We are “experts” about many things, mostly about others, but tend to seek and nurture little about ourselves. Our minds are filled with information, beliefs, and attitudes that have been impressed upon us by others, and encoded when we do not question, by exercising and trusting our inner knowing.

Indeed, many people believe that someone else’s “knowing”, especially if they’re in a trusted “profession” or has a high income, has more weight than their own. These are no indicators of wisdom or benefit for any other than the influencer.
This practice has been lowered to such an extent that institutions and professions that are believed to be helpful, are now instigators of the problems that so many people, believing narratives, training, and conditioning, seek relief from.
There are no villains or victims here, for every “villain” there must be willing, or unwitting victims. If we don’t know ourselves; if we don’t use the reasoning ability and freedom of consciousness that ALL possess, then we’ll be unwitting victims of choices and situations that provided numerous signs to stay away from for anyone using a modicum of love, knowledge, self care, and common sense.

For the record, “self-care” does *not* mean caring for no one else. It means holding one’s self in equal standing to the care we give anyone else, and giving ourselves the “last word” in our decision making. Some people may say giving God that last word, but it’s pretty evident they aren’t doing that either. From where I sit, going within is where we have our “burning bush” moments.

When we rediscover, and then reclaim knowledge about our fundamental nature as sentient, interdimensional, interconnected, and *immortal* consciousness ~ each and every one of us ~ spells that were cast in other “whens and wheres”, will lose their discombobulating hold on human minds, and the blind will see the wonder that is always present, always has, and always will exist when we choose the portal of love, give ourselves plenty, heal ourselves from within, making ourselves ready… for what is next…
Knowing it will match and surpass our most wonderful dreams!