Names Have Changed, but Times Haven’t

I don’t know about you, but on my Facebook “dashboard” is a reminder of the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington, and Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech.

Perhaps everyone gets this, or maybe it is targeted to members of certain racial or ethnic groups, but what we’re experiencing today is HARDLY what Dr. King spoke about, or was killed for. Perhaps he was killed to maintain just what we see promoted today; polarization and manipulation through racial, economic, and now *medical* fear, misguidance, and hysteria.
Apartheid was alive during King’s era, but in a land far distant from here, the Union of South Africa, which was coincidentally known as U.S.A.

What a flip a few generations make, when for equally fallacious reasons, the people of the U.S.A. are being bullied into putting up signs for who services can be rendered to, and denied based on their willingness or unwillingness to wear a mask against a “disease” that is feared worse than death, even though FEWER people have died this season than in years past.
Neither economic, biological, psychological, political, nor social sciences support *anything* that the mouthpieces for “The Pandemic” have predicted or suggested, and a certain presidential candidate wants to mandate *everyone* to do.
Respected national publications infer that people who don’t go along with this campaign are unpatriotic. Yet, a grade-school science student can understand the critical role that oxygen plays in sustaining life and health, and why it’s not smart to obstruct its entry.
Why are so many *intelligent* people bending to pressure that is pointing to another vaccine, and a mandatory one that would infringe upon human rights at that, for no historical, scientific or medical reason?
Now that I’m thinking about it, this may be what the overreactions to the measles outbreaks over the past couple years have been about; to steadily ramp up the sense of danger surrounding a “disease outbreak”, to gradually justify *making* everyone take a vaccine in order to be “protected”.

That would explain all the falsified and financially incentivized death certificates (one man in his 30’s who died in a motorcycle crash had a “COVID-19” cause of death).

The people behind Black Lives Matter have been raking in contributions from major corporations, and mayors of certain cities and states have been exceedingly tolerant, even encouraging “protest” in their jurisdictions for “racial justice” crusaders.

But what about America? What about freedom? What about the children of ALL races whose minds are being twisted by this perversion of facts, and desecration of Truth?
A summer of destruction to support a mentally lame presidential candidate, who has been part of the system, and the problem for 44 years, and presents *no* vision for a future that SOLVES the actual problems that Americans face.
Our problem is NOT the lack of a vaccine, OR that prescriptions prices are too high. Our problems of poverty and disease are *all* fixable, especially when you discover their cause. You also see the solutions. “Fighting racism” won’t solve the real problems that affect everyone, nor will “fighting” *any* “ism”.
It takes no real intelligence to destroy things. It takes great intelligence to *change* things without destroying, to put forth an alternative future that people want to embrace and go to.
Those who are “Riden with Biden” are on the Party train to nowhere. The closest hint of a future vision or policy statement that Biden has offered will have been resolved before the election.
Mr. Trump is showing respect to Democratic mayors and governors who are DISRESPECTING the rights and freedom of their citizens due to this fraudulent pandemic operation. The be-lie-vers sincerely be-lie-ve that the viral danger has been real, but DEATH RATES have not supported the hysteria, even with the falsifications. “Herd immunity” has already kicked in and flexed its muscles.
Yet, even Trump is promising a vaccine before the end of the year.
WHY? Certainly not because we “need” one. We don’t.
What we need to do, is to RETHINK medicine and our dependence on it, and the power we have turned over to doctors who make a living, not by helping us be healthy, but by managing our “disease”, and letting them put poisonous substances in our children when they’re born, and getting us to call them when our body reacts.
None of this would be discussed in Washington. If it were, that would be reason to go. If the protesters were calling attention to these issues, that would be reason to support them, and there still would be no reason to destroy anything.
Destruction will not change what needs to be changed; nor will polarization. We need people with vision, and the ones who need visionaries the most, are generally the most blinded by the power, position, or prestige that they think they have, or are seeking today.
That power, position, or prestige, if achieved, will be their prison.