I have been, and am, rediscovering and enjoying my own voice, the value that comes through it, and my desire to share. Some of what you’ll see from here on was written years prior, and some will be as it is received. The desire then, as it is now, is that each discovers the power within, and exercise it with…
Read MoreCategory: consciousness
On Knowing and BEing YourSelf
Indeed, many people believe that someone else’s “knowing”, especially if they’re in a trusted “profession” or has a high income, has more weight than their own. These are no indicators of wisdom or benefit for any other than the influencer.
Read MoreWealth Begins with Self-Value, Not “Money”
This is not the post that I planned on being “next”. I initially wrote the next “next” post in 1998. It is titled, the “Yin and Yang of Entitlement.” It is a deep dive into the human psyche; not just “how it works”, but how it is presently conditioned to work. By our habits to we limit, or liberate ourselves.…
Read MoreThe Dearth and Rebirth of Truth
It’s time to STOP acting as though “scientists” *know* all there is to know, and have the FINAL or DEFINITIVE word on ANY subject. It is more likely that discoveries or advisories from said “scientists”, as well as the schools that taught them, and organizations that employ them, favor the goals of their financial or professional benefactors, which are not…
Read MoreIn Awe of Fever!
This is an excerpt from The Hygienic System written by Herbert M. Shelton, M.D. and published in 1930. I posted many on my Facebook feed as pandemic paranoia was spreading. If you haven’t connected with me there, my apologies. I have been looking for new places to publish, but this is always home for me. The flow of posts on…
Read MoreWielding ‘The Armor of God?’
I have begun a gradual migration to the GAB.com platform (@phaelosopher), posting occasionally. I joined the platform last year (2020) as the censorship efforts by major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) escalated in their efforts to control the COVID-19 “narrative”. While it wasn’t apparent at first, those efforts had begun earlier for me, when YouTube/Google inexplicably deleted my video…
Read MoreChoosing Our Words Mindfully
In February 2018, Vitalik Buterin, creator of the cryptocurrency Ethereum, gifted ether valued at the time of $2.4 million to SENS Research Foundation, which was founded by Dr. Aubrey de Grey, author of Anti-Aging. Since the price of an ether was around $800 at that time, that donation lost significant value as part of the overall decline in market capitalization…
Read MoreMindful Thoughtz Change the World
A cascade of amazing, wonderful events have unfolded since Della and I migrated, like refugees from the desert, to the Pacific Northwest last October. But while the verdant environment that we came to and have come to love is the most obvious benefit, it’s not nearly the best of what has happened so far. This move represents a new canvas…
Read MoreCreation, Nature, God, Life: No Difference
This commentary began its life as a post on Facebook, but in bringing it to this medium much has been added. Working through my first year (two-plus seasons ~ fall, winter, and spring) in the Pacific Northwest, I am literally *awed* by Nature: its beauty, intelligence, power and grace. It is humbling to see how *little* this great Gift is…
Read MoreQuiet Reflection: ‘In Dependence’ Day
When “holiday” times come like today, I tend to be in a different state of mind. My take on this “life” narrative has changed dramatically in the past few years. Now, days like the 4th of July, dubbed “Independence Day”, rehash and retrace narratives that are intended to build patriotism, but what exactly *is* “patriotism”? Here’s the dictionary definition: “the…
Read MoreRebooting Myself: The Ultimate Journey
I didn’t watch President Trump’s speech yesterday, so I don’t know what he said, and have no opinion about it, other than we got what we were willing to bet on, and that he remains the lesser of the “two evils” that Americans were given the illusion of choosing. Mr. Trump is not our problem, nor our solution. Irrespective of who caused, or is still causing…
Read MoreA Voice and Power From Within: ‘Dear Diary’
By whatever name or tradition you prefer, I send joyful and sincere Holiday greetings to everyone. As this new solar (and soular) cycle ascends, may our appreciation, awareness, trust for, and use of the Great Power within us, also grow. Did that sound a bit “woo woo”? If so, so be it. It has become evident to me that the netherworld of what mainstream opinion shapers…
Read MoreInertia and the Forces of Change
Although change is the only acknowledged constant in the universe, inertia can be described as the tendency of whatever exists to continue or be repeated as it is. In other words, from moment-to-moment, that which exists will, for all practical purposes, appear to be unchanged. It is reassuring to know that the appearance does not represent the truth of the matter. All that exists is always different than…
Read More'Hiding' As Plain Sight: The Assault on the Human Mind
I started this article several weeks ago, after U.S.-aligned (and probably urged) Turkey shot down a Russian jet that was obliterating ISIS targets that the U.S. has asserted was our “enemy.” This was also before more senseless domestic shootings, in Colorado Springs, and San Bernadino, California. In the interim, I traveled to Mexico for 10 days, to explore and open channels for our line of…
Read MoreLife v. the Unrequitable Lure of Materialism
THE LIFE PRINCIPLE For centuries man has been searching for the life principle in germs of matter. He might as well cast his nets into the sea to search for oxygen. There is no life in matter, nor is there death, for matter is but motion. Motion begins and ends, to begin again, but life is immortal. It has no…
Read MoreThe 'Physics' of God Explained
We assign the word, (the vibration) “learning” to refer to that which we have come to accept as “true.” What we learn, meaning that which has been recorded ~ consciously and unconsciously ~ into an area in consciousness, involves every aspect of life, both as we know it, and more fundamentally, as we live it. I lay these thoughts out as a simple…
Read MoreOn Raising Our 'GQ' (God Quotient)
My journey through A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, by Walter and Lao Russell, continues. I am past the midway point of this 520-page volume, presently in Unit 10, Universal Law, Natural Science, and Living Philosophy, where my highlighter has been put on overtime. So many simple but profound truths, not only in this chapter, but throughout this work. Under the heading, THE CREATION OF…
Read MoreA Priceless Course in Cosmic Consciousness
At this moment I am working my way through A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, by Walter and Lao Russell. Originally published in 1950, and revised to its current form in 2001, the Course is comprised of 12 Units with 48 lessons, and is spread over 520 pages. I highly recommend this extraordinary treatise. If ever there were a publication that could help…
Read MoreCERN: Bending the World Over for a 'Little Big Bang'
[This is the longest article I’ve ever published here, which might suggest how important I think the subject matter is. Truth is, they’re all, equally important to me. The reason for the length will soon become self-evident. If you want a “Cliff’s Notes” version of what it’s all about, it’s simply about you, and knowing and Loving who you are. Problem…
Read MoreA Post of Few Words
This weekend I’m in California on a “secret mission” that I’ll discuss as it unfolds. I’ll let the graphics above do the talking for now. Click on it and read a higher resolution version. I’d also like to remind all that the trial of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. LOUIS DANIEL SMITH, a “showdown” that is far more important to each…
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