There is some concern going around about our vulnerability to a “dirty bomb” attack. It’s not enough that we’ve been attacked by “dirty” chlorine and fluoride in our water, mercury in vaccines, hormones and additives in our foods, synthetics in dairy products, chem trails, and who knows what else, for many years. We’ve given all of these culprits a pass,…
Read MoreCategory: Health related
Metamorphosis In-Progress: A Status Report
I don’t have periods of inactivity, although it may appear that way by the entries I place on this blog. The year has been intensely active, in the most positive and promising of ways. Writing shorter entries might be a solution, but I’ve never made this blog a documentary on my life. Although the day-to-day details may be of interest…
Read More'Shift' Has Happened: Hail to the New Chief
The major event of my day on January 20, 2009, was returning home from a quick trip to Northern California, where I interviewed two remarkable people. The major event of the world was the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. While I’ve yet to see his entire address, the light of the shift that…
Read MoreMMS Awareness Expands: New Voices and Faces
While producing Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble in late 2007, finding a doctor that knew anything about MMS was challenge enough, much less one with some experience, who would talk about it on camera. Thanks to Dennis Richard and two wonderful spirits, I met and interviewed Dr. John Humiston. This was important, for the objectivity of the film, and…
Read MoreThe Master Within and the 'Face of Inticity'
Hand-in-hand with the idea that we are the creators of our experiences is being a master thereof. However, it’s neither an automatic, nor immediate perception. Since many people are reluctant to acknowledge that they create their experiences, meaning that an amount of responsibility might be assessed with the acceptance, they are even more unlikely believe that mastery is possible, at…
Read MoreThe Nature of Consciousness and Its Factor in Healing
New Year’s Greetings to Everyone! This is a great time to take a fresh look at life, how it’s going, and where you want it to go from here on. Many people who link to, or find this blog are moved to do so by a desire to be well, or to effectuate some form of change that will re-establish…
Read MoreOn Scrapping the Disease Management System
As the annual “changing of the year” approaches, reflections on the past twelve months are natural and inevitable. Then again, the reflections don’t stop there for individuals, as the annual cultural assessment invariably take us to an assessment of the quality and status of the life we’re living. The fact that so many people find themselves with “holiday blues” this…
Read More'Peace On Earth' Begins With Love Within
A two-fold feeling tends to permeate the holiday season which often gets masked or suppressed in the shopping hoopla. They can be exemplified in question form. Do I have someone in my life to love? Do I have someone in my life who loves me? Perhaps another question is, “are they the same person?” Maybe these are not your questions,…
Read MoreVideo 'Multicast' of Talk For Food Show
A first for me… my Talk For Food radio show shot on camera at the Enhancement Institute in Houston. I did this twice on the trip, the first at the Global Healing Center. The first is that I’m on camera here. The clip below is the first of three that I’ve “processed”. They are about 30 minutes total (half the…
Read More'Surviving' Leukemia No Longer Enough
This is just my opinion, which I understand is still my right to share. A story on the local TV news this evening reported about a wrestling Olympian Gold Medalist, Henry Cejudo, “stepping up” in the fight against holiday blood shortages. The story told of how Henry met “Tommy,” a teen who has benefited from blood donations. Tommy, who appears…
Read MoreNew Trailer for 'Understanding MMS' Documentary
Since February 2008, I’ve shipped almost 7,000 copies of my documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble, mostly in the retail packaging, but also in bulk packages containing up to 150 discs. This has been a true “grass roots” effort. There is no large operation at work here. Every order is processed and shipped by me. One day that will…
Read MoreStart the Wellness Journey with an Intestinal Cleanse
I have just updated my original article on MMS, “No Miracle, Just Wonderful Chemistry,” which has been read almost 56,000 times to date. In its, I suggest taking an intestinal cleanse prior to starting the MMS protocol, along with the product to use. The purpose of the intestinal cleanse is to dissolve and remove any compacted fecal matter that may…
Read More'Official' SELECT Supplement Edict Continues Cancer Deception
What follows is an example of a fresh sheet of wool being pulled over the public’s eyes by major media before they see through the unraveling wool that was already there. A feature story on The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric yesterday reported an “official” conclusion that Vitamin E and Selenium supplementation are ineffective in preventing prostate cancer. The…
Read MoreGetting Down 'the How' of Reality Creation After Learning 'the Who'
We’re landlord and tenant of our own houses. The dialogues that I’ve engaged in over the past year on “MMS,” the “miracle mineral supplement,” the protocol that isn’t a miracle or a mineral, have helped me to discern what the real healing agent is. I’ve written time and time again about the individual’s central role in both the creation of…
Read More2008 Raw Spirit Festival Reflections
The 2008 Raw Spirit Festival held in September for the last time in Sedona, yielded some great interview and learning opportunities. I’m not vegan, much less raw (or are the two synonymous?), but I appreciate where they’re coming from, and where they’re trying to get the rest of us omnivore “luddites” to go. While I don’t feel that diet alone…
Read MoreOn Planes (of Existence), Thoughts, and Change: Raising Our 'Energy IQ'
Oneness to Everything is Key Telling someone who is dealing with a chronic, debilitating or painful disease such as cancer, that it’s his or her creation would be considered by many as one of the most callous, insensitive, and even asinine things to say. Asinine or not, it’s a message that you’ll hear from this writer, one that can’t be…
Read MoreTreasures From Recent Travels
Sometimes it takes me awhile to actually “process” the information I gather from interviews with individuals for my show, Talk for Food, who are making substantial contributions to human health through their research and understanding. Here are conversations with four men that are now available in both podcast and, for the first time, video form, from three different trips. Denis…
Read MoreThe Spirituality of Health: Why 'Choose' Dis-ease?
Heaven’s ‘Blooming’ on Earth Learning how to improve and restore our health is a fundamental step toward actually doing it, and it’s a subject that I like to revisit time and time again, perhaps not so much for you as it is for me. I’m not preaching to you, but practicing on myself, and sharing awarenesses that come as they…
Read MoreReclaiming a Fundamental Awareness: The Body Heals Itself
A Petition to ‘the Physician’ Within Learning is the process whereby we gain and accumulate awarenesses. The defining effect of this ongoing process is ever-increasing demonstrations of mastery over our life experiences. Masterful experience is the feedback we give ourselves to indicate that we have graduated beyond “belief” on or about various subjects, and have entered the realm of knowing.…
Read MorePremiere: The Meek's Prayer tags: God, Spirituality, Religion, Healing, Alternative health, Awareness, Self-Help, Affirmation Well, my foray into musical revisionism is now fully realized, with a video rendition of The Meek’s Prayer, complete with a prelude and words. It is patterned after, and sung to The Lord’s Prayer, and yet offers a very clear and distinctly different view of one’s relationship to Divinity,…
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