I have been, and am, rediscovering and enjoying my own voice, the value that comes through it, and my desire to share. Some of what you’ll see from here on was written years prior, and some will be as it is received. The desire then, as it is now, is that each discovers the power within, and exercise it with…
Read MoreCategory: Blogroll
The Way of the Vortex (Water)
I was asked whether I still promote water enhancement technology called vortex generators, and the answer is yes indeed. Started The President Water Company in 2015, with my partner Jody Spencer. He resides in WA, Western Australia, and I am in the Pacific Northwestern state of Washington (WA). In 2015, Jody and I exhibited at Field Days, a major farm…
Read MoreA Call for Love
A discussion about the importance of love in our lives.
Read MoreBirthing a New Kind of Year (and Future)
I posted the following on Facebook (Meta) on January 1, 2022, and will be writing more on this topic. This thought was on my mind when I awakened this morning, and it has persisted, waiting patiently if not intently, all day for me to give it form. Unless and until truth is sought, embraced, and revered, there won’t be much…
Read MoreThe Dearth and Rebirth of Truth
It’s time to STOP acting as though “scientists” *know* all there is to know, and have the FINAL or DEFINITIVE word on ANY subject. It is more likely that discoveries or advisories from said “scientists”, as well as the schools that taught them, and organizations that employ them, favor the goals of their financial or professional benefactors, which are not…
Read MoreIn Awe of Fever!
This is an excerpt from The Hygienic System written by Herbert M. Shelton, M.D. and published in 1930. I posted many on my Facebook feed as pandemic paranoia was spreading. If you haven’t connected with me there, my apologies. I have been looking for new places to publish, but this is always home for me. The flow of posts on…
Read MoreWielding ‘The Armor of God?’
I have begun a gradual migration to the GAB.com platform (@phaelosopher), posting occasionally. I joined the platform last year (2020) as the censorship efforts by major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) escalated in their efforts to control the COVID-19 “narrative”. While it wasn’t apparent at first, those efforts had begun earlier for me, when YouTube/Google inexplicably deleted my video…
Read MoreSocial and Spiritual Discombobulation
When Joe Biden declares, as he did recently at a meeting of G7 countries (which was closed to media), that “America First” diplomacy is over, he means that “Americans first” is also over. Biden let the G7 representatives, from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom, that America is now back and ready to play in the Trans-Atlantic…
Read MoreChange Your ‘Crypto Life’ with Beurax
All the talk of pandemics, stolen elections, “maskonomics”, and injection of strange materials have likely delegated bitcoin’s rise above $50,000 ($56,000 at this moment) to “Page 3” in the news index. More people may react to Kim Kardasian filing for divorce from Kanye West than consider what these cryptophenomena might mean to them. The cryptosphere has been, after all, rather…
Read MoreQuestion Orthodox Medicine ~ Again
This COVID-19 operation ~ as in a psychological war against humanity ~ is not even possible if we don’t have a pre-existing misconception of the power of “germs” to do grave harm.
Read MoreSimple Video on Truth Ruled to be ‘Against Community Guidelines’
On September 11, 2020 I recorded some thoughts in front of my camera. The political fires that had burned so incessantly from Oregon into Washington with a red glare had colored the afternoon air with a haze that you could cut with a knife. It’s easy to be grateful that it was just smoke that we were inconvenienced with, and…
Read MoreThis MASK Charade
A BIG push is on to “normalize” wearing masks in everyday life and, if you look deeply enough, you’ll see that it’s being done for specious reasons, which I cover in the video linked below. Though it may be billed as such, what I am about to say does not describe a “conspiracy”. It’s being done. Fueled by previous gross…
Read MoreModern-Day Apartheid
Why are so many *intelligent* people bending to pressure that is pointing to another vaccine, and a mandatory one that would infringe upon human rights at that, for no historical, scientific or medical reason?
Read MorePlanet of ‘the Fooled’
But there’s no denying that the only “future” that these people are “promising”, is more viruses, more diseases, more plagues and catastrophes.
Read MoreOne Nation Under the FLAW
Your freedoms and common sense are not important to these people, nor their accomplices in government. These “lawmakers” are, in fact, FLAWMAKERS
Read MoreCOVID-19: The Roots of Mis-Leadership
This is my second COVID-19 video commentary (of three). It doesn’t matter if COVID-19 is “live” or not, manufactured or not. NONE of the remedies that are being proffered by the “coronagentia” will actually help change humanity’s downward spiral further into the hell hole of more chronic and degenerative disease, by ANY name. Whatever you call it, I think we…
Read MoreThe COVID-19 SCAM is a Crime Against Humanity
I started this post several weeks ago. In fact, I have produced not one, but three videos on this subject. Most people are jumping on the opportunity to sell products by the fears that have been triggered by the COVID-19 Operation. However, decisions made in, or through fear leave better choices unsought, examined, and undiscovered, as well as knowledge ungained.…
Read MoreCOVID-19 Counter-Errorism
For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it.
Read MoreChlorine Dioxide DisInfo Compaign Began Ten Years Before COVID-19
Coronavirus or COVID-19 Fever has stormed across the U.S and the world. Not because the virus itself is a big threat, but because its apparent “danger” has been hyperinflated. A national emergency has been declared, and new terms, such as “self isolation,” have been introduced to the lexicon as an appropriate response. A prime example of a house divided, and…
Read MoreMake Elections Meaningful Again (MEMA)
The race to determine who will be chosen in 2020 to serve as President is well under way. As things presently stand, the American People, and hence, the world, are in the fast lane to being short-changed again. Among the cacophony of sound bytes, talking points, and platform positions, a crucial voice that should otherwise be driving the discourse, remains…
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