What follows are a series of excerpts from the book, The Hygienic System, written by Herbert M. Shelton, M.D. and published in 1939. its 500+ pages cover the length and breath of human physiology and disease, and especially the critical factors of cause and cure.

His perspective is decidedly not that of Dr. Anthony Fauci (who I refer to as “Dr. Falsy”), the CDC, WHO, their collective benefactor, Dr. Bill Gates, or anyone who thinks it is “good medicine” to have people take vaccines, wear masks, become viralphobic, or to become parties to government and medical tyranny.
I have posted many excerpts from throughout the book, on my Facebook feed. Facebook was a more natural place to post the excerpts to because I could do so directly from the Kindle app that I’m reading the book from.

These are no substitute for reading the entire book, nor does it mean that I take everything Dr. Shelton writes as gospel. However, the biophysical facts that he points out are, as best that I can discern, non-partisan, based on truth factors that are above opinion.
So with all that said, let me get into some of the excerpts and the thoughts that they sparked.

What was referred to as “nerve force” in 1939 is called vital energy today. It has also been referred as “vigor” and “vitality”. Some will call it Life Force Energy. I’m going to simplify things and simply call it Life.
Substitute the word Life for “nerve force” and read the excerpt again, then ask yourself whether the statement still rings true, and if so does it apply to you.
‘Qualified’ Physician?
Shelton’s made a tongue-in-cheek reference to the “‘qualified’ physician”. When his book is read in full context, it becomes perfectly clear Shelton is asserting that, in his day, a doctor’s “medical qualifications” had nothing to do with health and healing. This is because the patient’s troubles are not due to what the physician has been very effectively trained to *think* it is; i.e., germs.
In 2020, roughly eighty years later, the thinking hasn’t changed; the decline in quality of health and quantity of disease, has expanded.
The physician is not alone. The public has been trained to think the same way. Our training involves seeking doctors out when we encounter any phenomenon that we *think* is the work of a notorious “but” (germ).
This COVID-19 operation ~ as in a psychological war against humanity ~ is not even possible if we don’t have a pre-existing misconception of the power of “germs” to do grave harm. The effort to focus attention on the germ, through some from of inactivation, while ignoring the environment that spawned it, keeps us on the not so “merry-go-round”.

What we don’t know is that the germ would only harm those who have already lowered their immune response capabilities by lowering or otherwise compromising their innate vitality.
For all the years that the doctor has been trained, the public has been trained much longer; actually, for generations.

Look at all the people being encouraged, instructed, or even required to wear masks and gently, even “humanely” diminishing their Life.

They are not moving vigorously, not playing, having fun. They are getting less sunlight, not touching each other in comradery and confidence.

A level of “dis-ease” has been inserted into the mind of each compliant and obedient responder to the “germ threat” of 2020, which was planned and predicted before Donald Trump was inserted into Office.

Dr. Falsy made the prediction on January 11, 2017, over a week before Trump took office. Falsy had to be in on the plan in order to (1) make the prediction, and (2) be the “official spokesman” for the viral campaign that would unfold.

Then the Opposition Party, as the centerpiece of their hysteric presidential complain strategy, blamed the entire mess on Trump himself.
This was (and is) a premeditated crime against humanity.
I am NOT writing this for partisan political purposes. I breathed a HUGE sigh of RELIEF when Trump emerged as the winner of the 2016 election because he was a far better choice than Hillary Clinton.
People have become so accustomed to “voting” for an “ass” or an “elephant” instead of principles and a vision that addresses our collective social needs, that it is certainly possible that both “wings” of the political bird are being used to keep a single corrupt system able to fly.

We deserve better that we have right now, and definitely better than they have planned for us, especially if it means more vaccines, which are just part of our present health problem.
THIS is not part of the current social discussion by either political party or candidate.
It is beyond time to question medicine. It has been quite effectively challenged scientifically, to no avail. Government “servants” have used medical chicanery to do humanity a great disservice, especially to themselves.
The change that is needed will be an inside job.