Why are so many *intelligent* people bending to pressure that is pointing to another vaccine, and a mandatory one that would infringe upon human rights at that, for no historical, scientific or medical reason?
Read MoreCategory: Education & Thought Leadership
Mindful Thoughtz Change the World
A cascade of amazing, wonderful events have unfolded since Della and I migrated, like refugees from the desert, to the Pacific Northwest last October. But while the verdant environment that we came to and have come to love is the most obvious benefit, it’s not nearly the best of what has happened so far. This move represents a new canvas…
Read MoreSaturday Night ThoughtFest Debut
How about this for little notice or planning? If you have nothing better to do, please join me in some realtime interaction tonight (for me), 8-11pm PST, when I host my first Saturday Night Thoughtfest on Google Hangouts. You can watch it on YouTube. http://youtu.be/aljSJfV1_uU The recent (and current) issues that I have been experiencing have crystallized a number of subjects that affect…
Read MorePaul Pantone: A Respected Heretic Remembered
You may or may not recognize the name Paul Pantone, but it’s worth noting here that he recently released his mortal coil. I am pleased to have met, interviewed, and spent time to know Paul, to listen, and to learn from him. Paul is the originator of Global Environmental Energy Technology, that was mercifully acronymized to “GEET”. GEET devices used directional, temperature, and pressure-gradient…
Read MoreAn Elegy for Daniel Smith
The following passage is from Walter Russell’s The Secret of Light: MAN’S NEW CYCLE The coming age will mark an epochal advancement in man’s evolution toward his goal of omniscience and omnipotence. Man becomes a higher being with greater power as he acquires knowledge. In knowledge alone lies power. Only through knowledge can man become co-creator with God. Knowledge can be obtained…
Read MoreEuropean Adventure: France and Spain
PUERTO DE NAVACERRADA, SPAIN ~ My European adventure continues at a breakneck pace. I started yesterday morning in Pombriego, Spain, spent the afternoon in Santiago, and ended the day in this mountain hamlet north of Madrid. With my Photonic Water Systems European distributor doing his best Fernando Alonso impression, we have traveled over 1,000 miles through the south of France and back to Spain over…
Read MoreSpiritual and Mental Science to the Rescue
Are you ready to consider a new, more joyful and liberating idea of who you are, or what is possible? Are you willing to believe that an idea that may sound “too good to be true,” may in reality, be even better than described? I am. Doing so doesn’t make me gullible. The alternative is to continue slogging on with…
Read More'Getting Real' with John Barbour
Once a critic for Los Angeles magazine, and KNBC-Los Angeles, John Barbour was creator, and one of the hosts of NBC’s Real People television series, which ran between 1979-1984. The show was so popular it sometimes garnered a 50% audience share, a monumental feat even in the pre-Internet era. Not bad for a man who, in his early days in…
Read MoreOn the Road to Explore Water, Healing
Just some quick thoughts before hitting the road to Park City, Utah to interview M.J. Pangman and Melanie Evans, authors or the new book, Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water (www.dancingwithwater.com). I have been aware that this book was coming down the line for the past year. In it, they explain, in clear, understandable terms, many of the…
Read MoreWhen Government-Authored Health Guidelines are Unhealthy
“Government guidelines” will give you the appearance of being a good idea, but in truth, following them can deliver you into an ever lowering sinkhole of infirmity and disease. New dietary guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are the latest case-in-point. A 112-page document, titled, Dietary Guidelines…
Read MoreWater and Salt in Optimal State Puts an End to Self-Desecration
Each day I gain a greater appreciation for the important roles that minerals and microorganisms play in the maintenance of health, as well as its restoration. Yet, if we choose to embark on the journey from the depths of chronic dis-ease and return to our home in Well-being, we’ll discover profound solace in natural elements. Central to that process are…
Read MoreMMS: A Hypothesis for the Age of Chemicalization
In the discussion thread following my article that calls for a new understanding of chlorine dioxide, I referred to a VAST multitude of substances that, before the Age of Chemicalization, would be dealt with by the body’s own chemical production capabilities. To that comment I was asked to describe those substances and how do I know they accumulate in the…
Read MoreBits and Pieces and Alternative Theories
My most recent two radio programs have been on MMS. Last week’s show covered the new protocols, dubbed Protocol 1000 and Protocol 2000, taken right from Jim Humble and the workshop video itself. This week’s podcast is a monologue where I cover what I am calling “Alternative Theories” on MMS. A few of my interpretations differ from the current…
Read MoreNow Look Who's Suggesting a 'Miracle Cure' (NOT About MMS)
You can thank 60 Minutes New Zealand for this suggestion. They recently produced and broadcast the story of Allan Smith, a dairy farmer in New Zealand who contracted Swine flu in 2009 and, lungs filling up with mucous, rapidly came perilously close to deaths door. His condition got so grave that the hospital, on the advice of a consultant, was…
Read MoreWolf to Henhouse: “Just Say ‘No’ to MMS!”
The interest in, and use of “MMS,” which Jim Humble has recently dubbed, Master Mineral Supplement, continues, as the United Kingdom has publicly denounced the use of this product. Even the often reliable Wikipedia, which usually presents the appearance of unbiased information, now presents an entry on MMS that is a boldface lie. A story in the BBC recently…
Read MoreFDA Prepares to Bless Transgenic Salmon
The FDA is now “weighing the approval” of genetically modified salmon. You know what that means, don’t you? It means that they will approve the consumption of a genetically altered (called transgenic) Atlantic salmon product engineered to grow twice as fast and large as normal. The product, called AquaAdvantage salmon, and developed by AquaBounty Technologies, a biotechnology company, uses a…
Read MoreMaking a Real Stand on Cancer (and All Disease)
You can call me the Grinch that stole Christmas for cancer fundraisers. I am as passionate as anyone in my desire to see the end of cancer as part of the human experience, but the billions that are raised each year constitute a monumental missing of the point of the highest order. Cures for cancer and other diseases are available…
Read MoreLet’s Play ‘Pin the Death on MMS!’
Sylvia Fink died on a yacht near the island of Vanuatu in the South Pacific in August 2009. As a passing, hers is noteworthy because, from eyewitness accounts, death came unexpectedly, after she took the Miracle Mineral Supplement, widely known as “MMS.” Death by medication isn’t unusual. In fact, death by medication has gained such social acceptance that its significance…
Read MoreA 'Visual' and Vocal Jim Humble on MMS
I took the picture of Jim Humble in May, at the Van Gogh Cafe in Amsterdam. We were trying to find a place to eat, and to do a short interview during a break from the Nexxus Conference, where Jim was a speaker. It was a very short stay in Amsterdam, a beautiful city. The next day — Sunday —…
Read MoreSaying ‘No’ to War on MMS or FDA
It is common practice to refer to the unfolding situation with the FDA and the Miracle Mineral Supplement (“MMS”) as a battle; a war that must be fought, and “won.” To MMS proponents, it is a “right” that must carried forward to overcome a “wrong.” Of course, the FDA is thinking the same way, albeit with the roles reversed and…
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