In Awe of Fever!

This is an excerpt from The Hygienic System written by Herbert M. Shelton, M.D. and published in 1930. I posted many on my Facebook feed as pandemic paranoia was spreading. If you haven’t connected with me there, my apologies. I have been looking for new places to publish, but this is always home for me. The flow of posts on…

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The COVID-19 SCAM is a Crime Against Humanity

I started this post several weeks ago. In fact, I have produced not one, but three videos on this subject. Most people are jumping on the opportunity to sell products by the fears that have been triggered by the COVID-19 Operation. However, decisions made in, or through fear leave better choices unsought, examined, and undiscovered, as well as knowledge ungained.…

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COVID-19 Counter-Errorism

For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it. For very logical reasons, we have standardized on practices that have created an unnatural and sub-standard quality of life. In error, we have called it the very best that is possible, and must fight to defend and maintain it.

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Creation, Nature, God, Life: No Difference

This commentary began its life as a post on Facebook, but in bringing it to this medium much has been added. Working through my first year (two-plus seasons ~ fall, winter, and spring) in the Pacific Northwest, I am literally *awed* by Nature: its beauty, intelligence, power and grace. It is humbling to see how *little* this great Gift is…

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Life Without Food: When the Body Says ‘No Mas’

Today, on Easter Sunday, would have represented day 21 of a 40-day fast, but yesterday, the half-way point, at 160 lbs, my body said “no mas.” I have yet to “eat” anything solid. A glass of cold-pressed apple juice, followed up by a fresh blend of unpasteurized orange and pineapple juices, and several cups of vegetable-broth miso soup, was a marvelous feast for…

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Allowing My Body to Heal (Not “Cure”) Itself

I am on day 4 of a 40-day water fast, and all is well. My days are as long and active as ever. The main difference is that there’s no “dinner time” for me. I am doing this as part of a larger shift to allow my body to cleanse, repair, and regenerate parts that have been under great stress…

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Rebooting Myself: The Ultimate Journey

the ultimate journey

I didn’t watch President Trump’s speech yesterday, so I don’t know what he said, and have no opinion about it, other than we got what we were willing to bet on, and that he remains the lesser of the “two evils” that Americans were given the illusion of choosing. Mr. Trump is not our problem, nor our solution. Irrespective of who caused, or is still causing…

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Time to Say “Good-bye” to Germ Theory

I received a call the other day from a man, we’ll call him Jacob, whose organization sells our vortex generators for water enrichment (under its own name) to farms on the East Coast. He sold a unit to an organic dairy farmer, who we’ll call Paul. After a number of months, Jacob wasn’t getting any love, referrals, or new business, from Paul. Instead, Paul…

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Saturday Night ThoughtFest Debut

How about this for little notice or planning? If you have nothing better to do, please join me in some realtime interaction tonight (for me), 8-11pm PST, when I host my first Saturday Night Thoughtfest on Google Hangouts. You can watch it on YouTube. The recent (and current) issues that I have been experiencing have crystallized a number of subjects that affect…

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Inertia and the Forces of Change


Although change is the only acknowledged constant in the universe, inertia can be described as the tendency of whatever exists to continue or be repeated as it is. In other words, from moment-to-moment, that which exists will, for all practical purposes, appear to be unchanged. It is reassuring to know that the appearance does not represent the truth of the matter. All that exists is always different than…

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The Cause of All Disease: A New Theory of Pathogenesis

The Cause of All Disease: A New Theory of Pathogenesis

I am not the first to see what you are about to read, but to my knowledge the following idea that we will cover has rarely been articulated. It has to do with pathogenesis: the true cause of diseases. Real scientists have looked for, and in some cases, found “cures,” but have not really been clear on actual causes. In hindsight, it is easy to…

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Life v. the Unrequitable Lure of Materialism

THE LIFE PRINCIPLE For centuries man has been searching for the life principle in germs of matter. He might as well cast his nets into the sea to search for oxygen. There is no life in matter, nor is there death, for matter is but motion. Motion begins and ends, to begin again, but life is immortal. It has no…

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MMS and the Lesson of Ignaz Semmelweis

A blustery winter’s day at the 2015 Fieldays in New Zealand KERIKERI, NORTHLAND — Greetings from the underside of the world where I have been for the past week. I traveled to Hamilton, New Zealand to attend Fieldays (June 10-13) and to introduce the Rainmaker H2O vortex water product to the farming, dairy, and consumer sectors. It has been a great experience, through which I…

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MMS Verdict: "Justice" Blind to Impartiality and Truth

As many of you know, Daniel Smith was found “guilty” of 5 out of 6 charges brought by the Justice Department for selling the product known as “MMS.” Here is the link to the News Release that they issued a few days ago. (Click here.) It’s really difficult to read the allegations that were so purposefully fabricated and diligently pursued in…

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MMS and the Bigger Picture

As chronicled here on numerous occasions on a product that I’ve written extensively about since 2007, the trial of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. LOUIS DANIEL SMITH, for his involvement in selling the product known as the Miracle (Master) Mineral Supplement (Solution) (“MMS”) is scheduled to begin May 18, 2015 at the United States Courthouse in Spokane, Washington. The significance of this case is…

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One MMS Defendant Gets Probation in What is Still a Raw "Faustian Deal"

Tammy Olson, has been sentenced to 3 years probation. She was employed as the Customer Service Representative for Project Green Life (PGL), the company run by LOUIS DANIEL SMITH and shut down by the FDA for selling the product known as the Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). The judgment in a criminal case was filed March 30, 2015 in the United States District Court for the…

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Vaccine Politics, Indigos and Normal Sensory Perception

A Unseen Agenda Exposed I would like to pose a very rational question. It’s so rational, it’s a wonder why mainstream medicine, government policy makers, or functionaries in the education system haven’t asked it. It’s so very, very rational that, in their not asking and seriously considering this question, you have to wonder whether their actions, and the effects that we, The People, are witnessing…

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Stillness and the Power of Thoughts

Imagine that the most elementary element of all physical creation, is not a “particle,” but the stillness that allows and causes motion to occur, and hence, particles to form. And in order to facilitate such causation, it is present as “the centering force” of everywhere, and everything.

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