There is an adage generally attributed to Mark Twain, that says, “It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they’ve been fooled.”
While there’s some question over whether Twain actually said it, the observation is more self-evident today than at any time in my recollection.

Just look at how peoples all across the world have been led to believe (be-LIE-ve) that COVID-19 is potentially so “dangerous” that they think it is a reasonable suggestion (or mandate) to:
- give up their freedom and livelihoods,
- imprison themselves
- adopt obsessive/compulsive xenophobic practices,
- tolerate health-endangering, economy-destroying, over-stepping sham directives by elected officials,
- submit their children to blood contamination rituals (vaccines) as a condition of school entry
- become hostile to others who are not as compliant
And are so convinced that NO other options exist to “protect” our safety (not life or health), they expect everyone else to “cooperate” by voluntarily bringing down their own immune system through “soft suffocation” and other forms of mind control, and later, tacitly consent to an as-yet unknown vaccine.
Even if a virus was involved, there are a wide array of effective mitigators that are not discussed nor even sought, and are actively and officially mis-characterized or denounced.

These people also apparently have no problem that virtually all the parties behind this push have a stake in Intellectual Properties (IP), patents, and commercial interests in the products associated with said vaccine that the proponents will attempt to coerce the public into taking.
I don’t know everything, but I do know that someone IS being fooled.

If I’m wrong, at least my “wrongness” doesn’t increase the chances of my becoming weaker (or yours), my liberties taken away (or yours), my health being further compromised (or yours), as well as the liberties, health, and lives of generations of ALL PEOPLE, ALL RACES, ALL POLITICAL PARTIES, to come.
If you think I’m wrong, please tell me, what does your “rightness” do for you?
Is it evident yet that someone are being played?
So the truth in Twain’s (or whoever’s) statement is on full display. It is indeed harder to convince people that they have been fooled after the fact.
They are being “helped” along by the Media Brigade, which blankets the airwaves with programming that supports the desired narrative.

But there’s no denying that the only “future” that these people are “promising”, is more viruses, more diseases, more plagues and catastrophes.
Wouldn’t you like some different options? Don’t you think you deserve a better vision of the future?
First thing you’ll need to consider doing, is simply to seek and demand Truth, follow where it leads you, and let it guide your decisions.
Being non-partisan, to discover Truth, you will need to listen to, or view an issue from all sides, with neither being “better”or “worse” than the other. Your only “bias” would be what is best for all. Where is the greatest gain, or the least harm done? Where is the optimum point or region of balance?
Be prepared to enter unfamiliar territory, some of which may be uncomfortable or even seem hostile at first, but if your discoveries are free of interference and manipulation, Truth will reveal itself. You will be shielded from harm, even as your mind is fortified with a perspective that has within it, new and decidedly more desirable outcomes for ALL.

It is this more desirable outcome that actually benefits rather than harm everyone that some people are holding out for, or simply refuse to settle for less.
Those who have seen the lies, manipulation, and liberties taken with the facts in the COVID-19 campaign cannot be fooled; at least not about this matter.
I, for one, am holding a place for a better outcome than society’s “brightest and best talent that money can buy” has, so far, been able or inclined to offer.
Yes Adam this was all set up to take down our president who does not care about Democrat or Republican. Who cares about the American people. Dr.Fauci & Bill Gates planned this (as they are part of the group, whether you want to call them the deep state, eliminate, Vested interests, etc. that discussed the population control) It was and were even caught on mic talking about this coming.
Covid 19 is a farce, no more fatal then the flu we have had. It mostly affects (Like the flu) the elderly, people with existing conditions and those with lowered immune systems. JUST LIKE THE FLU HAS!
THIS COVID 19 scare, like the impeachment, killer bees, Soros funded Antifa rioters that kill people and the Soros & Clinton funded BLM are all here to SCARE people and make us all subservient so they may tale all our guns away, freedom of speech away, brainwash a whole generation of kids in schools, take away our right to worship, all our rights away and create a police state with a one world order.
I am not one of those Sheeple. I will never surrender my God given rights over to those whom have slowly enslaved us since JFK was killed.
Hi Debra,
The enslavement was ongoing before Kennedy, even before Woodrow Wilson was recruited and supported in order to get the Federal Reserve System in place. Ultimately, we must each wake up the best that is within ourselves, whether the decision is “popular” or not.
I’m replying to you 3 months after your comment, and the COVID-19 “scare” is unfolding as the training that it was intended to be all along, as people are getting accustomed to wearing masks simply because they’re able to get into supermarkets and events without being hassled. The instigators have given themselves another card they can use for misleadership and deception, and have ensured themselves a sizeable population that are still amenable to their vaccination products.
It is a farce indeed, and a sad one, but this is for each to discover as a product of their own searching. We can only (1) be true to the Truth that we have uncovered, and (2) leave that Truth, be that Truth, live that Truth in our interactions and relations with others.
Thank you for being part of my journey.
Warm regards,
oh Adam, You are such a wonderful being. I am happy to have ben part of your life if not in a very small way. I have so much love and respect respect for you. And how are you my friend?
Yes and now I’m getting back to your reply over 2 years later. Its been so crazy busy. and I am happy top say I have been busting my but making people aware of what has been going on and save some lives.
I have two people right now on MMS who got the Vaccine (1 shot only, but that’s all it takes.) I woke them up and they are now doing the MMS cleanse
One lady got her car repossessed and having trouble paying her mortgage. SO I had to front the MMS for her and her two kids. Gene Decode talks about MMS on his calls and told how it saved his life after the Doctors sent him home to die.
SO happy to have this. I remember when I asked you for a deal and stock piles it back in 2015 or 2016 . I knew then we were going to be exposed to some bioweapon. I am trying to get some more money together to get another 24 batches. to help my fellow man and my son and I. Let me know if you have a deal I could get.
Again. It is sooooooooo nice to hear back from you. I hope you are doing well. much love and positive energy your way.
And yes you are right. I remember now Woodrow Wilson selling us out and the Ellis Island meeting.