All the talk of pandemics, stolen elections, “maskonomics”, and injection of strange materials have likely delegated bitcoin’s rise above $50,000 ($56,000 at this moment) to “Page 3” in the news index. More people may react to Kim Kardasian filing for divorce from Kanye West than consider what these cryptophenomena might mean to them.

The cryptosphere has been, after all, rather cryptic to most people, as anything that is “new” will naturally be. it’s easy to dismiss them. Easy to listen to the admonishments by financial experts call the phenomenon a “bubble”, likened to “tulips”, as many witnessed in 2017 when I first learned of bitcoin.

What I noticed was that the value of US dollars was steadily going down. The decline had been steady and consistent for several decades. We had grown accustomed to the slow erosion in purchasing power, the incipient “tax” that gives nothing of value, while taking value.

Bitcoin helped me, and millions of others, see an alternative in the making, whose value has only grown as the rate of USD value has accelerated.
Are you in the cryptospace yet? Do you have a wallet, or know how to make transactions… buying or selling products or services, and paying with bitcoin or one of the many other cryptocurrencies now available?
If not, the presentation is no less important or relevant, but would represent a “Step 3” after getting said wallet, and converting some currency into bitcoin and beginning what we’ll call your journey into the cryptosphere.

I produced my own presentation about Beurax, as well as the “macro” reasons that make it relevant, especially for people who may feel “left out” and “in the dark” on this important subject. You can find it here on the new Gab video platform.
You can also learn more about Beurax from this webinar, which is conducted weekly, and is on YouTube.
I have taken my time sharing Beurax with people, having been in it for just over 2 months. Some people have made several hundred thousand dollars in the same timeframe. Depending on what you have to work with, you can do it very nicely without telling a soul. But you can do even better if you do.
This is my Beurax referral link.
PLEASE NOTE: If you reside in the U.S., you will need to run a Virtual Private Network (VPN) app prior to accessing the Beurax site. Set your country location to “Canada”. Always start the VPN before visiting, and turn it off when you’re done.
You can reach me on Gab (@phaelosopher). I am weening myself off Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
The VPN that I use is Windscribe (www.windscribe.com), which runs on desktop and smartphones, and is free if your monthly usage is less than 10GB, which mine has been so far. The allotment automatically resets. I have not needed to linger on Beurax for any period
This is a historic time.