I have been, and am, rediscovering and enjoying my own voice, the value that comes through it, and my desire to share. Some of what you’ll see from here on was written years prior, and some will be as it is received. The desire then, as it is now, is that each discovers the power within, and exercise it with wisdom, love, and joy. What follows is new.
Quantum Value for ALL
The process by which we transform value, which might be considered an intangible, into money (a tangible) is referred to as “work”. Work could be considered the protocol for converting value into a mutually agreed-upon, exchangeable currency between buyers and sellers, or givers and receivers.
If it were only still that simple.
While the tools have definitely evolved, for countless generations, and millennia, the fundamental thinking behind most work efforts have remained largely unaltered and unquestioned by the primary population that depends on the system, and the people who run it.
Furthermore, the work protocol varies from one person to the next, based on the ideas and habits that the individual has taken in, plus one very important, though overlooked factor, one’s fundamental sense of self.
Few people think about the role that self-confidence plays in influencing the type of work we seek, which activities are desirable or undesirable, and what we feel “qualified” to actually obtain, or what tasks we are willing to carry out in order to “get what we want”.
In the overall dynamic between work providers and performers, some important qualitative aspects, with regard to the growth of one’s spirit and Soul, have disappeared. I refer to love, truth, integrity, service, humility, to name just a few.
We have grown accustomed to lamenting about the absence of such virtues, and the heartless culture that they have fostered, forgetting that there might be a way to change things.
There is.
In order to turn the ship in a different direction a change in consciousness is necessary. Apathy, dread, mental indebtedness and disease only support the status quo. Creating a brighter “tomorrow” requires being brighter spirits now.
This applies to any fundamental change in one’s reality, which we will talk about in future posts.
A reevaluation of our thinking on all matters is called for in order to affect any change in quality of experience. While it includes long-held beliefs about value, worth, and money, the more fundamental reassessment is about ourselves.
I have created a “device” for such self-assessment, called the Map of Onesciousness, after obtaining the copyright © earlier this year (2023) for the actual word.

Inspired by the Map of Consciousness (shown below), first introduced by Dr. David R. Hawkins, in his book Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, The Map of Onesciousness explores new ground as a mental device. placing each use inside their experience, as well as to an undeniable connection to, and oneness with, I AM.

We convert thoughts and ideas into satisfying experiences, if we have a sufficient amount of the intangibles, including imagination, self-belief, and concern for others. If not, the experiences that we live come up lacking the qualities that make you smile, enjoy remembering, and sharing with others. Not to be boastful, but to let them know that they can do it, for themselves too.
This is one of those moments.
It’s not that you want to “fix” the world for others, but as you learn how to fix your own, you see the great benefit that follows when others do the same thing for themselves. There is a definite cumulative gain for all.
Some people see value in tangible products, or acknowledged units of value, but no such item could exist unless it was first created from the imagination, motivation, innovation, and action of a human being. This critical required element is often overlooked, ignored, or marginalized.
The diagram below shows just one way this marginalization is done, through the device we call “money. Money may as well be a device. It is definitely a technology, not a commodity. It is responsive to the instructions and protocols give to it by its owners and influencers. The effect of said manipulation is that people often tie their sense of value to the money they have available to them ~ not “credit”, but usable, available, and sufficient assets. It is exceedingly rare that these three criteria are met, so rare that few people, who have known no such experience that doesn’t involve deceiving or harming others, are disinclined to entertain such a possibility for themselves.

Taking advantage of this reticence, freedom infringing liberties have been injected into both the characteristics of “money”, and to monetary policy. Lawmakers spend it to disrupt “unfavored” activities and operatives in foreign countries in total blindness to the Law of Return. The population that accepts/permits these activities establish grounds for more, when in fact, the tides of change begin with them.
No need to protest, but there is a need to reassess. Indeed, an entirely new and efficient way to convert value and regard for life, is now available to any and all who wish to give attention, time, and effort thereto.
Our concepts about money, as well as behaviors we’ve deemed either permissible, unavoidable, or even necessary, have become part of the fabric of behavior that has characterized human interaction, as well as self-perception.

We’ll talk more about the Map of Onesciousness, as well as the subject of Onesciousness in general. As 2024 looms on the horizon, I invite you to a system that made the value of the Map of Onesciousness clear to me. It is called CoopIncome, and with it, each can become veritable magnets for an ongoing inflow of liquid capital through the powers of imagination, cooperation, and duplication of effort.
What’s more remarkable is that anyone can do this.
Cooperative Capitalism
Introducing a platform that has been in development since 2022, but took on the look of a finished, cohesive form in the fall of 2023. It is called CoopIncome (pronounced “CO-OP”).
Based out of Toronto, Canada, CoopIncome is the brainchild of David T. Rosen.
Modeled on Universal Law
In full alignment with Universal Law, Sacred Wealth articulates a protocol, designed, intended, and created in the spirit of inclusiveness of all, by which anyone can convert value into a substantial inflow. With that principle and spirit, I invite you to create a newly possible financial movement by creating a what will become a sustaining inflow of value, that today functions as *money* through the Coop Income platform.

Basic qualities of the CoopIncome System are:
- All members are EQUAL
- Criteria for success is based on exercising spiritual aspect, which have no weight in present financial protocols or policies.
- Web 3.0 blockchain wallet for each member.
- Keep a “minimum balance” in your wallet to remain in a giving/receiving status. Everything else that you receive is yours.
- All asset capital that flows through the system are in cryptocurrencies, and private.
- Through low financial input and replication, the CoopIncome system help each member create a substantial, sustaining inflow of asset value, upon meeting criteria, shown below.
Traditional methods, which are not premised on equality or inclusivity, do not, and cannot deliver omnilateral results due to several fundamental elements that are missing.
Getting started with CoopIncome is simple: Click on the graphic below to visit my invitation site and begin. Once you finish registering in step 1 you’ll become a CoopIncome affiliate and have your own site for managing Steps 2 and 3.

Big Investment of Heart, Small Deposit of Dollars
The CoopInc system consists of three distinct funding pools.
- Coop20 ~ A 3 x 6 matrix ($20 every 28 days) that allows you to give to 6 members, and connect 6 generations, each increase by 3, up to 1,092 who give a portion of their deposits to (plus 5 others) you every 28 days.
- Coop28 ~ A 3 x 10 matrix ($28 every 28 days), you give to 10 members, and receive from 10 generations, or up to 88,592 people), every 28 days.
- Coop280 ~ Also a 3 x 10 matrix ($280 every 28 days). Works just like the Coop28 pool, with the exception that you deposit 10x the Coop28 amount which is apportioned to 10 people, but receive from 10 generations, which maxes out at 88,572 contributors, every 28 days.
These pools are consecutive. You can become active in all three at the start, but Coop20. must be where you start. You start with Coop20 alone, or Coop20 ($20) + Coop28 ($48), or all three. which would be $328).

Our social problems are due in large part because integrity and character are not necessary, nor exercised in the determination or exchange of value between people, so they have become blind to consequences of the omission. Our spirits and Souls are not so blind, nor deceived.
Rosen, who experienced homelessness before it became fashionable, committed himself to create a way that anyone could lift themselves up financially, given what is possible today. Turns out that far more people will benefit from his CoopIncome system due to the reward that they get for lifting their own spirits.
Emerging technologies now call for a new examination of value and its conversion into negotiable, exchangeable units that could function as money, based on sufficiency of inflow, immediate availability, and autonomy. These advancements necessitate a thorough and fresh perspective on the subject.
Imagine that!