It’s great to be back home after a scintillating 12-days in New Zealand, and the Fieldays farm show in Hamilton, and almost 5-weeks on the road, with stints in California, Idaho and Utah, immediately before that.
Even before getting this piece out, I am on the road again, this time in Ventura, California.
The contrast of leaving the southern hemisphere near the Winter Solstice, and the shortest daylight, to return home in the northern hemisphere and Summer Solstice, where the high temperature differential is roughly 60 degrees (F.) higher, is dramatic, to say the least. However, it may not be as dramatic as the contrast in cultures, primarily, the profound lack of dysfunctional social drama that seems to dominate the airwaves of America and the minds of Americans.
It seems that the string of senseless and mindless tragedies is unending, as the lives of nine Americans were snuffed out recently at a Charleston, South Carolina, church while at Bible Study, by another American, an apparent “white supremacist.”

The act itself is clearly a tragedy, but the greater one is our belief that it was senseless and mindless, or that it was perpetrated solely by the killer, who was taken into custody unharmed.
Dylann Roof, 21, is the latest PSYOP instrument intended to take America’s mind off important matters that call for unitedness, to be mired in contrived excursions into divisiveness and fear. These responses are understandable (and expected) because few will believe, unless they look at the evidence without bias, that anyone on an institutional level could, or would actually think this shit up, much less actually do it.

This must be the mindless act of a racist, deranged kid, right? No. It’s the mindful work of a deranged set of despotic puppetmasters, who operate under multiple layers of plausible deniability, and want Americans of various demographic groups, to be ill-at-ease with, and afraid of each other, including “law enforcement.” As such, neither group will notice their manipulation or challenge their exploitation.
You can’t change or even see, what you don’t suspect or question, especially when it’s right in front of your face.
Dylann Roof was susceptible to the influence of puppetmasters whose “strings” are wireless thoughts, coupled with a mind made even more malleable through chemistry. He is responsible for what he did, but it would be a big mistake to think that the responsibility ends there.
Many who would judge Dylann Roof for his heinous actions, are themselves subject to, and even defenders of, similar influences.
An article in the International Business Times played on the race angle, suggesting that Roof may have been influenced by The Turner Diaries, written by Dr. William Pierce, which was published in 1978, advocated a race war, and is said to have influenced Timothy McVeigh, who is accused of being behind the Oklahoma City bombing, in 1995.
Intimations of “race war” have been bandied about for several decades, and if that were something that Americans actually wanted, the tragedy in South Carolina might have been the racial equivalent of the Sarajevo event in 1914 that ignited World War I. That too was merely an excuse and reason to enter into the real agenda, which was major depopulation.
Over 17 million human beings killed or were killed, and 20 million more were maimed or otherwise wounded ~ mostly following someone’s orders.
In spite of the direct intention to polarize the American people along racial lines on the part of public opinion shapers since the book was first published, the exact opposite effect has occurred. Americans have become more mature, racially speaking, as humanity in general continues to wake up.
Roof’s act was a crime, for sure. But this was not about race, nor gun control. This was a drug crime, part of a much larger, ongoing crime against humanity that is going on right in our midst.
Dylan Roof was 21 years of age. How could he possibly have an “informed” opinion about “black people taking over the world,” except as a programmed thought? His actions were that of a programmed individual. The drug that he had in his possession, Suboxone, which is referred to, at drugs.com, as “a special narcotic that reverses the effects of other narcotic medicines,” is available everywhere.
Suboxone is an FDA-approved, “special narcotic that reverses the effects of other narcotics,” that itself can be habit-forming. The FDA is just as culpable for the deaths in Charleston as is Dylan Roof, if not more so, but you won’t hear anyone calling the agency on the mat for its choices.
But they are “just following orders” too.
A month’s supply of Suboxone can go anywhere from $127 to almost $500. You can buy it — with a lie-sensed doctor’s prescription — from Walmart and Target, to your local supermarket.

Don’t think this stuff affects you? Suboxone is so dangerous, just look at their disposal recommendations.
Do not keep leftover Suboxone tablets or films. Ask your pharmacist where to locate a drug take-back disposal program. If there is no take-back program, remove any unused tablets or film from all packaging and flush them down the toilet.
Following this advice only serves to introduce this biologically active chemical into the water supply, where it can affect the minds of unsuspecting others.
Other steps need to be taken to essentially and effectively break up the “molecular construct” in the water that this product is. This is one of the reasons why the value of having a vortex generator on our water line, instead of, or after filters, is gaining in awareness and appreciation.
The picture below is the smaller of two Rainmaker H2O vortex units that we installed at a dairy in Idaho during my recent travels.
This herd is now drinking, and crops are now fed with vortexed water that is as energy-rich and life-enhancing, as rain. We will be monitoring the changes as they come.

Race is just a surface, divisive talking point, as is gun control. Neither are nearly as important to every American as the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations that are going on right now, the attack on California’s and the nation’s water supply, or the ongoing medical holocaust that is more concerned with its own self-perpetuation than self-correction.
“Cures” are not the goal of the Medical Industrial Complex. If you’re in the health sector, and curing disease is not your goal, then people get sick and die needlessly. The other way to affect large-scale death, is through war, which requires carefully planned and orchestrated “triggers” to ignite.
A “water shortage” has become the latest reason to instill panic and exploitation, all needlessly. There is no need for drought. There are ample, pristine water resources around the world that are ready for discovery.

There are also proven ways to restart rain dynamics to the atmosphere. Wilhelm Reich demonstrated it many times in the 1940’s. For that, and helping people heal of cancer, his books were burned and he died in jail. Did this happen in Nazi Germany? No, America.
Someone is pulling strings. It’s not Obama. It wasn’t the Clintons or Bush people. It has been going on for quite some time. Vaccine policies that increase when health and common sense say they’ve gone too far.
Do you see that something far bigger is happening here?
The Earth provides for the needs of ALL life, including ALL of humanity. It provides energy, water, fuel, food, and all the raw materials necessary to produce anything we can think of, in abundance.
The need of some people to feel that they are in control, creates shortages, crises, debt, and war, which also creates artificial tension, illness and disease. All of it is arbitrary, none of it is necessary. Yet, until we know who we are, understanding that EVERY human being is endowed with certain gifts that come from a Common Source, we can be sucked in by appearances of outer dangers, and fuck ourselves over from within.

I appreciate your sentiments Frank, but the impetus to change one’s situation must come from the individual. My “contribution” is simply to share the information that I’ve gained, which motivates me to heal myself, and to inspire others to help themselves.
I am 100% in agreement with your conclusions and your opinions on these vital matters.
How can you help Californians to help themselves?