Talk For Food Classics: Mark MacAfee

Show #041 — Mark MacAfee We’re a generation that has grown accustomed to warnings and cautions about drinking milk and dairy products, with good reason. However, what we didn’t know was that the milk we were being warned about, is an imposter, and that raw, unpasteurized milk, can throw anyone in ill-health a much needed natural lifeline to recovery. Adam…

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Talk For Food Classics: Sally Fallon

[I have been promising to create an archive of my Talk For Food podcasts that have gone off rotation at WordPress has come to the rescue. I simply had to learn how to post my interviews so that they could be easily listened to.] Show #036 — Sally Fallon Did you know that the body NEEDS us to include…

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Equality as Ideological Linchpin of 'First Contact'

On the surface, the upcoming Sheldan Nidle ( workshop in Montgomery Alabama (July 18-19) would appear to be a study in contrasts. With a theme of “Making Galactic Sense Out of Chaos,” he comes to a place that has, for more than a generation, been attempting to create a community of cultural co-existence out of what had historically been a…

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Getting Structure: On Forming a Healthy Relationship with 'The Water Within'

Water is the first key to every question of chronic disease, and every answer to the restoration of health. It is also one of the most overlooked, and as such, misunderstood. Our status with, and relationship to water should be on the lips of every doctor, dentist, nurse, and any professional that includes the word “health” in their description or…

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An Amplifier of Subtle Energy Understanding

To anyone who has become familiar with my point of view, it is no news flash when I declar that all is energy. This is neither “me” nor “my” opinion, it’s a simple fact. Some opinions are true because they are true. Some opinions are “true” because the persons expousing them think they’re true. That is, until greater truths become demonstrable. It…

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When Cancer Treatment Kills: A Beautiful Life Ends on Sour Note

Cancer is on the world’s mind, due to the recent high profile deaths in the pro basketball community of coach Chuck Daly and former Phoenix Suns forward and jazz recording artist, Wayman Tisdale, and a video documentary on Farrah Faucett that was recently aired on NBC that was watched by over 9 million people. These very public profiles all model…

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A Matter of Choice: The Power of Fear or Love on Swine Flu

In the face of the panic button that has been pushed around the swine flu and its potential implications, it would be wise to consider that the past doesn’t have to repeat itself, and in spite of all the stress-inducing alarmist hype, our worst fears don’t have to happen, and most often do not. The dictum to “remember the past…

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Pandemics, Contagion, and the 'Zone of Flu'

Pasadena, CA — News stories reporting the outbreak and spread of swine flu in Mexico and the U.S. are breaking out like, well, a virus. The public is being “warned” and put “on alert” about what some feel may become a pandemic. The literal meaning of “pandemic,” from its original Greek, is all people. However, the alarm is more significant…

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Jim Humble's Niger Adventure Revealed

A few weeks ago I reported that I’d be visiting Jim Humble, as he had taken a trip to Africa, and wanted to tell what happened. He felt it would be a short conversation, but wanted it to be on video, and I was ready to accommodate, and make it part of my show, Talk For Food. I’ve since produced…

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To 'Consume' or Produce? It Shouldn't be a Question

While I have written two of the greatest books rarely to be read (I Am My Body, NOT! is one), the following quotation is as relevant today as it was when I first wrote it over 12 years ago. The People of the United States are creativity and innovation standard setters of the world because freedoms of speech and trade…

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A Day in the Life: On the Cusp of Quantum of Change

It was a beautiful, sunny day when I left Phoenix for Santa Fe, NM yesterday — this is a sight I had to capture as I drove through the town of Holbrook. They were at a rock shop on the town’s main drag. But snow is the key word for my experience now. Below is a picture of my trusty…

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Keys to Health: Misplaced but Not Lost

Since I started my radio show, Talk for Food, I’ve met many extraordinary people, whom we’ve recognized as kindred, and friends. We’re all extraordinary, and when I say “we,” I’m not referring to “me and my friends,” but all of humanity. You are extraordinary, as well as that man or woman down the street, or that group you think is…

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Humble 7 – The State of MMS Consciousness

I am preparing to journey to Hermosillo for a short visit with Jim Humble, who will tell me, and you, via video, of his recent trip to the African nation of Niger. We will also update our view of where MMS consciousness and acceptance is, less than two years after going public with his book, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of…

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The ABC's of Structured Water

We continue turning our attention to water in general, and structured water in particular, as a factor in the human health matrix. Water is central to any detox program, with structured water being key. This factor is often overlooked, since all water looks alike, and we often tell ourselves that drinking other liquids, from teas, to bottled water, to “energy…

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Why Dr. House Doesn't Prescribe Living Clay

Living clay. It can be used topically. It can be used internally. It can be sprinkled on your granola, or included in a smoothie. It can be added to soups or stews. In each case, using certain living clays will do something that is naturally beneficial for your body. How beneficial? How about drawing toxins to itself like leeches suck…

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De-hydration, Structured Water, and the Abatement of Disease

The importance of hydration cannot be overstated. The role of dehydration as a factor in the onset of an entire spectrum of disease pathologies, is grossly understated. While the makers of Viagra proudly boast that 20 million men have now used the little blue pill, no one is telling us that replenishing the body’s supply of water could have achieved…

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A Letter to President Obama: Thoughts on Health Care

BOOKS & MEDIAWERKS February 27, 2009 President Barack Obama The White House Washington, DC Dear Mr. President, It is noble of you to want to ensure that adequate health insurance coverage is available to all citizens by proposing a plan that would eventually cover the estimated 48 million Americans who are currently without it. HOWEVER, in choosing this particular strategy,…

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Stimulus Alert: NOT the System, but Health Itself

VANCOUVER, BC — For many millions of Americans and members of other nations who subscribe to Western Medical orthodoxy, the value of the term “health care” has shrunk even more precipitously than that of the American dollar, almost to the brink of meaninglessness. According to an Associated Press story, President Obama is poised to present a health care overhaul plan…

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A New Understanding of Water

I am presently reading Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, by Dr. Freydoon Batmanghelidj (1931-2004), a book that was referred to me almost a year ago that I finally got around to. I’m really attempting to read about ten books at once, but this one and How We Heal by Douglas W. Morrison have the bulk of my reading attention…

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International MMS Documentary Adaptation: Parlez vous Francais?

Quietly, but resolutely, MMS awareness is growing and use is expanding. In spite of minor incursions and inconveniences here and there from various governmental agencies, including Health Canada and the FDA, more people are gathering available information about the protocol, and giving themselves new options with regard to restoring their health. My documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble, is…

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