Our exploration into the nature and implications of structured water continues. The efficacy and power of structured water will not always show up in standard water purity tests, where “normal” is based on particle counts. In fact, “purity” is not an appropriate measuring criterion for structured water. Balance is. Coherence is. When water is structured, it is balanced and coherent,…
Read MoreCategory: Health related
A Medium for Light
Cynthia Williams was a reluctant medium, which was not hard to imagine when you realize that the catalyst for what was eventually to become her life’s work was the unusual attention she received from, of all things, a dolphin. I met Cynthia Williams at a small conference that was held at Angel Valley, a beautiful retreat located just west of…
Read More'Connecting the Dots' on Structured Water
My quest to understand and appreciate the nature, behavior, and essence of structured water is ongoing. Feedback from new structured water experiencers continues to stream in, and it is no less than amazing. Water plays a grossly unappreciated role in the human health matrix. Our failure to examine water, and to come to a consensus as to what constitutes the…
Read MoreTalk For Food Archive: Energy Medicine in Houston
In many ways, energy medicine can be a more effective way to address a wide variety of ills than current methods of medical treatment. While all molecular treatments are energy — for example, pharmaceutical drugs — all that is energy is not molecular. Energy includes both the molecular and non-molecular, the particle and the wave. Every human condition, of health…
Read MoreDiary of an Amputation
Not the Disease, the Treatment I’ve been in sort of an “in-between” state lately, wanting to write and wanting to video, but not doing enough of either to suit me. There’s been an ongoing story of my step-father, Josh, who had a stroke in 2007 and, two years later, is progressing in the best way that predominant medical practice can…
Read MoreRandom Thoughts: Gratitude, Angel Valley, Structured Water
With this thing called life being many faceted, it’s quite possible to experience the full gamut of feelings, from profound joy and gratitude, to equally profound anguish and pain, in the course of a single day. Such are the signs of a life being lived, fully. If it is being loved fully too, then we’ve got the makings of something…
Read MoreMind and Body Healing Discoveries
My learning adventure continues each week, as I have recently been introduced to additional modalities that can be called upon to facilitate a beneficial “shift” in one’s health and well-being. Among these are PSYCH-K, which I recently did a Talk For Food show on with Jeanne Northington, a PSYCH-K practitioner and instructor from Tuscaloosa, AL. (Click here to listen.) This…
Read MoreOn 'Death' and MMS: Jim Humble Responds to Nash Attack
From his location in Africa, Jim Humble sent me, in encrypted form, his own assessment of Mr. Nash’s accusations surrounding the death of his wife Sylvie. I’ll simply publish it as received, without further comment. ~AA October 16, 2009 — 5:42:12 AM Subject: Response to Doug Nash As I have already said, the loss of one’s wife is probably the…
Read MoreOn 'Death' and MMS
It’s been over two years since I was first introduced to MMS. While that represents childhood and adolescence in dog years, it seems even longer in “MMS years,” given the tremendous rise in acceptance of the protocol. The possibility of a death being tied the ingestion of MMS has been long speculated, especially before there were many experienced users of…
Read MoreMoney Talks: Proclaims Self ‘God’ of This World
In the Bible it is written that “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). From many perspectives, there appears to be much truth to the adage. Yet, in The Kybalion, another book of ancient wisdom, it is written that “all truths are but half-truths.” And while the latter might appear to “dilute” the former,…
Read MoreStructured Water Education Continues
The last several years have immersed me deeper into the subject of health; factors that keep it around, as well as those that tend to make it go away. We are led to believe that ‘disease’ is something that “comes-a-visiting”, victimizing some and passing by others, and then leaves. It’s really a latter day a fairy tale, except that so…
Read MoreTalk For Food Archive: Cancer and MMS
Show #013 — Guest: Jim Humble Adam explores the possibility of moving beyond simply “surviving” cancer, and living again assisted by the “Miracle Mineral Supplement,” or MMS. His guest is Jim Humble, author of Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, and developer of the protocol. This was Jim’s third visit to Talk For Food, as the buzz about MMS…
Read MoreTalk For Food Archive: Bovine Business Madness
Show #046 – ‘A Matter of Grain vs. Grass’ Guest: Gearld Fry Many health conscious individuals have advised against eating “red meat,” which generally means beef. However, there are indigenous cultures in various parts of the world for whom beef and dairy products are central parts of their diets, and yet are free of the diseases that have become associated…
Read MoreHistory in the Making: Bio-Photon Presence in Structured Water Confirmed
I sat down recently to write about developments that are unfolding relative to the growing public consciousness and understanding of structured water, and instead wrote about the passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy (1932-2009) and how it reinforced our perception of likely outcomes when dealing with brain cancer (and cancer in general) under current conventions of medical care. Whether drinking…
Read MoreTed Kennedy's Death 'Validates' a Medical Medusa
Relative to health care, and standards of treatment and outcomes that Americans have come to expect, Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s transition at the age of 77 represents a huge vote for the status quo. He becomes the latest high profile “poster child,” an example for what the public can expect with the best medical care, medical care we agree needs…
Read MoreJim Humble: On the Move, and Still Relevant with MMS
A friend of mine just wrote to me, inquiring about a rumor of a plan to arrest Jim Humble. Jim has far better things to do than get arrested, some of which has, can, or will affect you, especially as so many people gear up their fears about “the pandemic.” Franklin Roosevelt made the statement, “there’s nothing to fear, but…
Read MoreOn Being Beings of Conscious, Powerful Change
In the same way that, on surface appearances, it’s hard to tell the difference between a sunrise and sunset, we are at the threshold of a great awakening, or a greater sleep. What is your view? There is increasing evidence that homo sapiens, also known as humans, are very powerful beings, able to cure themselves of diseases and other life…
Read MoreA Not So Strange Case Involving Water
It’s About What We Don’t See A recent story in the Sacramento Bee chronicles how what innocently started out in January 2007 as a contest on radio station The End (KDND, 107.9 FM) to win a Nintendo Wii game console, has led to death, emotional dysfunction, and inevitable lawsuits. The court case begins August 2009. While the controversy and drama…
Read MoreOn 'Becoming' a Water Structuring Device
I can’t say that I fully appreciate the impact of blogging in general, or my blog in particular, but I do understand that it is part of a shift in behavior patterns (such as the shift away from radio and television over the airwaves to the internet) that is currently in progress. However, I consider it significant when a blogging…
Read MoreSheldan Nidle and Our Unfolding World: The REST of the Conversation
Here are the rest of the excerpts from the conversation I had earlier this year (2009) with Sheldan Nidle. If you’re interested in purchasing this entire conversation on DVD, feel free to contact me. Visualizing Our World After ‘First Contact’ Part 3 [blip.tv ?posts_id=2353256&dest=-1] Part 4 [blip.tv ?posts_id=2354540&dest=-1] Part 5 [blip.tv ?posts_id=2357429&dest=-1] Part 6 [blip.tv ?posts_id=2357492&dest=-1] If you’d like to…
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