I posted the following on Facebook (Meta) on January 1, 2022, and will be writing more on this topic.

This thought was on my mind when I awakened this morning, and it has persisted, waiting patiently if not intently, all day for me to give it form.
Unless and until truth is sought, embraced, and revered, there won’t be much new to ’22. The good news is that truth has never gone away or been out of reach.
We’ve just been led away from it and taught to believe that “little” untruths weren’t that bad, or big paid ones didn’t count.
We’ve not missed what we didn’t learn about ourselves from the people we innocently believed, knew.
They don’t know. For whatever reason, they don’t… and they don’t know they don’t know. Evidence that they don’t know truth is that “experts” (and politicians) prepare you for more and greater problems. The have no solutions that make you look forward to a better world. Solutions to all of our myriad problems do exist, but don’t expect to learn of them from problem experts.
That’s because truth is for each to seek, discover, know, and live by. The inalienable rights and freedom that truth avails, are the product of an inside journey, whose rewards go directly to the Seeker / Finder/ Accepter / Adopter. It is *not* “mandatable” by anyone other than the Life Giver from whence it comes.
We are free to not know the truth, but in not knowing truth ~ of the spiritual nature and eternal power of our own Being and Oneness with ALL ~ we are anything but free.