
COVID-19 Counter-Errorism

For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it.

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Chlorine Dioxide DisInfo Compaign Began Ten Years Before COVID-19

Shows the chemical differences between MMS and "bleach".

Coronavirus or COVID-19 Fever has stormed across the U.S and the world. Not because the virus itself is a big threat, but because its apparent “danger” has been hyperinflated. A national emergency has been declared, and new terms, such as “self isolation,” have been introduced to the lexicon as an appropriate response. A prime example of a house divided, and…

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Make Elections Meaningful Again (MEMA)

The race to determine who will be chosen in 2020 to serve as President is well under way. As things presently stand, the American People, and hence, the world, are in the fast lane to being short-changed again. Among the cacophony of sound bytes, talking points, and platform positions, a crucial voice that should otherwise be driving the discourse, remains…

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Who is Beating the ‘We MUST Vaccinate’ Drum?

“If 100% of the population were vaccinated, there would be no disease.” That appears to be the implied and I’ll say baseless motivation behind the legislative efforts to induce or coerce people to think that they should give up their option to refuse vaccine administration to their children. Of course it’s not baseless. They are beating the ‘We Must Vaccinate’…

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An OnDoc ‘Scenario’ via Storyboard

Great or significant ideas don’t often jump out at you. That’s especially true with the subject of healthcare. Healthcare isn’t just not sexy, it’s more likely to be a drain on one’s psychological libido. It cleans individual and family bank accounts like a powerful Dyson vacuum cleaner on steroids. The ease and regularity with which healthcare professionals and their institutions…

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A Prime Value: OnDoc’s Healthcare Advocate Solution Service

The healthcare system has become a monolith in the social consciousness of America, that continues, much like a cancer, to grow out of control. Its growth has come at the expense, and I mean that in several ways, of our health. Let’s look at the word “monolith”: a large and impersonal political, corporate, or social structure as intractably indivisible and…

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OnDoc for the ‘Undoctored’

I was recently introduced to, and began recommending a new healthcare service called OnDoc. It is not healthcare insurance. I could offer a few sarcastic reasons to support this statement, but for now, will simply say that it is more likened to healthcare assurance. Part of the fast-growing telehealth sector of the healthcare field, OnDoc is a private, simple, effective,…

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OnDoc: People Helping People

I recently wrote about OnDoc, a new company founded in 2018. It offers a timely service in a rapidly growing sector of healthcare. It does so through a simple system that will help me or any subscriber create a residual income by sharing OnDoc with others. In other words, I can create a nice, potentially substantial ongoing income for some…

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Can OnDoc Set Healthcare on a Different Course?

I am no fan of the current healthcare system. It has become a major problem, not only to our physical and environmental health, but to our financial health as well. If you didn’t know better, a case could be made that the intention of the healthcare system is to make people dumb (cognitively impaired), sick, if not kill them, as…

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Choosing Our Words Mindfully

In February 2018, Vitalik Buterin, creator of the cryptocurrency Ethereum, gifted ether valued at the time of $2.4 million to SENS Research Foundation, which was founded by Dr. Aubrey de Grey, author of Anti-Aging. Since the price of an ether was around $800 at that time, that donation lost significant value as part of the overall decline in market capitalization…

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Mindful Thoughtz Change the World

A cascade of amazing, wonderful events have unfolded since Della and I migrated, like refugees from the desert, to the Pacific Northwest last October. But while the verdant environment that we came to and have come to love is the most obvious benefit, it’s not nearly the best of what has happened so far. This move represents a new canvas…

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Creation, Nature, God, Life: No Difference

This commentary began its life as a post on Facebook, but in bringing it to this medium much has been added. Working through my first year (two-plus seasons ~ fall, winter, and spring) in the Pacific Northwest, I am literally *awed* by Nature: its beauty, intelligence, power and grace. It is humbling to see how *little* this great Gift is…

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Does the Government ‘Own’ You?

Have you looked at the meaning of the word government lately? Merriam-Webster’s top definition is: the act or process of governing; specifically : authoritative direction or control. While some have danced around the question of whether the meaning, and by inference, purpose of government is authoritative control of the mind, I’d like to call attention to the question of authority itself.…

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Dr. King’s Take Down: The Void is Now 50 Years Running and Growing… For ALL

SOURCE: Commercial Appeal I can’t say that it was like it happened yesterday, but I do remember the day, April 4, 1968, when the announcement was given to the student body at Lindblom Technical High School, on Chicago’s Southwest side, that Martin Luther King Jr. had been killed. Lindblom was itself in racial transition while I was there from 1965…

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Bitcoin, “Money”, Common Sense and Freedom: A Historic Opportunity Please take a look at this video. When this talk was given by Andreas Antonopoulus in March 2017, bitcoin had never gone through a “fork”. The price of 1 BTC was under $1,100 and the Market Cap, $17 billion (on its way to $20 billion that he mentions in the talk). Five months later, on August 1, when the…

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Las Vegas Shooting: Could the Blockchain Turn the ‘False Flag’ Event Business into a “Bubble”?

For the moment I live in Las Vegas, scene of the latest crime against humanity that is alleged to have been the work of a single man. I took the above picture on Thursday evening, September 28, a scant 72 hours prior to the event that turned Mandalay Bay into the flash point of a heinous crime. I’m not calling…

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Blockchain Evangelism at the 2017 TeslaTech Conference

After getting a few hours sleep I’ll make the 560 drive from Las Vegas to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to attend the Extraordinary Technology Conference, which most know as “TeslaTech”. Each year thousands of people converge on the largest city in the Land of Enchantment to see and hear unconventional, and in some circles, impossible products and discourses from some of…

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Tsunami Conditions for Bitcoin: Preparing to Ride the Wave

As we watch the price of bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies appear to plummet it’s good to appreciate the opportunity for greater growth that is at hand. This could be called a tsunami condition for which, if we are properly prepared, great profits lie ahead. Said profits would be the secondary benefit when large mass quantities of people migrate into…

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Quiet Reflection: ‘In Dependence’ Day

When “holiday” times come like today, I tend to be in a different state of mind. My take on this “life” narrative has changed dramatically in the past few years. Now, days like the 4th of July, dubbed “Independence Day”, rehash and retrace narratives that are intended to build patriotism, but what exactly *is* “patriotism”? Here’s the dictionary definition: “the…

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