This is an excerpt from The Hygienic System written by Herbert M. Shelton, M.D. and published in 1930. I posted many on my Facebook feed as pandemic paranoia was spreading.

If you haven’t connected with me there, my apologies. I have been looking for new places to publish, but this is always home for me. The flow of posts on my Facebook feed triggers thoughts such as those that follow, inspired by insights that I’m gaining from the excerpted graphics like the one shown above:
Orthodox medical treatment has become the third leading “cause” of death, so significant that it has its own category; “iatrogenic”. Look it up. The sad thing about this is that people have generally accepted this without protest or push back, which might reasonably be expected. If the medical system itself were actually concerned about health, it would curtail itself, given its track record. However, if the people continue going to them, continue holding its representatives and practices harmless and blameless, then why stop?
Some of the reasons for this begin to make sense when you realize that it’s not because “diseases” have gotten worse, but that medical misinterpretation and suppression of natural healing phenomena has become more severe.
When it dawns on you that whenever there is “fever” the Human Immune System is on the job and already rectifying a situation you may have foolishly put yourself or loved one in, you’ll never look at a doctor’s prescription to control or “break” the fever, in the same way. You will question where you hadn’t questioned before. You will take exception here you had once acquiesced. You will *know* better. Indeed, you’ll likely not seek or allow such an injunction again.
Who is it that is predicting wave after wave of disease but members of the profession we’ve entrusted to help us to protect, maintain or restore our health?
This is mainly because we didn’t know that such a proficient, personal protective system is always on guard, and standard equipment with every Living Being. We have allowed members of the medical profession to tinker, “alter” and “modify” the inner workings of the human bodies, and even to dictate as though they could improve on its design and function. Yet, this activity has proceeded in total blindness or denial of the disruptive effects of the actual practices themselves.

You cannot expect Dr. Fauci or Dr. Gates, the CDC or WHO people, or ANYONE seeking political or financial “gold” at the end of their “COVID-19 rainbow,” to acknowledge the truths enumerated by Dr. Shelton and the many other medical researchers whose objective was *health*, that he chronicled in his book.
It is more important that you learn what is True about your own physiology and how it works. That isn’t all, but this is where Trust in the Power that is Within You begins.

It is also more important that you trust that Mysterious Factor that not only conceived, designed and created your “body,” your “vehicle” of expression while you experience this “physical” realm; it also brought you “here” for this journey. It is the Living One that Knows YOU, and that you will, or at least can return in conscious Oneness with, when your time “here” is done.
*You* came “here” at this “time” for a reason, and while I don’t know *your* reason or purpose for coming, I can tell you that it was NOT to be bossed around and made to do silly things that make you *think* that being “safe” is safer than being healthy, and being alone and afraid is preferable to being free to pursue your heart’s dreams.

If you have no dreams, or have given up and no longer want to pursue them, who are you, or anyone to stand in another’s way of pursuing theirs? How much money a person has made or position, doesn’t make their vision any more important or even probable than yours if your Heart and Soul is in it.
There are some very specific things that the human species can do, and should do, to improve and enhance conditions on Earth, including matters of health. Continuing to play The Vaccination Game is not one of them.
“The compensatory powers inherent in the human body are almost beyond comprehension. It is not merely that there is a body mechanism that acts as a thermostat and prevents the body’s temperature from varying more than a fraction of a degree in all kinds of weather; that another mechanism maintains the proper water content of the tissues; while another keeps the chemical balance of the system close to neutral; but there are remarkable examples of people living and maintaining average health after whole organs have been destroyed or removed. One kidney and part of the other may be gone, sections of the intestines may be removed, even the stomach may be cut out, the gall bladder and other small parts of the body, the spleen, etc., may be removed and the individual go on living and enjoying life. Such adaptations reveal the reserve of power and the wealth of resources of the living organism.”
— The HYGIENIC SYSTEM (1939) by Herbert M. Shelton
If Mr. Gates committed just 1/10th of the money he has funneled into artificial remedies and redirected it into efforts to support farmers in building up carbon density, invest in the MASSIVE retrofitting that will be necessary to restore vital energy and electrical properties to water, to support innovation that freshens air and reconnects people to Earth even while in their homes, he would be making a difference that actually matters.
Coincidentally, Mr. Gates has recently become one of the largest owners of farmland in the United States. When this becomes news, you can generally bet that there is a motive behind it that will “enrich” him at the expense of, if not harm to, many others.
I’m not trying to paint Gates as a “villain.” I’d like to remind each that your vision for your life is more important than Gates et al.’s vision of your life.

Own your Life.
Own your thoughts and attitudes.
Own your vision.
Otherwise, the thoughts,
attitudes, and visions
of Others will temporarily “own” you.
However, it will always be YOUR Life.
The only differences that matter are those that help ALL people where it matters. Making money is an empty gain if it is obtained by means that are at variance with Truth, because to deceive others is to deceive one’s self. To limit others is to limit, and effectively imprison One’s self where it matters.
Truth sets all who seek, embrace, and live by it with love, free.