A new day dawns everyday. Sometimes, we get the significance. Are you seeing the significance of this day and time?
It’s almost hard to believe that I only made one post here since January 2 of last year. What truths have we found? Few, if you go by the Gospel of the Narrative. Yet, if Truth is what you seek, you’ll find it in a place thought to be most improbable, i.e., within yourself.
I have been taking in a lot of information during my long stretches of silence. The silence wasn’t totally self-imposed. Removing my YouTube channel in 2019, with almost 600 videos on it, along with many other actions that indicated independent and intelligent discourse wasn’t welcomed in the land of free speech, dampened my desire to push that particular envelope.
But what are we here for? Not necessarily to rabble rouse, but then again, to embrace and express love is the very likely the most rousing form of rabble rousing that one can do.

The absence of love in all major areas of public discourse is self-evident, which makes a call for its deliberate application timely and necessary.
Love is the greatest power that everyone has, but use so rarely, as to think it is of little or no consequence when it’s not applied.
We spend much of life expecting some disease, disaster, danger, and calamity to occur. We watch in horror as some individual or group does some unthinkable act. We’ve been schooled about this “Great War” and that, the villains who caused them and the heroes who died.
When war isn’t happening, movies about it, or videogames fill the void. Or crime shows. When we get bored of that, we’ll take in a horror movie just for the sheer horror of it.
Do you see a pattern here?
This is only part of it. We’re reminded to look for disease, to think that it is inevitable, that we are vulnerable, and when it comes, we must rush to a professional, tell him or her what’s “wrong” and expect this person to fix the problem they had no role in creating, Their solutions don’t work either, but at least you’re no longer “fighting” alone… as long as you’re paying, or able to pay some form of homage to the medical profession.
Where’s the love? There’s a lot of fear, frustration, anxiety, anger and pain. There’s misery too. Who feels like loving? What good would it go?
Tina Turner made a mint asking what became a proverbial question, “What’s Love Got to Do With It?”
I have spent more some time answering the question.
We pay a physical, psychological, and spiritual price for not applying love in our day-to-day, moment-to-moment lives. That includes, most fundamentally, to ourselves. We are so practiced at not loving ourselves, that we don’t notice anything unusual, inappropriate, or unacceptable when others don’t love or respect us. We also “do unto others” things that we wouldn’t have others do to us. However, the perception has been distorted to “do unto others before they can do it to you.”
Delusion is normal, not natural. To not love, is to habituate delusion. To love is to become ourselves once again.
Many thanks Adam! for your response as well assurance of regular communication.
I am tempted to baptize your first beautiful pictorial in the blog as … welling up of infinite love from the all embracing self.
It is nice to hear from you again. I remember having fallen out with your regular communication awhile ago!
‘A call to love” … is quite telling of what human beings should be practicing throughout our precious lives.
Is this mode of communication regular?
Many thanks for the awesome pictorials in your news letter.
The visual tools were not available just a year ago, and now it seems that new ones are popping up each week.
I created the visuals with an AI visualization tool called Midjourney.
Greetings Joseph!
I will make regular communications here again. Much more to come!
All the best…