Let’s give the FDA, Health Canada, the Ministry of Health (Japan) and National Health Service (UK), a round of applause and gratitude. With the able assistance of a league of similar “watchdog” agencies around the world, they have increased MMS awareness. The fact that the information they have spread is misleading or downright false, is of less concern, as there…
Read MoreCategory: Health related
FDA Prepares to Bless Transgenic Salmon
The FDA is now “weighing the approval” of genetically modified salmon. You know what that means, don’t you? It means that they will approve the consumption of a genetically altered (called transgenic) Atlantic salmon product engineered to grow twice as fast and large as normal. The product, called AquaAdvantage salmon, and developed by AquaBounty Technologies, a biotechnology company, uses a…
Read MoreMaking a Real Stand on Cancer (and All Disease)
You can call me the Grinch that stole Christmas for cancer fundraisers. I am as passionate as anyone in my desire to see the end of cancer as part of the human experience, but the billions that are raised each year constitute a monumental missing of the point of the highest order. Cures for cancer and other diseases are available…
Read MoreLet’s Play ‘Pin the Death on MMS!’
Sylvia Fink died on a yacht near the island of Vanuatu in the South Pacific in August 2009. As a passing, hers is noteworthy because, from eyewitness accounts, death came unexpectedly, after she took the Miracle Mineral Supplement, widely known as “MMS.” Death by medication isn’t unusual. In fact, death by medication has gained such social acceptance that its significance…
Read MoreA 'Visual' and Vocal Jim Humble on MMS
I took the picture of Jim Humble in May, at the Van Gogh Cafe in Amsterdam. We were trying to find a place to eat, and to do a short interview during a break from the Nexxus Conference, where Jim was a speaker. It was a very short stay in Amsterdam, a beautiful city. The next day — Sunday —…
Read MoreSaying ‘No’ to War on MMS or FDA
It is common practice to refer to the unfolding situation with the FDA and the Miracle Mineral Supplement (“MMS”) as a battle; a war that must be fought, and “won.” To MMS proponents, it is a “right” that must carried forward to overcome a “wrong.” Of course, the FDA is thinking the same way, albeit with the roles reversed and…
Read MoreMMS: Setting Perceptions Straight, 28% at a Time
Irrespective of what happens in the journey of MMS, the FDA has done a few good things. They brought the subject to the attention of a larger number of new people, and given those who do understand something about MMS an opportunity to set the misinformation straight. This is not about “fighting” the FDA. They are doing what they have…
Read MoreDesired MMS Outcomes, Power, and Beliefs
I have suffered from Epstein Barr Virus for 20 years & YES my first two weeks on MMS I ended up getting the worst chest cold I had in years. This was a form of detox to my body. I had pneumonia many years prior & had the best removal of hardened junk come out of my lungs. I could…
Read MoreFDA: MMS is Harmful, and Gulf Oysters are 'Good to Go'
It’s great to be back home, even while the drama surrounding MMS continues to unfold. The FDA is, albeit unintentionally, calling more attention to MMS and itself by embarking on this latest smear campaign. It’s a smear campaign because due diligence has not been followed on the FDA’s part. This is becoming the rule, not the isolated exception. MMS is…
Read MoreA Prognosis: MMS, ‘Si’, FDA, ‘No’
BARAHONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — At long last, Jim Humble’s Miracle Mineral Supplement, otherwise known as MMS, is surfacing, introduced to a much larger segment of the population, thanks to the FDA. However, thanks to the FDA, the first perception of the “miracle” product that this new and impressionable audience is receiving, is one of a poison, like an angel in…
Read MoreA Passion for Life; A Passion for Humanity
BARAHONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — The MMS workshop has ended. Yet, after seeing evidence that the Genesis II compound is being watched by someone, perhaps from a satellite location, it is striking to see the fervor with which the remaining attendees explore the potential of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), via the MMS product and protocol. The night that the group introductions were…
Read MoreMMS: The ‘Fit’ Has Hit the ‘Shan’
BARAHONA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC – Fasten your seatbelts, because the MMS story is about to take the greatest roller coaster ride of its life. The FDA is following up its July 30, 2010 warning on the personal and discretionary use of chlorine dioxide with a vengeance, having picked out a sampling of MMS suppliers in the United States and Japan (yes,…
Read MoreMMS Workshop: Back to Barahona and Haitian Memories
I’m heading back to the Dominican Republic, to do a Mulligan on the 5-day MMS Seminar and Workshop, in the coastal town of Barahona (pronounced, bah-RO-na). The timing of the FDA assault on MMS, where they mobilize their forces against a product that they have not given a fair, unbiased evaluation, in spite (or because of) the positive results people…
Read MoreMMS: The End… or is it the Beginning?
Now that the FDA has shown its hand on MMS, it’s now reasonable to wonder what’s next. Is this the end… or is it the beginning? It is a point that, most likely, has been anticipated by Jim Humble, who worked out the protocol for generating chlorine dioxide in levels safe enough to be used inside the human body. Although…
Read MoreFDA Warning on MMS: Your Hypocrisy is Showing
In a move that surprised no one, the FDA has finally taken an official position on the Miracle Mineral Supplement, known by most by the acronym, “MMS.” In a July 30 news release, the agency warned of “serious harm from drinking MMS.” This is a trend that began in May, with a Media Advisory against MMS issued by Health Canada,…
Read MoreStandard Cancer Treatments No Longer Make Sense
Let’s be honest, standard medical treatment responses for cancer, i.e., chemotherapy and radiation, no longer make any sense. One day they did, a long time ago, but not now. One day it seemed plausible that cancer must be the result of something wrong happening inside the body; something dreadfully wrong. And what do we do when “wrong” things happen? When…
Read MoreHealing the Gulf as Prelude to Paradigm Shift in Health Remediation
Albert Einstein has often been quoted as saying that you can’t solve a problem while thinking at the level of the problem. That statement has never been truer than in the present Gulf oil spill debacle. The problem is that BP, and its entire supporting infrastructure, which includes the petrochemical industry, various centers of academic influence (otherwise known as “leading…
Read MoreCleaning Up the Gulf: More Thoughts on Bioremediation
Bioremediation is a term that should be search and researched by every human who is looking for workable solutions to our environmental problems, the Gulf oil spill being the latest. Problems have a habit of getting larger the more we ignore, excuse, or rationalize them. They don’t go away. Sometimes when faced with a problem, we truly don’t know we…
Read MoreGulf Oil Cleanup: Where's Bioremediation When We NEED It? And Why Isn't It Here?
The situation in the Gulf of Mexico has become personal. How well we respond to this very RESOLVABLE situation is a litmus test for EVERYTHING, not just how we do business, but our education system as well. I have driven over 1,000 miles in the past week, first to meet and interview three prominent microbiologists at the ASM Conference in…
Read MoreOil Remediation: A NON-TOXIC Approach
The Gulf oil spill of 2010 can become the latest biggest disaster in recent history, or our greatest blessing. We get to choose. Most writers, pundits, and commentators will tell you about the disaster and how bad it’s going to be. Here you’ll hear about the blessing. I’ll tell you now; if we follow the line of remediation that is…
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