathing he found MMS, began using it, and eventually restored normal respiratory function where a paid professional would have told him he’d have to live (and die) with the disease.
On separate occasions Maanum saved his two dogs from life-threatening conditions (one veterinarian said a $2,000 surgery was required for one of his pooches, or she would die). He directed me to ample scientific evidence that the specific ingredients combined in the early MMS protocol that we were first introduced to produced a “stable” species of the chlorine dioxide molecule (ClO2-) referred to as “chlorite” or the chlorite matrix. Its stability was related to the molecule’s negative (-) charge or polarity, versus the normal positive (+) charge polarity of chlorine dioxide.
Instead of being a free radical and pathogen killer (or “industrial bleach” as the FDA asserted), the compound produced with MMS (itself a specific solution of sodium chlorite — NaClO2 — in water) behaved more so like a cell activator and Krebs Cycle revitalizer, once again enabling the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is referred to as the energy currency of the body.
In spite of its plausibility, this alternative biochemical interpretation was not embraced by MMS proponents, or the FDA, who was not interested in any potentially exculpatory information. However, recognizing that different species of the chlorine dioxide molecule exists would have made it even easier to address the FDA’s public claims that MMS produces a “potent bleach.”
One irony of the FDA’s assertion of “concern” about MMS’ danger to the public, is in the list of literally thousands of medications that it has approved, some of which are little more than repackaged rat poison (blood thinners), that today are cornerstones — required prescriptions — in the medical Standard of Care. The truth is, if the FDA wasn’t behind the Department of Justice’s action against Daniel Smith and MMS, it would be more appropriate, and in the public interest to bring the agency itself before a Tribunal for crimes against humanity.
If this were happening a few years ago, the current Ebola faux crISIS could be another reason to bring up the therapeutic merits of MMS, but today, other voices can do that.
Daniel has been under house arrest, required to wear an electronic monitoring device. While in custody, he was forcibly given some vaccine injection — against his will / without his permission, and for a time experienced persistent and sometimes protracted coughing spells long after that particular ordeal. Happily, when I talked with him a few days ago he no longer seemed to have any respiratory difficulties.
This trial is a big deal, not for MMS, but for humanity. It is a question of whether people are going to continue to sit idly and silently, trying to cope with the fascist, dictatorial tactics of the Medical Industrial Complex to administer costly “approved” poisons to humans under the guise of medicine, and block/prevent the availability of inexpensive, therapeutically effective solutions.
While it is wonderful to celebrate the 200 or so children that have seen their autism spectrum traits disappear with a protocol that includes MMS, the rate at which new cases are diagnosed continues to rise at a much faster rate.

These numbers can be reversed, but not by acting as though the actions these agencies routinely take are acceptable, and that they are not subject to being held accountable. There is no escaping accountability. Representatives of the FDA and DoJ don’t have to answer to you or me, but they will have to answer to their own Self. At some point in time, they will have to be real, acknowledge, and embrace the truth, not about MMS, but about themselves.
One day they will seek balance, peace, health, harmony, and love, and they will know how they have obstructed it for so many, at such a great price. I know not when this moment will come, but I know it will, for everyone, myself included.
Daniel sent this note that a friend wrote to him after a prayer vigil that was held on his behalf.

Thank you for all your support, from all of us… Daniel, Karis, Tammy and Chris.
Hi Adam,
I would like to donate but I have sacked PayPal as an option for transferring funds, making or receiving payments since they attempted to shut us down with a claim that MMS ’causes death’. What other options could you provide for making a donation?
I may have missed it in the long article, but when is the court date & time and which court in Spokane?
Robert, it is December 1, 2014, at the U.S. Courthouse in downtown Spokane. I don’t know the time, but I suspect it will be in the morning. I’ll pass that on when I receive it.
Great article. I’m a friend of Daniel’s and we are praying and believing in justice and a favorable outcome.
Thank you Sherry!
Adam My name is John we met in DM 2010 with Jim I am in Australia an would be very interested in T shirts for here if they become available so to waken the community and draw attention to the TRUTH.
Please dont hesitate to contact me.
Keep up the good work
Thank you John. I have followed up on your suggestion and am inviting comment on possible T-shirts to offer.