A BIG push is on to “normalize” wearing masks in everyday life and, if you look deeply enough, you’ll see that it’s being done for specious reasons, which I cover in the video linked below.
Though it may be billed as such, what I am about to say does not describe a “conspiracy”. It’s being done. Fueled by previous gross overreactions during measles outbreaks, massive emergency reporting by media outlets, and the emergence of the WHO and CDC as de facto agencies of Medical governance, attempts are being made to normalize mask-wearing behavior.

The debate continues to swirl around the COVID-19 “pandemic” and all the various behaviors that are now to be considered practical with its introduction.
The 2020 U.S. Open Tennis Tournament in New York was turned into a sound stage for a unilateral referendum on the dangers of COVID-19, the necessity to wear masks, and the opportunity to push a divisive agenda along racial lines.

The NBA, HHL, NFL, and Major League Baseball (MLB) all have acceptance mechanisms and merchandising strategies in place to add an air of trendiness to mask adoption.

It must be real, right?

No. Consider that the people seen on the field, or on the court, receive enviable sums in order to compete at the professional level. Tennis players that are invited to compete in the U.S. Open Singles main draw will receive $61,000 for losing. The overall prize money for the tournament is $53.4 million, down just 6.7% from 2019 in spite of there being no fans, no concession revenues, and virtually no energy.
At the recent Video Music Awards (VMA), Lady Gaga wowed and impressed with her contribution to mask acceptance and adoption.

All this for you.

And for this, a COVID-19 vaccine, which some pundits are suggesting may be ready by November 2020.

If you listen to the pundits, a COVID-19 vaccine is the only solution, even though no such medical remedy exists today, for a medical condition that ostensibly didn’t exist prior to March 2020.

We are being told that no other viable approach exists, even though “herd immunity” appears to have already arrived before the vaccine, the only “cure,” is ready.
Is this making any sense to you?
The inconvenient truth is that there are other quite valid ways to look at this; perhaps even more valid, because the facts that support an alternate view would indicate that a vaccine is not only not necessary, but would exacerbate pathological thinking that has already become chronic and degenerative.

You will have to look in order to find the various pieces that support an solid alternative view, not because the view itself is tenuous, but because efforts to suppress and misdirect have been quite effective.
However, when it is found, Truth is unwavering. While the people who have thrust the COVID-19 idea and its associated problem on the world have had to occasionally alter, adjust, and even contradict their own guidance, the principles that are based on scientific facts do not change.

One chronicler of highly relevant facts about human biophysics and disease was Herbert M. Shelton, M.D. (1895–1985), author of The Hygienic System (1939).
Dr. Shelton goes into great detail about the actual causes of what we call “disease”, also thoroughly explaining its real origins, and cites other long-forgotten voices of Medical Reason.
The biggest takeaway one gets from Dr. Shelton’s treatise is that constitutionally, the Human Immune System, unlike politicians, cannot be dissuaded from its primary mission and purpose, i.e., maintaining or restoring the physical body’s health, function, and well-being. What he says about how the system is compromised, is worthy of shock and awe.
The good news is that what is broken can be fixed… except, not through vaccines and other “remedies” that cause metabolic damage.
This is a time to question everything you thought you knew, or believed, about health and who you are. All the theater presented above, is for your implied consent. Wearing a mask is tantamount to a visual “straw poll” of who will take the vaccine, with all the unknown materials that it will include.
There is no health, scientific, ethical, or moral basis for what is happening, yet, it is. However, because it is happening doesn’t mean that things will play out as the organizers have envisioned.
Whoever “the elite” are (or think they are), they can’t create the future of *their* dreams unless you give up the future of *your* dreams. Do you want the future that is being laid out for you? Do you want wave after wave of health challenges and frailty? Wave after wave of isolation, anxiety, and despair? Freedoms with unnecessary requirements and strings, which means they aren’t freedoms after all?
That’s the future that apparently we *must* look forward to.
Only if we grant “the elite” their wish. Their dream is only a dream. If allowed to come true, it would be a nightmare for most.
Assuming you dream of something else, simply commit yourself to seeking, discerning, and following where the Twin Flames of Love and Truth lead you.