This is my second COVID-19 video commentary (of three).
It doesn’t matter if COVID-19 is “live” or not, manufactured or not. NONE of the remedies that are being proffered by the “coronagentia” will actually help change humanity’s downward spiral further into the hell hole of more chronic and degenerative disease, by ANY name.
Whatever you call it, I think we can agree that chronic disease is on the UPSWING, and present, standard measures and methods of treatment have become as much of the problem, if not a larger one, than COVID-19 itself.

The people at the World Health Organization (WHO), and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), who appear to be the driving or coordinating forces behind crisis management operations, are presumed to know what they are talking about.
Why? Because everyone in front of a microphone, who is an influence, or who appear to be in authority, says they do, and NO ONE is questioning or challenging their assertions.

Jerome Adams, the U.S. Surgeon General, whose counterpart during the Obama days claimed the science was clear that there was no link between vaccines and autism, went on national television in late March to say, “This week it’s going to get bad.”
I mean nothing personal here, but this is not leadership, it’s mis-leadership, not on Mr. Adams’ part, but on the system that he has matriculated through, and the ideas that it represents. Ideas that would inure an entire world population to some unnatural, corporate-owned intellectual property that they suggest have no viable alternative.
And they expect us to simply believe it and even demand it.
No knowledge or experience in how to assuage fears with practical, useful, and effective information is being given. Instead, fears are escalated, because the public education system has left people with diplomas and degrees, but little in the way of constructive, or practical knowledge.
This applies to the people who make up the FDA, EPA, and all the other alphabet agencies and influencing bodies. They have coveted, clamored, competed, and even cheated to be “admitted” into the same “prestigious” schools (getting in major debt in the process), and then taught the same misinformation.
They clearly THINK that they KNOW what they are talking about, because that is ALL that they have studied.
Fundamental to their study is that life is about “good” and “bad” factors (they always represent the “good”), and that disease is about eradicating the “bad” via chemicals, radiation, or surgery.
Little attention is given to the *causes* of disease conditions, and little respect is given to the vital role that each factor plays.
It’s not rocket science, and not nearly as complicated as they have grown accustomed to making it out to be.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), WHO, CDC, FDA, Gates Foundation, et al, are BLIND to both the causes of COVID-19 and a myriad of other conditions, and CLUELESS, even incredulous of the solution, although it is in front of their faces (as are the causes).

Their sincerity, objectivity, and authority must be questioned, as well as their science and methods. Alternate approaches must be welcomed, evaluated objectively, and vetted, even if they actually WORK. Historically, such measures have been purchased, and put on the shelf, or kept from society some other way.
The pharmaceutical companies didn’t create the life that so many suggest is in danger. As such, their products are NOT humanity’s saviors. Our problems rest in how Life (Nature) is responding to what has become our unnatural “normal” practices.
Social distancing is NOT the solution.
Isolation (self-imprisonment) is NOT the solution.
- Restoring BALANCE (internal and environmental)
- Restoring TRUTH
- Restoring FRIENDSHIP
- Restoring HEALTH
- Restoring PEACE
- Restoring CURIOSITY of Nature and Our World
- Restoring SOILS and WATERS (we DO know how)
Every American can be actively involved in this process by weaving these principles and practices into their own lives. . No need to try to force anyone else to think or do as you do.
Let you own inner joy and peace speak for you as build immunity from lies and fear.
The following is a partial list of activities that we have become accustomed to doing or agreeing to, which
Some people (sill believers) will still ask for these services, and therefore, they should be made available. But it should not be inferred in any way, that they are for our benefit, and that ANYONE should be FORCED or COERCED into compliance.
- Vaccination Programs
- Circumcision
- WAR among nations, people, and groups
- Poisoning our Soils
- Poisoning our Waters
- Poisoning our Atmosphere
- Denaturing Our Foods
- Indiscriminate application of chemicals where natural solutions exist that would cause no harm
- RFID “Chip” Strategies
NONE of these options are on the table from the people who are bringing us COVID-19. Their efforts will NOT make humanity “safe,” or healthier, and certainly not smarter. And for all the respect we bestow on such people due to their apparent stature, they don’t appear too smart either.

WE ARE NOT “LIVESTOCK”, to be treated like chattel property. We are not SLAVES, to be told by the plantation master what to do, and what to submit to.
We CAN eradicate the danger. The danger exists because we followed orthodox teaching, with all its doublespeak about individualism while attempting to dull human intelligence and train people to conform.

We are neither independent, nor dependent. We are interdependent beings, and must learn to respect each other, as well as other forms of life that we share this planet with.
Why aren’t these principles taught, revered, and practiced today? Why is chasing a dollar at any cost placed ahead of loving each other, starting with one’s self?
How is it that we bought the idea that our value was in our ability to work for someone and earn a paycheck?
These are your COVID-19 viruses. They are ways of thinking that leave us blind to what imprisons us in fear, unaware that WE (each of us) holds our own key to health, peace, and freedom.

Thank you, Adam. You have a most proper perspective and present well. I will be reading more of your works.
Thank YOU Paul!
i would like to follow this blog but I am being blocked when I log in on the sidebar!
Name: Karen McIlwain
also this has been removed from Youtube has you probably know.
Fantastic article mate. Well written and sums up many of the “problems” we face.